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One: I, even after asking for help, cannot figure out how to make it so when, with a custom item, you travel to my custom dimension. I tried with OnRightClickEvent and with OnItemUse but still couldn't get it to work.


Here's my current code with it (with a null just so I don't have useless code on in my mod)

public class PermianEraTimeBook extends Item
	public PermianEraTimeBook(Properties properties) 
	public ActionResult<ItemStack> onItemRightClick(World worldIn, PlayerEntity playerIn, Hand handIn) 
		return null;
	public void addInformation(ItemStack stack, World worldIn, List<ITextComponent> tooltip, ITooltipFlag flagIn) 
			tooltip.add(new StringTextComponent("\u00A73" + "An old book full of strange symbols (WIP)" + "\u00A74"));
		} else
			tooltip.add(new StringTextComponent("Hold " + "\u00A76" + "Shift" + "\u00A76" + "\u00A7f" + " For More Information"));


Two: I want said custom dimension to have multiple biomes, but no matter what I still only find one biome


Here's the biome provider:

public class PermianBiomeProvider extends BiomeProvider
	private Random rand;
	private static final Set<Biome> biomeList = ImmutableSet.of(BiomeInit.PERMIAN_DESERT.get(), BiomeInit.PERMAIN_MOUNTAINS.get(), BiomeInit.PERMIAN_CONIFER_FOREST.get(), BiomeInit.PERMIAN_FLOOD_BASALT_WASTES.get(), BiomeInit.PERMIAN_VOLCANO.get());

	double biomeSize = 32.0d;
	public PermianBiomeProvider() 
		rand = new Random();
	public Biome getNoiseBiome(int x, int y, int z) 
		return BiomeInit.PERMIAN_DESERT.get();
	public Biome getBiome(List<Biome> biomeList, double noiseVal) 
		for (int i = biomeList.size(); i >= 0; i--) 
			if (noiseVal > (2.0f / biomeList.size()) * i - 1)
				return biomeList.get(i);
		return biomeList.get(biomeList.size() - 1);



First point, you should look at Entity::changeDimension (the one with the ITeleporter instance, server side only).

Second point, I mean it doesn't help when your noise biome is only one biome. Take a look at OverworldBiomeProvider. That should answer your question.

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