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Texturing mobs and armour


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Hey there.. I am having issues getting the textures to work for amour and my mob.


Let's start with the mob:

The code I have:

this.texture = "/EverythingAndMore/textures/mob/Dragoone.png";

with the file location being exactly that, with the file exactly as I have spelled it above.


And now for the armour:

public String getArmorTextureFile(ItemStack itemstack) {

if(itemstack.itemID == Everything_and_More_Mod.DSHelmet.itemID || itemstack.itemID == Everything_and_More_Mod.DSBody.itemID || itemstack.itemID == Everything_and_More_Mod.DSBoots.itemID){

return "EverythingAndMore/textures/armor/DSArmour1.png";



if(itemstack.itemID == Everything_and_More_Mod.DSLegs.itemID){

return "/mods/EverythingAndMore/textures/armor/DSArmour2.png";



else return null;



With the body/boots and helmet being DSArmour1... and legs being DSArmour2... any other info you need just ask.

But both mob and armour render with the white missing texture file.





Why bother?

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Why is the folder the american spelling yet the file the British spelling?

did you write the code/folder names accordingly?

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