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[Solved] [1.16.2] RenderWorldLastEvent Object Render Hidden Through Water

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Posted (edited)

Hey! So after a long break, I'm working on mods again. I'm trying to manually render a TileEntity using the RenderWorldLastEvent for testing purposes (going to be rendering something else entirely once I verify it's working) but I'm down to one last issue that I can't seem to figure out. 


	public static void onRenderTick(RenderWorldLastEvent event) {
		World clientWorld = Minecraft.getInstance().world;
		if (clientWorld != null) {
			TileWrapperWorldData worldData = clientWorld.getCapability(CapabilityWorldTileWrapper.TILE_WRAPPER_CAPABILITY).orElseGet(null);
			if (worldData != null) {
				GameRenderer gameRenderer = Minecraft.getInstance().gameRenderer;
				ActiveRenderInfo activeRenderInfo = gameRenderer.getActiveRenderInfo();
				Vector3d projectedView = activeRenderInfo.getProjectedView();
				Impl renderTypeBuffer = IRenderTypeBuffer.getImpl(Tessellator.getInstance().getBuffer());
				int i = OverlayTexture.NO_OVERLAY;
				double d0 = projectedView.getX();
				double d1 = projectedView.getY();
				double d2 = projectedView.getZ();
				MatrixStack matrixStack = event.getMatrixStack();
				for (TileWrapperContainer wrapper : worldData.loadedTileWrapperList.values()) {
					BlockPos pos = wrapper.getPos().up();
					BellTileEntity test = TileEntityType.BELL.create();
					test.setWorldAndPos(clientWorld, pos);
					matrixStack.translate((double) pos.getX() - d0, (double) pos.getY() - d1, (double) pos.getZ() - d2);
					TileEntityRendererDispatcher.instance.renderItem(test, matrixStack, renderTypeBuffer, WorldRenderer.getCombinedLight(clientWorld, test.getPos()), i);


Here's the render code. 


Normally, this is how it looks. This is what I expect it to look like, so that's good. All three bells accounted for! :)



However, when I go under water...



It's sorta hard to tell from the picture, but none of the bells are visible anymore. 


I've tested using other transparent things like Glass, Sugar Cane, Web, Fences, etc. but the bells are visible through all of them except water. 


I've tried adding all sorts of RenderSystem changes before the rendering of my bells, but it didn't seem to do much except make the bells themselves see-through.


Does anybody know what I'm missing so I can finally see my bells through the water? Kind of going crazy atm. Thanks!

Edited by Zetal

Have a modding question? PM me and hopefully I'll be able to help. Good at 2d Pixel Art? We need your help!  http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1806355-looking-for-2d-pixel-artist/

Posted (edited)

Got it working. :) 



I couldn't use the RenderWorldLastEvent, since that was happening after the water was rendered.


Instead, I used the next closest event that occurred before water rendering while still being after the RenderSystem.clear(16640) call.. which, strangely enough, was the EntityViewRenderEvent.FogDensity event.


	public static void onRenderTick(EntityViewRenderEvent.FogDensity event) {
		ClientWorld clientWorld = Minecraft.getInstance().world;
		// checks if the world exists, and checks the fogtype just so we don't do the rendering twice unnecessarily
		if (clientWorld != null && event.getType() == FogType.FOG_TERRAIN) {
			TileWrapperWorldData worldData = clientWorld.getCapability(CapabilityWorldTileWrapper.TILE_WRAPPER_CAPABILITY).orElseGet(null);
			if (worldData != null) {
				// creates and rotates the matrixstack to match tileentity rendering
				MatrixStack matrixStack = new MatrixStack();
				event.getInfo().setAnglesInternal(event.getInfo().getYaw(), event.getInfo().getPitch());
				matrixStack.rotate(Vector3f.YP.rotationDegrees(event.getInfo().getYaw() + 180.0F));

				// fixes the lighting to match tileentity rendering
				if (clientWorld.func_239132_a_().func_239217_c_()) {
				} else {

				// normal rendering
				Vector3d projectedView = event.getInfo().getProjectedView();
				Impl renderTypeBuffer = IRenderTypeBuffer.getImpl(Tessellator.getInstance().getBuffer());
				int i = OverlayTexture.NO_OVERLAY;
				double d0 = projectedView.getX();
				double d1 = projectedView.getY();
				double d2 = projectedView.getZ();
				for (TileWrapperContainer wrapper : worldData.loadedTileWrapperList.values()) {
					BlockPos pos = wrapper.getPos().up();
					BellTileEntity test = TileEntityType.BELL.create();
					test.setWorldAndPos(clientWorld, pos);
					matrixStack.translate((double) pos.getX() - d0, (double) pos.getY() - d1, (double) pos.getZ() - d2);
					TileEntityRendererDispatcher.instance.renderItem(test, matrixStack, renderTypeBuffer, WorldRenderer.getCombinedLight(clientWorld, test.getPos()), i);



Note that I had to do a bit of extra preparatory work to make it behave as expected, but it's working nicely, so that's that.

Edited by Zetal

Have a modding question? PM me and hopefully I'll be able to help. Good at 2d Pixel Art? We need your help!  http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1806355-looking-for-2d-pixel-artist/

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