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Hello all!


So I am trying to make an entity that beats minecraft. I tried using the entity class to make the entity do stuff, but now I am moving to making a custom mob goal. My problem is that the entity is supposed to move to a position, but doesn't.


Entity Code:

package com.jaegalaxy.illi.entities;

import com.jaegalaxy.illi.ai.BotEntityNewAI;
import net.minecraft.entity.*;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.goal.MeleeAttackGoal;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.goal.NearestAttackableTargetGoal;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.goal.SwimGoal;
import net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity;
import net.minecraft.entity.monster.EndermanEntity;
import net.minecraft.entity.monster.BlazeEntity;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.DamageSource;
import net.minecraft.util.SoundEvent;
import net.minecraft.util.SoundEvents;
import net.minecraft.world.World;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class BotEntity extends CreatureEntity
    public List<ItemStack> itemStackList = Arrays.asList();

    public BotEntity(EntityType<? extends BotEntity> type, World worldIn)
        super(type, worldIn);

    protected void registerAttributes() {

    protected void registerGoals() {
        this.goalSelector.addGoal(0, new SwimGoal(this));
        this.goalSelector.addGoal(0, new BotEntityNewAI(this));
        this.goalSelector.addGoal(1, new MeleeAttackGoal(this, 0.25f, true));
        this.goalSelector.addGoal(2, new NearestAttackableTargetGoal<>(this, BlazeEntity.class, false));
        this.goalSelector.addGoal(2, new NearestAttackableTargetGoal<>(this, EndermanEntity.class, false));

    public void onDeath(DamageSource cause)
        System.out.println("BOT HAS DIED");

            for (ItemStack stacky : itemStackList)
                ItemEntity stackyEntity = new ItemEntity(world, getPosX(), getPosY(), getPosZ(), stacky);

    protected SoundEvent getHurtSound(DamageSource damageSourceIn) {
        return SoundEvents.ENTITY_PLAYER_HURT;

    protected SoundEvent getDeathSound() {
        return SoundEvents.ENTITY_PLAYER_DEATH;

    //public boolean canAttackClass(Class par1Class)
      //  return EntityCreeper.class != par1Class && EntityGhast.class != par1Class;

Goal Code:

package com.jaegalaxy.illi.ai;

import com.jaegalaxy.illi.entities.BotEntity;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockState;
import net.minecraft.block.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.goal.Goal;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.item.Items;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;

public class BotEntityNewAI extends Goal
    public BotEntity MyEntity;

    private final float SPEED = 0.23f;

    private BlockPos CraftingTablePos;

    private boolean foundTree = false; // whether or not we have found a tree
    private BlockPos nearestTree; // where the nearest tree is
    private int tryfindtreerepeats = 5; // how many times we want to find and break a tree

    private Block mineForBlock;
    private boolean startMining = false;
    private boolean movingtomine = false;
    private BlockPos mineStart;
    private BlockPos movingToMinePos;
    private boolean afterMiningMove = false;

    private boolean smeltingIron = false;
    private int ticksSinceStartedSmeltingIron = 0;

    private boolean goingToWater = false;
    private BlockPos WaterPos;
    private boolean goingToLava = false;
    private BlockPos LavaPos;

    private boolean waitingForNPortal = false;
    private boolean goingToPortalAfterBuilt = false;
    private BlockPos OGPortalPos;
    private boolean WTSAGIP = false;
    private int WTSAGIP_ticks = 0;

    boolean findingBlazes = false;
    BlockPos blazeLocation;

    boolean tryingToKill = false;

    public BotEntityNewAI(BotEntity botEntity) {
        MyEntity = botEntity;

    public boolean shouldExecute()
        return true;

    public void startExecuting()
        // TODO start executing
        System.out.println("BOT HAS SPAWNED AND WILL NOW START");

    void TryFindTree() // we want to find a tree.
        System.out.println("TRYING TO FIND A TREE");
        foundTree = false; // we have not found a tree
        nearestTree = FindBlock(Blocks.OAK_LOG, 10); // we want to find the nearest tree
        MyEntity.getNavigator().tryMoveToXYZ(nearestTree.getX() - 1, nearestTree.getY(), nearestTree.getZ() - 1, SPEED); // get to the tree

    void TryBreakTree() // we want to break a tree.
        System.out.println("TRYING TO BREAK A TREE");
        MyEntity.world.setBlockState(nearestTree, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState()); // mine the wood
        MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Items.OAK_LOG)); // mmm get that nice tasty wood

    void TryCraftOakPlanks() // 4 oak planks = 1 oak log. do this for every log!
        System.out.println("TRYING TO CRAFT OAK PLANKS");
        for(ItemStack stacky : MyEntity.itemStackList){ // repeat for each item in the bot's inventory
            if(stacky.equals(new ItemStack(Items.OAK_LOG))){ // if the bot has oak log
                MyEntity.itemStackList.remove(stacky); // take away the oak logs
                MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Items.OAK_PLANKS)); // give the bot wooden planks
                MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Items.OAK_PLANKS)); // give the bot wooden planks
                MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Items.OAK_PLANKS)); // give the bot wooden planks
                MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Items.OAK_PLANKS)); // give the bot wooden planks
                // these planks will be used for sticks and such

        TryCraftCraftingTable(); // craft a crafting table

    void TryCraftCraftingTable() // crafting table = 4 oak planks.
        int loops = 4; // do this once
        for(ItemStack stacky : MyEntity.itemStackList){ // repeat for each item in the bot's inventory
            if(stacky.equals(new ItemStack(Items.OAK_PLANKS))){ // if the bot has oak planks
                if(loops > 0) { // if we have not looped enough
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.remove(stacky); // take away the oak plank
                    loops--; // we have looped
        MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Items.CRAFTING_TABLE)); // give the bot a crafting table

        TryPlaceCraftingTable(); // place a crafting table

    void TryPlaceCraftingTable() // place crafting table. do this until a crafting table is crafted
        BlockPos craftpos = new BlockPos(MyEntity.getPosX(), MyEntity.getPosY(), MyEntity.getPosZ() +1 );
        int loops = 1; // do this once
        MyEntity.world.setBlockState(craftpos, Blocks.CRAFTING_TABLE.getDefaultState());
        for(ItemStack stacky : MyEntity.itemStackList){ // repeat for each item in the bot's inventory
            if(stacky.equals(new ItemStack(Items.CRAFTING_TABLE))){ // if the bot has crafting table
                if(loops > 0) { // if we have not looped enough
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.remove(stacky); // take away the crafting table
                    loops--; // we have looped
        MyEntity.world.setBlockState(craftpos, Blocks.CRAFTING_TABLE.getDefaultState()); // place the crafting table
        CraftingTablePos = craftpos;
        TryCraftSomeSticks(); // craft those sticks!

    void TryCraftSomeSticks() // 8 sticks = 4 oak planks
        int loops = 2; // do this twice
        for(ItemStack stacky : MyEntity.itemStackList) { // repeat for each item in the bot's inventory
            if (stacky.equals(new ItemStack(Items.OAK_PLANKS))) { // if the bot has oak planks
                if (loops > 0) { // if we have not looped enough
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.remove(stacky); // take away an oak plank
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.remove(stacky); // take away an oak plank
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Items.CRAFTING_TABLE)); // give the bot a crafting table
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Items.CRAFTING_TABLE)); // give the bot a crafting table
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Items.CRAFTING_TABLE)); // give the bot a crafting table
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Items.CRAFTING_TABLE)); // give the bot a crafting table

        TryCraftPickaxe(); // craft a pickaxe...

    void TryCraftPickaxe()
        int loops = 3; // do this 3 times
        for(ItemStack stacky : MyEntity.itemStackList) { // repeat for each item in the bot's inventory
            if (stacky.equals(new ItemStack(Items.OAK_PLANKS))) { // if the bot has oak planks
                if (loops > 0) { // if we have not looped enough
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.remove(stacky); // take away an oak plank
                    loops--; // we have looped

        // TAKE AWAY STICKS!
        int loops2 = 2; // do this twice
        for(ItemStack stacky : MyEntity.itemStackList) { // repeat for each item in the bot's inventory
            if (stacky.equals(new ItemStack(Items.STICK))) { // if the bot has stick
                if (loops2 > 0) { // if we have not looped enough
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.remove(stacky); // take away stick
                    loops2--; // we have looped

        MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Items.WOODEN_PICKAXE)); // give the bot a pickaxe


    void TryMineForCobble()

    void TryCraftStonePickaxe()
        // repeat for each item in the bot's inventory
        // if the bot has cobblestone
        // take it away
        MyEntity.itemStackList.removeIf(stacky -> stacky.equals(new ItemStack(Items.COBBLESTONE)));
        int loops = 2;
        for(ItemStack stacky : MyEntity.itemStackList){ // repeat for each item in the bot's inventory
            if(stacky.equals(new ItemStack(Items.STICK))){ // if the bot has sticks
                if(loops > 0) {
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.remove(stacky); // take it away

        MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Items.STONE_PICKAXE)); // give the bot a pickaxe


    void TryMineMoreForIron()

    void SmeltIron()
        // craft a furnace using cobblestone collected

    void SI_CraftFurnace()
        MyEntity.itemStackList.removeIf(stacky -> stacky.equals(new ItemStack(Items.COBBLESTONE)));
        int loops = 8;
        for(ItemStack stacky : MyEntity.itemStackList){ // repeat for each item in the bot's inventory
            if(stacky.equals(new ItemStack(Items.COBBLESTONE))){ // if the bot has cobblestone
                if(loops > 0) {
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.remove(stacky); // take it away

        BlockPos furnacePos = new BlockPos(CraftingTablePos.getX() - 1, CraftingTablePos.getY(), CraftingTablePos.getZ());
        MyEntity.world.setBlockState(furnacePos, Blocks.FURNACE.getDefaultState());


    void SI_StartSmeltIron()
        smeltingIron = true;

    void SI_HandleSmeltSystemAndCraftIronBucket()
        // remove items used for smelting
        MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Items.IRON_INGOT)); // give the bot an iron ingot
        MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Items.IRON_INGOT)); // give the bot an iron ingot
        MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Items.IRON_INGOT)); // give the bot an iron ingot

        int loops = 3;
        for(ItemStack stacky : MyEntity.itemStackList){ // repeat for each item in the bot's inventory
            if(stacky.equals(new ItemStack(Items.OAK_PLANKS))){ // if the bot has cobblestone
                if(loops > 0) {
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.remove(stacky); // take it away

        int loops2 = 3;
        for(ItemStack stacky : MyEntity.itemStackList){ // repeat for each item in the bot's inventory
            if(stacky.equals(new ItemStack(Items.IRON_INGOT))){ // if the bot has cobblestone
                if(loops2 > 0) {
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.remove(stacky); // take it away

        MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Items.BUCKET)); // give the bot an iron ingot


    void AfterwardsCraftAStoneSwordPlease()
        // use the crafting algorithm to make a stone sword
        int loops = 2; // do this twice
        for(ItemStack stacky : MyEntity.itemStackList) { // repeat for each item in the bot's inventory
            if (stacky.equals(new ItemStack(Items.COBBLESTONE))) { // if the bot has oak planks
                if (loops > 0) { // if we have not looped enough
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.remove(stacky); // take away an oak plank
                    loops--; // we have looped

        // TAKE AWAY STICKS!
        int loops2 = 1; // do this once
        for(ItemStack stacky : MyEntity.itemStackList) { // repeat for each item in the bot's inventory
            if (stacky.equals(new ItemStack(Items.STICK))) { // if the bot has stick
                if (loops2 > 0) { // if we have not looped enough
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.remove(stacky); // take away stick
                    loops2--; // we have looped

        MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Items.STONE_SWORD)); // give the bot a sword

    void FindWater()
        // set destination to water and wait
        BlockPos waterPos = FindBlock(Blocks.WATER, 100);
        MyEntity.getNavigator().tryMoveToXYZ(waterPos.getX(), waterPos.getY(), waterPos.getZ(), 0.23f);
        WaterPos = new BlockPos(waterPos.getX() - 1, waterPos.getY(), waterPos.getZ());
        goingToWater = true;

    void FillBucketWithWater()
        // get some water in the bucket!
        BlockPos actualwaterpos = new BlockPos(WaterPos.getX() + 1, WaterPos.getY(), WaterPos.getZ());
        MyEntity.world.setBlockState(actualwaterpos, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState());

        int loops = 1;
        for(ItemStack stacky : MyEntity.itemStackList){ // repeat for each item in the bot's inventory
            if(stacky.equals(new ItemStack(Items.BUCKET))){ // if the bot has bucket
                if(loops > 0) {
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.remove(stacky); // take it away
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Items.WATER_BUCKET)); // give the bot a water bucket


    void FindLava()
        // set destination to lava and wait
        BlockPos _lavaPos = FindBlock(Blocks.LAVA, 100);
        MyEntity.getNavigator().tryMoveToXYZ(_lavaPos.getX()-7, _lavaPos.getY(), _lavaPos.getZ()-7, 0.23f);
        LavaPos = new BlockPos(_lavaPos.getX()-7, _lavaPos.getY(), _lavaPos.getZ()-7);
        goingToLava = true;

    void CreatePortal()
        // follow the slightly complex algorithm to build a portal

        // make a hole (2x1x2)
        BlockPos pos1 = new BlockPos(LavaPos.getX(), LavaPos.getY(), LavaPos.getZ());
        BlockPos pos2 = new BlockPos(LavaPos.getX(), LavaPos.getY(), LavaPos.getZ()+1);
        BlockPos pos3 = new BlockPos(LavaPos.getX()+1, LavaPos.getY(), LavaPos.getZ());
        BlockPos pos4 = new BlockPos(LavaPos.getX()+1, LavaPos.getY(), LavaPos.getZ()+1);


        // make a wall (2x3x1)
        BlockPos PP1 = new BlockPos(LavaPos.getX()-1, LavaPos.getY()+1, LavaPos.getZ());
        BlockPos PP2 = new BlockPos(LavaPos.getX()-1, LavaPos.getY()+2, LavaPos.getZ());
        BlockPos PP3 = new BlockPos(LavaPos.getX()-1, LavaPos.getY()+3, LavaPos.getZ());
        BlockPos PP4 = new BlockPos(LavaPos.getX()-1, LavaPos.getY()+1, LavaPos.getZ()+1);
        BlockPos PP5 = new BlockPos(LavaPos.getX()-1, LavaPos.getY()+2, LavaPos.getZ()+1);
        BlockPos PP6 = new BlockPos(LavaPos.getX()-1, LavaPos.getY()+3, LavaPos.getZ()+1);

        CP_PlaceBLock(PP1, Blocks.COBBLESTONE);
        CP_PlaceBLock(PP2, Blocks.COBBLESTONE);
        CP_PlaceBLock(PP3, Blocks.COBBLESTONE);
        CP_PlaceBLock(PP4, Blocks.COBBLESTONE);
        CP_PlaceBLock(PP5, Blocks.COBBLESTONE);
        CP_PlaceBLock(PP6, Blocks.COBBLESTONE);

        // pour some water
        BlockPos WP = new BlockPos(LavaPos.getX()-1, LavaPos.getY()+4, LavaPos.getZ()+1);


        // fill bucket with lava and empty it repeatedly!
        BlockPos EP1 = new BlockPos(LavaPos.getX(), LavaPos.getY()+1, LavaPos.getZ()-1);
        BlockPos EP2 = new BlockPos(LavaPos.getX(), LavaPos.getY()+2, LavaPos.getZ()-1);
        BlockPos EP3 = new BlockPos(LavaPos.getX(), LavaPos.getY()+3, LavaPos.getZ()-1);
        BlockPos EP4 = new BlockPos(LavaPos.getX(), LavaPos.getY()+4, LavaPos.getZ());
        BlockPos EP5 = new BlockPos(LavaPos.getX(), LavaPos.getY()+1, LavaPos.getZ()+2);
        BlockPos EP6 = new BlockPos(LavaPos.getX(), LavaPos.getY()+2, LavaPos.getZ()+2);
        BlockPos EP7 = new BlockPos(LavaPos.getX(), LavaPos.getY()+3, LavaPos.getZ()+2);
        BlockPos EP8 = new BlockPos(LavaPos.getX(), LavaPos.getY()+4, LavaPos.getZ()+1);
        BlockPos EP9 = new BlockPos(LavaPos.getX(), LavaPos.getY(), LavaPos.getZ());
        BlockPos EP10 = new BlockPos(LavaPos.getX(), LavaPos.getY(), LavaPos.getZ()+1);

        CP_FillLavaBucket(FindBlock(Blocks.LAVA, 25));
        CP_FillLavaBucket(FindBlock(Blocks.LAVA, 25));
        CP_FillLavaBucket(FindBlock(Blocks.LAVA, 25));
        CP_FillLavaBucket(FindBlock(Blocks.LAVA, 25));
        CP_FillLavaBucket(FindBlock(Blocks.LAVA, 25));
        CP_FillLavaBucket(FindBlock(Blocks.LAVA, 25));
        CP_FillLavaBucket(FindBlock(Blocks.LAVA, 25));
        CP_FillLavaBucket(FindBlock(Blocks.LAVA, 25));
        CP_FillLavaBucket(FindBlock(Blocks.LAVA, 25));
        CP_FillLavaBucket(FindBlock(Blocks.LAVA, 25));

        // use an algorithm to set the portal on fire - run IgnitePortal()
        IgnitePortal(EP10, EP9);

    void CP_EmptyWaterBucket(BlockPos emptyPos)
        // replace water bucket with regular bucket
        int loops = 1;
        for(ItemStack stacky : MyEntity.itemStackList){ // repeat for each item in the bot's inventory
            if(stacky.equals(new ItemStack(Items.WATER_BUCKET))){ // if the bot has water bucket
                if(loops > 0) {
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.remove(stacky); // take it away
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Items.BUCKET)); // give the bot a bucket

        // put down water at "emptyPos"
        MyEntity.world.setBlockState(emptyPos, Blocks.WATER.getDefaultState());

    void CP_FillLavaBucket(BlockPos fillPos)
        // replace bucket with lava bucket
        int loops = 1;
        for(ItemStack stacky : MyEntity.itemStackList){ // repeat for each item in the bot's inventory
            if(stacky.equals(new ItemStack(Items.BUCKET))){ // if the bot has bucket
                if(loops > 0) {
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.remove(stacky); // take it away
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Items.LAVA_BUCKET)); // give the bot a lava bucket

        // replace lava at "fillPos" with air
        MyEntity.world.setBlockState(fillPos, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState());

    void CP_EmptyLavaBucket(BlockPos emptyPos)
        // replace lava bucket with regular bucket
        int loops = 1;
        for(ItemStack stacky : MyEntity.itemStackList){ // repeat for each item in the bot's inventory
            if(stacky.equals(new ItemStack(Items.LAVA_BUCKET))){ // if the bot has lava bucket
                if(loops > 0) {
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.remove(stacky); // take it away
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Items.BUCKET)); // give the bot a bucket

        // put down lava at "emptyPos"
        MyEntity.world.setBlockState(emptyPos, Blocks.LAVA.getDefaultState());

    void CP_MineBlock(BlockPos blockPos)
        // give the bot the block that will be removed
        MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(MyEntity.world.getBlockState(blockPos).getBlock()))); // give the bot a bucket

        // replace block at "blockPos" with air
        MyEntity.world.setBlockState(blockPos, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState());

    void CP_PlaceBLock(BlockPos placePos, Block blockToPlace)
        // remove "blockToPlace" from the bot's inv.
        int loops = 1;
        for(ItemStack stacky : MyEntity.itemStackList) { // repeat for each item in the bot's inventory
            if (stacky.equals(new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(blockToPlace)))) { // if the bot has lava bucket
                if (loops > 0) {
                    MyEntity.itemStackList.remove(stacky); // take it away

        // place that block at "placePos"
        MyEntity.world.setBlockState(placePos, blockToPlace.getDefaultState());

    void IgnitePortal(BlockPos portalBottomRight, BlockPos portalBottomLeft)
        // replace a block behind the bottom of the portal with lava (left I guess)
        CP_FillLavaBucket(FindBlock(Blocks.LAVA, 25));
        CP_PlaceBLock(portalBottomLeft, Blocks.LAVA);

        // place wooden planks right above it
        BlockPos PBRA = new BlockPos(portalBottomRight.getX()-1, portalBottomRight.getY()+1, portalBottomRight.getZ());
        BlockPos PBLA = new BlockPos(portalBottomLeft.getX()-1, portalBottomLeft.getY()+1, portalBottomLeft.getZ());

        CP_PlaceBLock(PBRA, Blocks.OAK_PLANKS);
        CP_PlaceBLock(PBLA, Blocks.OAK_PLANKS);

        // wait for the portal to ignite
        waitingForNPortal = true;

    void FindBlazes()
        // set destination to a blaze spawner and wait
        BlockPos blazePos = FindBlock(Blocks.SPAWNER, 100);
        BlockPos newBlazePos = new BlockPos(blazePos.getX(), blazePos.getY() + 1, blazePos.getZ());
        MyEntity.getNavigator().tryMoveToXYZ(newBlazePos.getX(), newBlazePos.getY(), newBlazePos.getZ(), 0.23f);
        blazeLocation = newBlazePos;
        findingBlazes = true;

    void Kill(Entity entity)

    void moveToKill(Entity entity)
        MyEntity.getNavigator().tryMoveToEntityLiving(entity, 0.23f); // this may not work...

    public void tick() // called every 1/20 of a second
        //super.tick(); // makes sure the parent "Goal" does all it needs to do in tick TODO possibly uncomment



            BlockPos pos = FindBlock(Blocks.NETHER_PORTAL, 10);
            if(pos != MyEntity.getPosition())
                waitingForNPortal = false;
                OGPortalPos = pos;
                MyEntity.getNavigator().tryMoveToXYZ(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ(), 0.23f);
                goingToPortalAfterBuilt = true;

            if(MyEntity.getPosition() == OGPortalPos)
                goingToPortalAfterBuilt = false;
                WTSAGIP = true;

            if(WTSAGIP_ticks >= 200)
                WTSAGIP = false;

            if(MyEntity.getPosition() == WaterPos)
                goingToWater = false;

            if(MyEntity.getPosition() == LavaPos)
                goingToWater = false;

        if(smeltingIron) {
            if(ticksSinceStartedSmeltingIron >= 60)
                smeltingIron = false;

        if(!foundTree) // updates whether or not we have found a tree
            if(MyEntity.getPosition().equals(new BlockPos(nearestTree.getX() - 1, MyEntity.getPosY(), nearestTree.getZ() - 1)))
                foundTree = true; // we have gotten to the tree
                tryfindtreerepeats--; // we have "repeated"
                if(tryfindtreerepeats <= 0) // if we have repeated enough...
                    TryCraftOakPlanks(); // craft some oak planks
                else { // otherwise...
                    TryBreakTree(); // break the tree we found
                    TryFindTree(); // find a new tree

            if(MyEntity.getPosition() == new BlockPos(mineStart.getX() - 1, MyEntity.getPosY(), mineStart.getZ() - 1))
                startMining = false;

            if(MyEntity.getPosition() == movingToMinePos)

            if(MyEntity.getPosition() == new BlockPos(CraftingTablePos.getX(), CraftingTablePos.getY(), CraftingTablePos.getZ() - 1))
                afterMiningMove = false;
                if(mineForBlock == Blocks.COBBLESTONE)
                else if (mineForBlock == Blocks.IRON_ORE)


    void CheckBlocksNearAndMine(Block checkfordis)
        BlockPos blockabove = new BlockPos(MyEntity.getPosX(), MyEntity.getPosY() +1, MyEntity.getPosZ());
        BlockPos blockbelow = new BlockPos(MyEntity.getPosX(), MyEntity.getPosY() -1, MyEntity.getPosZ());
        BlockPos blockNZ = new BlockPos(MyEntity.getPosX(), MyEntity.getPosY(), MyEntity.getPosZ() -1);
        BlockPos blockPZ = new BlockPos(MyEntity.getPosX(), MyEntity.getPosY(), MyEntity.getPosZ() +1);
        BlockPos blockNX = new BlockPos(MyEntity.getPosX() -1, MyEntity.getPosY(), MyEntity.getPosZ());
        BlockPos blockPX = new BlockPos(MyEntity.getPosX() +1, MyEntity.getPosY(), MyEntity.getPosZ());
        BlockPos blockabovetwo = new BlockPos(MyEntity.getPosX(), MyEntity.getPosY() +2, MyEntity.getPosZ());
        if(MyEntity.world.getBlockState(blockabove) == checkfordis.getDefaultState())
            MyEntity.world.setBlockState(blockabove, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState());
            MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(checkfordis))); // give the bot stuff
        if(MyEntity.world.getBlockState(blockbelow) == checkfordis.getDefaultState())
            MyEntity.world.setBlockState(blockbelow, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState());
            MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(checkfordis))); // give the bot stuff
        if(MyEntity.world.getBlockState(blockNZ) == checkfordis.getDefaultState())
            MyEntity.world.setBlockState(blockNZ, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState());
            MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(checkfordis))); // give the bot stuff
        if(MyEntity.world.getBlockState(blockPZ) == checkfordis.getDefaultState())
            MyEntity.world.setBlockState(blockPZ, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState());
            MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(checkfordis))); // give the bot stuff
        if(MyEntity.world.getBlockState(blockNX) == checkfordis.getDefaultState())
            MyEntity.world.setBlockState(blockNX, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState());
            MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(checkfordis))); // give the bot stuff
        if(MyEntity.world.getBlockState(blockPX) == checkfordis.getDefaultState())
            MyEntity.world.setBlockState(blockPX, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState());
            MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(checkfordis))); // give the bot stuff
        if(MyEntity.world.getBlockState(blockabovetwo) == checkfordis.getDefaultState())
            MyEntity.world.setBlockState(blockabovetwo, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState());
            MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(checkfordis))); // give the bot stuff

    BlockPos FindBlock(Block targetBlock, int radius) // finds the nearest block of a type
        System.out.println("TRYING TO FIND A BLOCK OF TYPE " + targetBlock.toString() + ", WITH A CURRENT RADIUS OF " + radius);
        BlockPos closestPos = null;
        BlockPos checkPos;

        for (int x = (int)MyEntity.getPosX()-radius; x < (int)MyEntity.getPosX()+radius; x++)
            for (int y = (int)MyEntity.getPosY()-radius; y < (int)MyEntity.getPosY()+radius; y++)
                for (int z = (int)MyEntity.getPosZ()-radius; z < (int)MyEntity.getPosZ()+radius; z++)
                    checkPos = new BlockPos(x, y, z);
                    if (MyEntity.world.getBlockState(checkPos).getBlock() == targetBlock)
                        // check if it is closer than any previously found position
                        if (closestPos == null ||
                                MyEntity.getDistanceSq((int)MyEntity.getPosX() - checkPos.getX(),
                                        (int)MyEntity.getPosY() - checkPos.getY(),
                                        (int)MyEntity.getPosZ() - checkPos.getZ())
                                        < MyEntity.getDistanceSq((int)MyEntity.getPosX() - closestPos.getX(),
                                        (int)MyEntity.getPosY() - closestPos.getY(),
                                        (int)MyEntity.getPosZ() - closestPos.getZ()))
                            closestPos = checkPos;
        if(MyEntity.world.getBlockState(closestPos) != targetBlock.getDefaultState())
            System.out.println("TRYING TO FIND A NEW BLOCK");
            return FindBlock(targetBlock, radius + 20);
            System.out.println("WE FOUND A BLOCK");
            return closestPos;

    void StartMine(Block newBlock)
        mineForBlock = newBlock;
        MyEntity.getNavigator().tryMoveToXYZ(MyEntity.getPosX(), MyEntity.getPosY(), MyEntity.getPosZ() - 2, 0.23f);
        mineStart = new BlockPos(MyEntity.getPosX(), MyEntity.getPosY(), MyEntity.getPosZ() - 2);
        startMining = true;

    void MineInMine()
        movingtomine = false;
        BlockPos topblock = new BlockPos(MyEntity.getPosX(), MyEntity.getPosY() + 1, MyEntity.getPosZ() + 1);
        BlockPos midblock = new BlockPos(MyEntity.getPosX(), MyEntity.getPosY(), MyEntity.getPosZ() + 1);
        BlockPos lowblock = new BlockPos(MyEntity.getPosX(), MyEntity.getPosY() - 1, MyEntity.getPosZ() + 1);
        BlockState topblockOG = MyEntity.world.getBlockState(topblock);
        BlockState midblockOG = MyEntity.world.getBlockState(midblock);
        BlockState lowblockOG = MyEntity.world.getBlockState(lowblock);
        MyEntity.world.setBlockState(topblock, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState());
        MyEntity.world.setBlockState(midblock, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState());
        MyEntity.world.setBlockState(lowblock, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState());
        MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(topblockOG.getBlock()))); // give the bot stuff
        MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(midblockOG.getBlock()))); // give the bot stuff
        MyEntity.itemStackList.add(new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(lowblockOG.getBlock()))); // give the bot stuff
        if(!HasAmountOfItem(Items.COBBLESTONE, 3) && mineForBlock == Blocks.COBBLESTONE)
            MyEntity.getNavigator().tryMoveToXYZ(lowblock.getX(), lowblock.getY(), lowblock.getZ(), 0.23f);
            movingToMinePos = lowblock;
            movingtomine = true;
        }else if (!HasAmountOfItem(Items.IRON_ORE, 3) && mineForBlock == Blocks.IRON_ORE)
            MyEntity.getNavigator().tryMoveToXYZ(lowblock.getX(), lowblock.getY(), lowblock.getZ(), 0.23f);
            movingToMinePos = lowblock;
            movingtomine = true;

    void AfterMine()
        MyEntity.getNavigator().tryMoveToXYZ(CraftingTablePos.getX(), CraftingTablePos.getY(), CraftingTablePos.getZ() - 1, 0.23f);
        afterMiningMove = true;

    boolean HasAmountOfItem(Item checkForItem, int amountOfItem)
        int amountfound = 0;
        for(ItemStack stacky : MyEntity.itemStackList){ // repeat for each item in the bot's inventory
            if(stacky.equals(new ItemStack(checkForItem))) { // if the bot has oak log
        if(amountfound >= amountOfItem)
            return true;
            return false;


Any help is appreciated!

Edited by JJ Revans
43 minutes ago, JJ Revans said:

So I am trying to make an entity that beats minecraft

You should probably not do what you're doing. This basically says: here, try and do everything within a single tick and all at once. I'm not sure if the brain system exists yet, but this type of system is more appropriate for that over what you are doing now. This is not to mention, there are already goals that do what you are looking for correctly rather than continually executing a statement over and over again with no AI finish ever happening. You expect everything to be done in a single tick, and that's not how logic works.


I've taken into account what you have said ChampionAsh.


I will definitely find a better way to do this. Until then, do you know why the 


doesn't work?


Two reasons, tree not close enough so an endless loop cycles or position gets reset every tick not giving the navigator enough time to move. As I said before, you assume the entity is going to move from one location to another in a single tick. That's not how logic works. Cramming an entire brain system into a single goal is almost impossible without hundreds and hundreds of checks.

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