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[1.16] Change blockstate of a specific block in world


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I want to have a block, which will take on a texture of a block which player holds in hand if he right clicks on the block placed in the world. So far I got it to change as I like, but it changes all blocks instead of just the single one I clicked on. I suspect, it's because the blocks in game are all just a single object instance and world just has bunch on references to it.


How can I then change the single blockstate (or rather, it's texture, if it helps) ? Do I need to create some kind of registry, which will remember block positions and their blockstates and load the blockstate based on the block position ? Is there something more optimal, because if I have a arraylist of, let's say, 2k block positions and their block states which I need update every so often, I think it's gonna get slow real quick. Or if this IS the best way, then how can I save the registry, so after server restarts, it's gonna remember them?

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58 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

You need to add a TileEntity to your block to store arbitrary data.

Is this the optimal way? The blocks should be used as a normal/basic building block, so there may be hundreds or maybe even a thousands of them in a single chunk.

Edited by FluffyDiscord
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That is the only way. All blockstates are calculated on registration, so there is no way to save that to a single blockstate.

If there are that many, you may need to rethink your approach.

You could maybe store a chunk capability with a map of blockpos -> blockstate, but I'm not sure that would save you much (after all, that is what the world saves). And you'd have a much harder time sorting out the rendering.

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I tried to add a tile entity to the block, but I don't think it works properly. The tile entity I have seem to be missing read() function to overwrite for NBT tag data, so I tried deserializeNBT() and serializeNBT(), but I don't think that's the correct way. Also with that, my model class doesn't seems to be working - the block is not changing texture as it should. Do I need to register my IBakedModel somewhere ?


SC is here: https://github.com/FluffyDiscord/blocks-mod

The code is somewhat taken from some 1.15 example mod.


Anyone who can take a bit of their time and help me out with explaining a bit (via PM here or Discord) ?

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2 minutes ago, Alpvax said:

Check out TheGreyGhost's MBE04: Dynamic_block_models. It does almost exactly what you want (make sure you understand, not just copy-paste).

That's the one I have been following, but if I do follow it, I run into issue, where the IBakedModel's getQuads() is being called, instead of IForgeBakedModel's one. Which is a problem, right ?

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7 minutes ago, Alpvax said:

You've commented out the event listener (ModelBakeEvent) which actually instantiates your custom model (in BlocksMod.java).

When I register it and try to load world, I get the error with the wrong getQuads() is being called


I run into issue, where the IBakedModel's getQuads() is being called, instead of IForgeBakedModel's one


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