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I was playing around with structures the other day, and I found that I was able to get one working quite easily. I went on to the next step, and took a look at some other mods/some vanilla structures that use Jigsaw blocks. I put something together, but I'm having trouble getting the structure pieces (even just the starting piece) to spawn in the world. I am able to spawn the individual pieces with a structure block in-game perfectly fine though.


The logger shows that it's attempting to spawn the structure, but none of the pieces are ever created. I was wondering if I was doing something wrong with the piece class:


public class PathDungeonPieces {
	public static void start(ChunkGenerator<?> chunkGeneratorIn, TemplateManager templateManagerIn, BlockPos posIn, List<StructurePiece> structurePieces, SharedSeedRandom p_215139_4_) {
		DungeonMod.LOGGER.info("Adding pieces...");
		JigsawManager.addPieces(new ResourceLocation(DungeonMod.MOD_ID, "path_dungeon/center"), 7, PathDungeonPieces.Piece::new, chunkGeneratorIn, templateManagerIn, posIn, structurePieces, p_215139_4_);
		DungeonMod.LOGGER.info("Pieces added");
	static {
		JigsawManager.REGISTRY.register(new JigsawPattern(new ResourceLocation(DungeonMod.MOD_ID, "path_dungeon/center"), new ResourceLocation("empty"), ImmutableList.of(Pair.of(new SingleJigsawPiece(DungeonMod.MOD_ID + ":path_dungeon/center"), 1)), JigsawPattern.PlacementBehaviour.RIGID));
		JigsawManager.REGISTRY.register(new JigsawPattern(new ResourceLocation(DungeonMod.MOD_ID, "path_dungeon/pieces"), new ResourceLocation("empty"), ImmutableList.of(Pair.of(new ListJigsawPiece(ImmutableList.of(new SingleJigsawPiece(DungeonMod.MOD_ID + ":path_dungeon/path_straight"), new SingleJigsawPiece(DungeonMod.MOD_ID + ":path_dungeon/path_turn_right"), new SingleJigsawPiece(DungeonMod.MOD_ID + ":path_dungeon/path_turn_left"), new SingleJigsawPiece(DungeonMod.MOD_ID + ":path_dungeon/path_end"))), 1)), JigsawPattern.PlacementBehaviour.RIGID));
	public static class Piece extends AbstractVillagePiece {
		public Piece(TemplateManager templateManagerIn, JigsawPiece jigsawPieceIn, BlockPos posIn, int p_i50560_4_, Rotation rotationIn, MutableBoundingBox boundsIn) {
			super(FeatureInit.PATH_DUNGEON_PIECE, templateManagerIn, jigsawPieceIn, posIn, p_i50560_4_, rotationIn, boundsIn);
		public Piece(TemplateManager templateManagerIn, CompoundNBT nbt) {
			super(templateManagerIn, nbt, FeatureInit.PATH_DUNGEON_PIECE);


And here's my feature init class:


@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(bus = Bus.MOD, modid = DungeonMod.MOD_ID)
public class FeatureInit {
	public static final DeferredRegister<Feature<?>> FEATURES = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.FEATURES, DungeonMod.MOD_ID);
	public static IStructurePieceType PATH_DUNGEON_PIECE = PathDungeonPieces.Piece::new;
	public static final RegistryObject<PathDungeon> PATH_DUNGEON = FEATURES.register("path_dungeon", () -> new PathDungeon(NoFeatureConfig::deserialize));
	public static void registerStructurePieces(RegistryEvent.Register<Feature<?>> event) {
		Registry.register(Registry.STRUCTURE_PIECE, "path_dungeon", PATH_DUNGEON_PIECE);


And here's my package folder for my dungeon pieces:



I have my code and Jigsaw blocks set up exactly how I see other mods/vanilla structures have it. Is there something I'm doing wrong here?




1 hour ago, Professor_Boxtrot said:

public static final RegistryObject<PathDungeon> PATH_DUNGEON = FEATURES.register("path_dungeon", () -> new PathDungeon(NoFeatureConfig::deserialize)); @SubscribeEvent public static void registerStructurePieces(RegistryEvent.Register<Feature<?>> event) { Registry.register(Registry.STRUCTURE_PIECE, "path_dungeon", PATH_DUNGEON_PIECE); }

Pick one, not both.


Also, you never attach the feature nor the structure to a biome. You can do that on common setup or load complete, either works.


I did add the feature and structure to a biome, but it was in another file as I thought it was irrelevant, seeing as I did get another non-jigsaw structure to spawn fine.


I tried commenting out one of the registries, but the pieces still don't spawn. 

7 minutes ago, Professor_Boxtrot said:

seeing as I did get another non-jigsaw structure to spawn fine.

Ah ok, that makes more sense.


My knowledge of how the jigsaw manager is limited so I try to eliminate the main issues first. My assumption is having to do with the AbstractVillagePiece and it expecting something different; however, this is a guess as my experience with world generation predates the existence of the jigsaw system.

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