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[1.16.3] Creating and rendering a custom tooltip


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During Minecraft Live we saw how the new Bundles have a new style of tooltip, where item textures are rendered inside the tooltip. So I wonder, is it currently possible to create a custom tooltip that can render the item textures (where the items are taken from the Bundle Item NBT Tags). And how would you create this tooltip and attach to the item, to make it show instead of the default one?

Don't blame me if i always ask for your help. I just want to learn to be better :)

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Yes, I've looked at how the renderTooltipFunction works and I was aware that I need to do that while catching the RenderTooltipEvent. What I specifically want to do is to create a custom component that I can then reuse for other Items as well, included vanilla ones, like for example the StringTextComponent. But looking at the classes I haven't seen a function related to how this component is rendered

Don't blame me if i always ask for your help. I just want to learn to be better :)

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4 hours ago, JimiIT92 said:

What I specifically want to do is to create a custom component that I can then reuse for other Items as well

Ah, well, that's a tiny bit problematic as a model does not need an IReorderingProcessor. As for how it's rendered, that's handled through FontRenderer#func_238416_a_ and the size of the background is determined by line 153 of Screen#renderToolTip. Those are passed into a reordering processor incase the game is in a different language which reorders the characters into their correct format. So, the easiest thing you could do is handle a string which specifies a registry name and replace on render. Either way, you're going to need to split the tooltip rendering to reference the IReorderingProcessor after you have received a list of the text components.

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I was going for the RenderTooltipEvent, but it looks like this event is not fired when I hover my mouse to an ItemStack. I have this event inside a class

    public static void onRenderTooltip(final RenderTooltipEvent.Pre event) {
        if(BundleItemUtils.isBundle(event.getStack())) {
            //DO STUFF

which I register during the FMLCommonSetupEvent like this


Any idea on why this doesn't get called?

Don't blame me if i always ask for your help. I just want to learn to be better :)

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