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Porting from 1.15 to 1.16.3


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So, as the title suggests, I'm currently trying to port my mod, which relies heavily on biome, dimension and chunk generation code,

to the minecraft version 1.16.3. The problem is, that about everything has changed.


Dimension and biome code: Obsolete.

GUI code: Useless.


Additionally, the mappings doesn't seem to be complete yet, as I can still not find the one called blit() method in the code, just

some unmapped names(which is pretty annoying, because the blit method had lots and lots of overloaded methods).


I've heard that the biome and dimension code was changed to a json-system system (which seems to be a trend that mojang is trying to push).


So, to sum it all up, the issues I discovered whilest trying to port my mod are:

  • The change from code-driven dimension and biome code to json files
  • The still incomplete mappings of the latest Forge MDK version


I'd really appreciate if you could help me out with this big issue.

I at first thought that it was hard to rewrite my code for 1.15.2, but I had never thought that it could be such an issue to port my

code from 1.15.2 to 1.16.

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6 minutes ago, Budschie said:

Dimension and biome code: Obsolete.

Make a json for it. If you want to add to preexisting biomes and dimensions use BiomeLoadingEvent and BiomeManager iirc.

7 minutes ago, Budschie said:

GUI code: Useless

Hasn't really changed. Abstracts classes more for reordering characters in different languages and add a MatrixStack parameter everywhere.

7 minutes ago, Budschie said:

I can still not find the one called blit() method in the code

There is definitely a blit in the mappings. AbstractGui holds them all.

8 minutes ago, Budschie said:

The still incomplete mappings of the latest Forge MDK version

This is not something to complain about. There are only so many people who create mappings and then have to have someone else verify until we have a more complete version of MMS.

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Thanks for responding so quickly.

So, I have several questions:

  1. How is the json format of biomes and dimensions designed, and are there any examples in the assets of minecraft?
  2. What classes should I extend to add an own chunk generator?


Additionally, I searched a bit, but I could still not find the blit method, which

indicates that I have old mappings(which is a bit strange because I downloaded the latest version of minecraft forge).

So, how exactly can I update my mappings to the latest version?


Thanks in regards,


Edited by Budschie
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6 hours ago, Budschie said:

How is the json format of biomes and dimensions designed, and are there any examples in the assets of minecraft?

I don't remember how it's formatted, but I know it's documented online. As for examples, you will need to do a dump report to get the vanilla data gen output if you want to view those.

6 hours ago, Budschie said:

What classes should I extend to add an own chunk generator?

Same classes as they were in 1.16.1 iirc. Only difference is now that it can be attached via json other than the hardcoding nonsense vanilla does.

6 hours ago, Budschie said:

So, how exactly can I update my mappings to the latest version?

Find this line "mappings channel: 'snapshot', version: <mappingsVersion>" and replace it with the latest mappings. Those can be found on #modder-support-116 on the Forge discord.

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