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[1.16.3]No longer a target for MonsterEntity while equipped with an iron chest plate

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Posted (edited)

Assumptions and what we want to achieve

No longer a target for MonsterEntity while equipped with an iron chest plate.

You also want to make the same motion if you have an iron chest plate in your right or left hand


What I've tried


As an example, F "Ignored by Zombies"


Override the following goal of ZombieEntity


this.targetSelector.addGoal(2, new NearestAttackableTargetGoal<>(this, PlayerEntity.class, true));

Extract the goals of zombieEntity.targetSelector.

Find the above goal that targets PlayerEntity and extract the targetEntitySelector.

  private static final Field privateFieldGoals = ObfuscationReflectionHelper
      .findField(GoalSelector.class, "goals");

  private static final Field privateFieldExcludedFieldTargetEntitySelector = ObfuscationReflectionHelper
      .findField(NearestAttackableTargetGoal.class, "targetEntitySelector");

Set your custom IronChecker in setCustomPredicate

        EntityPredicate entityPredicate = (EntityPredicate) privateFieldExcludedFieldTargetEntitySelector
        entityPredicate.setCustomPredicate(new IronChecker());


  private static class IronChecker implements Predicate<LivingEntity> {

    public boolean test(LivingEntity livingEntity) {
      if (!(livingEntity instanceof PlayerEntity)) {
        return false;
      PlayerEntity playerEntity = (PlayerEntity) livingEntity;

      if (playerEntity.getHeldItemMainhand()
          .isItemEqual(Items.DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE.getDefaultInstance())) {
        return false;
      if (playerEntity.inventory.armorInventory
          .contains(Items.DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE.getDefaultInstance())) {

        return false;
      if (playerEntity.inventory.offHandInventory
          .contains(Items.DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE.getDefaultInstance())) {

        return false;
      return true;


If you spawn a zombie while holding the iron chest plate, it will ignore you.
However, if you don't have the chest plate, you become a target for the zombie.
And if you switch to the iron chest plate again, You will continue to be a target for the zombies. (Ideally you want to be untargeted.)


supplementary information

minecraft version 1.16.3
minecraft forge version 1.16.3



I have looked into various things and tried, but I can't seem to solve the problem and I am having trouble.
Please help me out.



A similar move is the pig.
If you hold a carrot, or a fishing rod with a carrot, the pig will follow the player.

But what I would like to implement is an even faster switch.
In this case, the moment you hold the chest plate in your hand, it is released from the target. Once the chest plate is removed from the hand, the player becomes the target, just like the existing movement. The moment you hold the chest plate in your hand again, you are released from the target.



Edited by KGJP

Usually something like should use the new brain system to store the current target of an entity. However, very few entities are implemented with that right now. A simple solution is to check during LivingSetAttackTargetEvent for if your entity is an instance of this and the one being targeted has whatever it does and to set the current attack target to null. However, this is a huge cost in performance. The much more efficient way would be to create your own task that takes in a predicate to check if it should execute or continue executing.

16 hours ago, ChampionAsh5357 said:

Usually something like should use the new brain system to store the current target of an entity. However, very few entities are implemented with that right now. A simple solution is to check during LivingSetAttackTargetEvent for if your entity is an instance of this and the one being targeted has whatever it does and to set the current attack target to null. However, this is a huge cost in performance. The much more efficient way would be to create your own task that takes in a predicate to check if it should execute or continue executing.

I was able to do this by overriding TemptGoal and manipulating AttackTarget and delayTemptCounter.
I'm glad there's a great existing class,...
Thanks for the pork and carrots.

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