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Tales of Sygin | New Fantasy MMORPG | 1.8 - 1.16 | Looking for staff & opening soon

Tales of Sygin

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We are going to open our Alpha Stage today , 15th December 2020 , at 19:00 (UTC +1).
Connect at mc.talesofsygin.it From 1.13 to 1.16.4 (Best With 1.15.2)


About the Server and Us

Tales of Sygin is a MMoRPg fantasy style server and also a well-established and diverse group that started this project. The actual staff is mature, and understanding towards their users and external collaborators, and we hope that as soon as the server is online, you can above all have fun. The server offers a races system and global events that will affect the game world, changing it: certain classes will be available to play only for specific races and will evolve into specific subclasses; then it offers professions, a specific questline system for each race (Main Story), new crafting, items, weapons, monsters, bosses, and the possibility to create more than a character, all of this without any mods. Last, but not least, while you play, it won't be difficult to enter dungeons and get random encounters.



The Project is in a good point in development, and we expect to open in Alpha within the 15th of December. By now the server offers a Tutorial for new players to learn the basics of this new gameplay, 2 out of 6 races will be available to play, 1 big and 2 medium and 4 small dungeons in which you can take the risk entering and exploring to get some juicy loot. Lot of items, monster and consumable are already on and many others are almost ready to get implemented. However,if we want that this project gets started as soon as possible, we opened applications for the following positions:

Builder [OPEN]

Those involved in the creation of structures (Dungeons, Cities, Villages, Environmental Compositions) to be included in the server.

Lore Editor [OPEN]

The people in charge of creating and developing items and stories to integrate into the server and the game world.

Community Moderator [OPEN]

Are in charge of managing and moderating topics, threads and people according to our community rules.

Promoter [OPEN]

It has the task of promoting the server to other users by letting them know the project according to the rules of quiet living and respecting the people and the rules of other / their communities

Model and Texture Artist [OPEN]

They are in charge of creating models and textures of mobs and items

Wiki Creator [OPEN] He has the task of reporting every object, profession, class, race, city, lore, monster on the wiki and providing their description in accordance with the Lore Editors.




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If you want to apply, please, join our discord (https://discord.gg/Hvngdqt)and you can apply using the channel #Staff-Apply!. You’ll get notified as soon as possible if your application has been accepted.


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