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Posted (edited)

I'm trying to make a super basic throwable item that is essentially just a retextured snowball with virtually identical code just to understand the basics of thrown items, and almost everything works, except that the item won't appear when I right click it to throw it or be fired from a dispenser. The item and entity are registered, the rendering works just fine, I can summon the entity with /summon and it appears, and there are no errors in the console at any point. The problem seems to be that the onItemRightClick() method isn't even being called at all when I right click, as I put debug messages in the method that never get run. I'm guessing that there's just one little thing that I'm not adding that would solve the whole thing, but I have no idea what it might be. Most of the code for the item and entity is copied directly from the snowball class, so I'm not sure if it has anything to do with those classes. 


Edit: This problem has been solved. For any future readers who have the same problem, the code below is updated to be correct and can be used as a reference.


Here's the code for the mod.


Entity class:

public class RiceBulletEntity extends ProjectileItemEntity {
	public RiceBulletEntity(EntityType<? extends RiceBulletEntity> p_i50159_1_, World p_i50159_2_) {
		super(p_i50159_1_, p_i50159_2_);
	public RiceBulletEntity(World worldIn, LivingEntity throwerIn) {
	    super(Registries.RICE_BULLET.get(), throwerIn, worldIn);
	public RiceBulletEntity(World worldIn, double x, double y, double z) {
	      super(Registries.RICE_BULLET.get(), x, y, z, worldIn);
	protected Item getDefaultItem() {
		return Registries.RICE_BULLET_ITEM.get();
	public IPacket<?> createSpawnPacket() {
		return NetworkHooks.getEntitySpawningPacket(this);

	protected void onImpact(RayTraceResult result) {
		if (!this.world.isRemote) {
	         this.world.setEntityState(this, (byte)3);


Item class:

public class RiceBulletItem extends Item {
	public RiceBulletItem(Item.Properties builder) {

	public ActionResult<ItemStack> onItemRightClick(World worldIn, PlayerEntity playerIn, Hand handIn) {
		ItemStack itemstack = playerIn.getHeldItem(handIn);
	    if (!worldIn.isRemote) {
	        RiceBulletEntity riceBullet = new RiceBulletEntity(worldIn, playerIn);
	        riceBullet.shoot(playerIn, playerIn.rotationPitch, playerIn.rotationYaw, 0.0F, 1.5F, 1.0F);

        if (!playerIn.abilities.isCreativeMode) {
        return ActionResult.resultSuccess(itemstack);


Item and entity registries:

public class Registries {
	public static final DeferredRegister<Item> ITEMS = new DeferredRegister<>(ForgeRegistries.ITEMS, Minesokyo.MOD_ID);

	public static final DeferredRegister<EntityType<?>> ENTITIES = new DeferredRegister<>(ForgeRegistries.ENTITIES,

	public static void init() {
	public static final RegistryObject<Item> RICE_BULLET_ITEM = ITEMS.register("rice_bullet_item",
			() -> new RiceBulletItem(new Item.Properties().group(ItemGroup.COMBAT)));

	public static final RegistryObject<EntityType<RiceBulletEntity>> RICE_BULLET = ENTITIES.register("rice_bullet",
			() -> EntityType.Builder.<RiceBulletEntity>create(RiceBulletEntity::new, EntityClassification.MISC)


Entity renderer:

public class RiceBulletRenderer extends SpriteRenderer<RiceBulletEntity> {

	public RiceBulletRenderer(EntityRendererManager renderManagerIn, ItemRenderer itemRendererIn) {
		super(renderManagerIn, itemRendererIn);

	protected static final ResourceLocation TEXTURE = new ResourceLocation(Minesokyo.MOD_ID, "textures/items/rice_bullet.png");
	public ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(RiceBulletEntity entity) {
		return TEXTURE;

	public static class Factory implements IRenderFactory<RiceBulletEntity> {
		public EntityRenderer<? super RiceBulletEntity> createRenderFor(EntityRendererManager manager) {
			return new RiceBulletRenderer(manager, Minecraft.getInstance().getItemRenderer());


Renderer registries:

@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = Minesokyo.MOD_ID, bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD, value = Dist.CLIENT)
public class ClientEventBusSubscriber {
	public static void onClientSetup(FMLClientSetupEvent event) {
		RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(Registries.RICE_BULLET.get(), new RiceBulletRenderer.Factory());



Edited by NarwhelZhu
1 hour ago, NarwhelZhu said:

public static final RegistryObject<Item> RICE_BULLET_ITEM = ITEMS.register("rice_bullet_item", () -> new Item(new Item.Properties().group(ItemGroup.COMBAT)));

That would happen if you do not register the item using your extended item class.

57 minutes ago, ChampionAsh5357 said:

That would happen if you do not register the item using your extended item class.

Ah, thank you, I knew that it would be something really dumb like that. The entity does summon now, although it seems to be invisible. Is there some other obvious reason for that that I'm missing too?

8 minutes ago, NarwhelZhu said:

The entity does summon now, although it seems to be invisible. Is there some other obvious reason for that that I'm missing too?

This is more or less a guess, but try checking the output of ProjectileItemEntity#getItem and where the entity is initially placed. It's either due to the fact that the position of the entity spawn is too low so it dies immediately or the item is not synchronized to the client for rendering.

Posted (edited)

Alright, I figured it out. Once again, an idiot mistake. I forgot to put throwerIn in the second entity constructor's super call. It appears now and I believe it's working fine. I'll update my code blocks to be correct for any future coders who have the same problem. Thank you for your help, even by just pointing out my own idiocy.


One last problem though: it doesn't fire from a dispenser like a snowball does. It doesn't look like the snowball classes even have code for that though.

Edited by NarwhelZhu
11 minutes ago, NarwhelZhu said:

it doesn't fire from a dispenser like a snowball does. It doesn't look like the snowball classes even have code for that though.

You need to register the dispenser behavior using DispenserBlock::registerDispenseBehavior.

31 minutes ago, ChampionAsh5357 said:

You need to register the dispenser behavior using DispenserBlock::registerDispenseBehavior.

It works now, thanks. I think that will be all for this particular thread. It renders and fires from the dispenser now. Thanks for the help.

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