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[ NEXGN ] Looking for Developers, Builders, and Managers


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XAnUN96.pngHello, Forgers!
For the past year, I have been developing a network named NexGN. My goal with NexGN was and still is to create a fun, vibrant, creative, and unique environment for players. In essence, the project's aim was to build a community like no other - and to be honest, I have failed in the past at doing this. Throughout this year, this pandemic has given me time to think to myself about what I was doing wrong and what I need to do right. One of the major things I have been doing wrong is trying to put this massive project on my shoulders alone instead of gathering a team of capable individuals to help me with it. Which brings us here - Minecraft Forge Forums.

We at NexGN are in need of builders, managers, and developers.

Who I Want
I do not just want any random person off the web but instead, I am looking for highly dedicated, loyal, hard-working individuals. People who would identify themselves as team players till the end. People who are dedicated to the craft of the server and are also determined to make a worthwhile project. People who can take orders but also give them. People who want to help build something bigger than themselves for people.

- Leadership Skills
- Dedication / Loyalty
- Has Experience
- Is able to be a Follower and a Leader
- Creative Mind

- Has at least 2 or more years of experience in staffing on servers.
- Has a creative mind for new ways we can handle staff.
- Has Leadership qualities.
- Isn't afraid of criticism and can give feedback.
- Loyal till the end.
- Knows how to be professional and utilizes grammar.
- Understands and knows how to teach (Has a basic understanding of the Feynman Technique)
- Is able to dedicate a lot of their time to the project. (4-5 days of the week)

- Has 2 or more years of building experience.
- Has a deep understanding of level design.
- Understands depth.
- Knows how to use a color wheel.
- Knows how to utilizes FAWE, VS, GoPaint, and more.
- Has a creative mind.
- Is able to dedicate a lot of their time to the project. (4-5 days of the week)

- At least 2 or more years of Java / Spigot experience.
- Isn't afraid of new challenges (Having to learn new things on the spot.
- Has a deep passion for simplicity in design for player functionality.
- Has experience in MySQL, MongoDB, or other DB types.
- Not a requirement, but if you know more languages or even some experience in system administration, it only adds on.
- Is able to dedicate a lot of their time to the project. (4-5 days of the week)

A subject that many will probably wonder about. As a developer or builder, you will be paid accordingly. During the interview phase, I will discuss payment and how you'd like to be paid. Once the server is released and is generating in-cone, you will be paid more and more depending on the intake each month. Managers will be paid once the server starts generating enough income for it to sustain itself on its own.

DM me on here(Minecraft Forge) with your Discord username and an introduction to yourself. In your introduction, you need to answer these questions.
- How old are you?
- What type of position you are interested in?
- How long you have been in the Minecraft server industry?
- What qualifications do you have? (Experience / Knowledge)
- What drives you?
- What is your personal philosophy on life?

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Vouch! Since 2012 I have been playing Minecraft: working on various servers, managing different staff teams, and working with so many different people. In my short time of working on this project alongside Verade, I can confidently say I found something amazing. This is a great working environment, one that adapts to my daily schedule, has an owner/founder that is truly committed to making a great server, the high-caliber of people I work with, and providing me with an opportunity to enjoy Minecraft again because of the pureness of creating something that others can enjoy.

Edited by AlphaEagle
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Vouch! I have worked on a lot of Minecraft and Discord servers over the past few years, but unfortunately I eventually started getting quite bored of Minecraft, I then discovered Verade's server which caught my eye, his ideas are interesting and have been helping him out with it since - working with him has been amazing, Verade is a good guy who is extremely dedicated to his server and always welcomes suggestions. He has also helped me gain a lot of crucial experience with moderation and planning.

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