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FORCE-CRAFT - New 1.8-1.16 Faction Server with many Unique Features - Custom Items, Custom Enchants and lot more!


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Welcome to our new Minecraft Server called Force-Craft!


Force-Craft opened 12/8/2020, so we are waiting for new people to start our adventure together!
Why Force-Craft you may ask? Well here you have some amazing features we use:
:-(o): Daily Rewards :-(o):
The players have daily rewards with unique items & a future refferal system!
:Daxe: Faction Missions :Daxe:
Players will have 6 missions to complete to their factions & they will gain money prizes!
:Frame: Faction Upgrades :Frame:
Players can upgrade many things to make there faction more powerful!
:tnt: TNT Bank :tnt:
This server has a virtual TNT bank for the factions and you can protect all of your TNTs.
:bookshelf: Faction Logs :bookshelf:
This is most helpful feature and benefit for every faction leader, now you are able to see who took the items from the chest, who took money, spawners & more.
:ph34r: Faction Alerts :ph34r:
All the playerse can set an alert to check the factions territory. This will create more safe and security.
:feather: Factions Permissions :feather:
You are able to modify the permissions from the factions members, mods, admins, co-leaders, neutral, ally, truce &more.
:naughtyornice: by Drazile12 Black Market :naughtyornice: by Drazile12
You can buy many great things in servers black market, such as crate keys, xp boosters, trails, money, tags.
:cobblestone: Genbuckets :cobblestone:
Auto building walls has never been easier, just buy few of these badboys and they will make your fortress by themselfs
:chestfront: Crates :chestfront:
We have 4 Crates in server, that you can buy for real life money, or ingame, there is - Vote / Epic / Mythical / Platinum crates now available!
:apple: by thebaum64 ShopGui+ :apple: by thebaum64
Shoping is super easy at Forcecraft, you can type command /shop and you will open gui menu with all items you can buy in our server!
:brick: Custom Menus :brick:
Everything have custom menus, to make life easier for you!


Other useful features: Players Vault, Money & Coins per Kills, x9 Tags, Trails, Blowable Obsidian, Monthly Crates, Bounty Hunters, Trade System, Mob Stacks, Bar, Chat Games, Silk Spawners.


Other useful information:
Version: 1.8-1.16
Uptime: 24/7
Active Owners
Events/Minigames happening daily/weekly
Active support


Store: store.force-craft.eu
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