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Function problem-- Screwed up the datawatcher, or lack of a packet?(SOLVED)

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So, I have started on a journey of making a "level up" of sorts for my entities. The problem is, that everytime that you start the game up, the level resets back to 0. Now this seems like to me that the levels are never reaching the server, or perhaps aren't getting back to the client.


I thought that a datawatcher would solve the issue, but that doesn't seem to have worked. Is my understanding of what a datawatcher does incorrect, or have I screwed it up somewhere along the way?


Here are all the functions that are relevant to my code.


public EntityTest(World world)
      dataWatcher.addObject(2, level); // Level

public void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)
          nbt.setShort("level", getLevel());

public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)

public void onLivingUpdate()
        if (getNeededExp() <= 0)
            exp = 0;
            dataWatcher.updateObject(2, level); 

public void setLevel(short level)
    	dataWatcher.updateObject(2, level);

public short getLevel()
    	return dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectShort(2);
public int getExp()
        return exp;

    public int getNeededExp()
        int maxNeeded = baseExp + level * factor;
        return maxNeeded - exp;


Thanks for any insight you may be able to provide.


You are stuck where I was. It works best when you use the dataWatcher inside the nbt methods. This is how I fixed the situation:


package gff.companime.entity.companions;

import java.util.Random;

import gff.companime.Companime;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.entity.DataWatcher;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityAgeable;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAIAvoidEntity;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAIFollowGolem;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAILookAtTradePlayer;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAIMoveIndoors;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAIMoveTwardsRestriction;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAIOpenDoor;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAIPlay;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAIRestrictOpenDoor;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAISwimming;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAITempt;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAITradePlayer;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAIVillagerMate;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAIWander;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAIWatchClosest;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAIWatchClosest2;
import net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntityZombie;
import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityVillager;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.world.World;

public class EntityGal extends EntityAgeable
public int haircolor;

public EntityGal(World par1World)
        this.texture = "/textures/mob/gal/gal.png";
        this.moveSpeed = 0.5F;
        this.setSize(0.6F, 1.8F);
        // AI tasks for the entity to perform
        this.tasks.addTask(0, new EntityAISwimming(this));
        this.tasks.addTask(1, new EntityAITempt(this, 0.3F, Companime.braceletItem.itemID, false));
        this.tasks.addTask(2, new EntityAIMoveIndoors(this));        
        this.tasks.addTask(3, new EntityAIOpenDoor(this, true));
        this.tasks.addTask(4, new EntityAIMoveTwardsRestriction(this, 0.3F));
        this.tasks.addTask(5, new EntityAIWatchClosest2(this, EntityPlayer.class, 3.0F, 1.0F));
        this.tasks.addTask(5, new EntityAIWatchClosest2(this, EntityGal.class, 5.0F, 0.02F));
        this.tasks.addTask(5, new EntityAIWander(this, 0.3F));
        this.tasks.addTask(6, new EntityAIWatchClosest(this, EntityGal.class, 8.0F));
        // Generate instance specific data
        Random rnd = new Random();
        this.haircolor = this.getHairColor();

    public void entityInit()
        // Create a data watcher for hair color
        this.dataWatcher.addObject(20, Integer.valueOf(0));

// writes persistent values that is saved to the world server side
    public void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)
    	nbt.setInteger("haircolor", this.getHairColor());  	        	    	
// reads a persistant value from the server's world
    public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)
    // This function will set an RGB color
    // It is called later with EntityGal.getHairColor() in the renderer
    public void setHairColor(int color)
        this.dataWatcher.updateObject(20, Integer.valueOf(color));
    // Returns the value set by setHairColor as "haircolor" in the Entities NBTTagCompound
    public int getHairColor()
        return this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(20);
public EntityAgeable createChild(EntityAgeable entityageable) {
	// TODO Auto-generated method stub
	return null;

public int getMaxHealth() {
	// TODO Auto-generated method stub
	return 10;

public boolean interact(EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer)
        ItemStack itemstack = par1EntityPlayer.inventory.getCurrentItem();
        System.out.println("ID: "+this.entityId);
        System.out.println("isRemote = "+this.worldObj.isRemote);
        System.out.println(this.haircolor); // Example of how to get this entity haircolor
        return true;



Actually, a packet that is sent from the server to the client everytime the player "relogs" the world (logs in again) containing the information wanted is all you need. (I think... I am pretty sure its that)

I am Mew. The Legendary Psychic. I behave oddly and am always playing practical jokes.


I have also found that I really love making extremely long and extremely but sometimes not so descriptive variables. Sort of like what I just did there xD


I'm new here so forgive me if I'm wrong, but the guidlines for SMP modding suggests datawatchers over packets. I was under the impression that using datawatchers was the best way when dealing with NBT persistent data. Perhaps the guidelines are out of date. Is the DataWatcher class being depreciated in favor of packets?


Entities (that aren't EntityItem)


Yes. At the very least, you need to tell Forge to register an EntityTracker for clients to receive spawn packets about your Entities. Whenever your mod spawns an Entity, make sure the World is not a remote World (so worldObj.isRemote must be false), or you will have a dummy dupe Entity.

You will usually need to network field values from server to client (prominent vanilla example being taming). Read the vanilla code on DataWatchers, the Wolf taming code is an excellent learning example. Use DataWatchers whenever possible. When selecting a value for your DataWatcher better leave space to the Overclasses DataWatcher values - you never know if and when they decide to occupy more numbers. Hint: Make sure the client cannot *write* to dataWatchers or there will be a merciless update battle.

For stuff you absolutely cannot do through dataWatchers, perhaps because response time is critical, read up on Forge Packets and how to use them.

If you implement the Forge ISpawnHandler Interface, it will automatically pass an additional ByteStream to newly spawned Entities of yours, and you can put anything you desire and need into that stream.

Remember: Your client simulates any given Entity with basically the same code the server is running. But it needs to have the same data! So if your World changes something in your Entity, make sure the client gets notified about it!




The suggestions from the guideline there was kinda my train of thought as well. Unfortunately I still have had no success, even after incorporating the datawatchers into the nbt methods.


I guess that leaves me with trying a packet, but that is sort of my weak point in coding so far. All my packet does it crash :D, more likely because I am just plain doing it wrong.


I already have the channel and packethandler set up correctly, but if anyone would like to help me write out the actual packet for this mess as something I could go by, I would be extremely grateful.




Have you looked at http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Packet_Handling? I still think datawatcher is a  superior means, you are just confused on how to use them like I was. Here's all I went through so far... maybe it'll be of assistance:


If you are using Eclipse and have a solid understanding of Java, the magical groking tool is Ctrl+H. you can search for already existing methods in the mods, minecraft, and minecraftforge packages. It will highlight the search term in each java file it finds as well as make little boxes on the right hand side next to the scroll bar, showing you exactly where in the source the words appear in the open java file.


Also, ctrl+F is the find type search it does the same but for the open java file. In an open java file you can click the mouse cursor over a single word, like a class name, field, or method it will highlight each instance of that word in the open .java file just like when you use the ctrl+H.


Also, know java intimately... or at least as well as a good friend. I'm not making any assumptions on anyone's skills but it's detrimental.


That said, use those techniques to look at the EntityPlayer.java file. It may help you get a method that works for you better as you'll have an good understanding.


This is a simplified break down of using datawatchers with the Entity NBT read/write methods. It's written with the intent to be a tutorial so don't take it personally if you already know it all. Otherwise, pay attention to the comments I made in it for usage and tips. Feel free to ask about anything but I want you to work hard on your own with this. Even if it takes you days to get something you'll learn so much more on your own getting in touch with the source on a personal level. Zen Programming.


package yourname.yourmod.client.renderer.entity;

import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.world.World;

public class EntityThingy extends Entity// Replace Entity with the parent class you are extending your Entity from.
// I did this to make sure you are paying attention to my commented lines! 

// This is not needed but allows you to access the data with this.persistantValue
    // though you can use the getValue method to the same ends. 
    public int aValue; // the data you wish to save. 

public EntityThingy(World par1World)
        // again this isn't really needed as the this.getValue() method will return the value
        // but I used it in my example.
        this.aValue = this.getValue();

    public void entityInit()
    	// note: you cannot do this super with Entity as the parent class
    	// as it's an abstract class with no constructor. However, if you
    	// use a non abstract entity to base your own on, make sure you use
    	// super to invoke the original entityInit.
    	// Again: just making sure you are reading these and not in hypergleen mode.
        // Create a data watcher for the value
        this.dataWatcher.addObject(20, Integer.valueOf(0));
        // the 20 is the id... it cannot use a value the parent class
        // you are extending from uses. 
        // In this example the Entity class already has a data watcher, access through this.datawatcher.
        // It uses 0 and 1... so don't use them...
        //the maximum id is 31... use
        // it wisely.
    // only call a get/set method for any data you need in read/writeEntityToNBT 
    // or maybe where isRemote is false and if you know where/when you need it!!!
    // This is where most confusion from datawatchers comes from in my experience.
    public void setValue(int value)
        this.dataWatcher.updateObject(20, Integer.valueOf(value));

    public int getValue()
        return this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(20);
        // Here are the parts that make it work. Note all the work is being done in the NBT reader/writer method.
    // This is important as they only work from the Server, they don't fire from the Client. That would cause
    // an exception to be thrown in the data watcher
// writes persistent values that is saved to the world server side
    // Again, due to the fact that Entity is abstract, it cannot be supered 
    // so make sure you use the class you need in your own EntityThingy... or whatever you call it.
    public void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)
    	nbt.setInteger("Value", this.getValue());  	    	
// reads a persistant value from the server's world
    public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)



I hope this serves as a solid, simple, and good example. You'll have to come up with the personal implementation of course.



Have you looked at http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Packet_Handling? I still think datawatcher is a  superior means, you are just confused on how to use them like I was. Here's all I went through so far... maybe it'll be of assistance:


If you are using Eclipse and have a solid understanding of Java, the magical groking tool is Ctrl+H. you can search for already existing methods in the mods, minecraft, and minecraftforge packages. It will highlight the search term in each java file it finds as well as make little boxes on the right hand side next to the scroll bar, showing you exactly where in the source the words appear in the open java file.


Also, ctrl+F is the find type search it does the same but for the open java file. In an open java file you can click the mouse cursor over a single word, like a class name, field, or method it will highlight each instance of that word in the open .java file just like when you use the ctrl+H.


Also, know java intimately... or at least as well as a good friend. I'm not making any assumptions on anyone's skills but it's detrimental.


That said, use those techniques to look at the EntityPlayer.java file. It may help you get a method that works for you better as you'll have an good understanding.


This is a simplified break down of using datawatchers with the Entity NBT read/write methods. It's written with the intent to be a tutorial so don't take it personally if you already know it all. Otherwise, pay attention to the comments I made in it for usage and tips. Feel free to ask about anything but I want you to work hard on your own with this. Even if it takes you days to get something you'll learn so much more on your own getting in touch with the source on a personal level. Zen Programming.


package yourname.yourmod.client.renderer.entity;

import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.world.World;

public class EntityThingy extends Entity// Replace Entity with the parent class you are extending your Entity from.
// I did this to make sure you are paying attention to my commented lines! 

// This is not needed but allows you to access the data with this.persistantValue
    // though you can use the getValue method to the same ends. 
    public int aValue; // the data you wish to save. 

public EntityThingy(World par1World)
        // again this isn't really needed as the this.getValue() method will return the value
        // but I used it in my example.
        this.aValue = this.getValue();

    public void entityInit()
    	// note: you cannot do this super with Entity as the parent class
    	// as it's an abstract class with no constructor. However, if you
    	// use a non abstract entity to base your own on, make sure you use
    	// super to invoke the original entityInit.
    	// Again: just making sure you are reading these and not in hypergleen mode.
        // Create a data watcher for the value
        this.dataWatcher.addObject(20, Integer.valueOf(0));
        // the 20 is the id... it cannot use a value the parent class
        // you are extending from uses. 
        // In this example the Entity class already has a data watcher, access through this.datawatcher.
        // It uses 0 and 1... so don't use them...
        //the maximum id is 31... use
        // it wisely.
    // only call a get/set method for any data you need in read/writeEntityToNBT 
    // or maybe where isRemote is false and if you know where/when you need it!!!
    // This is where most confusion from datawatchers comes from in my experience.
    public void setValue(int value)
        this.dataWatcher.updateObject(20, Integer.valueOf(value));

    public int getValue()
        return this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(20);
        // Here are the parts that make it work. Note all the work is being done in the NBT reader/writer method.
    // This is important as they only work from the Server, they don't fire from the Client. That would cause
    // an exception to be thrown in the data watcher
// writes persistent values that is saved to the world server side
    // Again, due to the fact that Entity is abstract, it cannot be supered 
    // so make sure you use the class you need in your own EntityThingy... or whatever you call it.
    public void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)
    	nbt.setInteger("Value", this.getValue());  	    	
// reads a persistant value from the server's world
    public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)



I hope this serves as a solid, simple, and good example. You'll have to come up with the personal implementation of course.



I wasn't saying use a packet for EVERYTHING, I was saying that I use a packet to update the client from its "dumb" stage to a slightly knowledgable level so that the client displays correct data. I am not entirely sure about datawatchers and if they update the client or not...

I am Mew. The Legendary Psychic. I behave oddly and am always playing practical jokes.


I have also found that I really love making extremely long and extremely but sometimes not so descriptive variables. Sort of like what I just did there xD



Have you looked at http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Packet_Handling? I still think datawatcher is a  superior means, you are just confused on how to use them like I was. Here's all I went through so far... maybe it'll be of assistance:


If you are using Eclipse and have a solid understanding of Java, the magical groking tool is Ctrl+H. you can search for already existing methods in the mods, minecraft, and minecraftforge packages. It will highlight the search term in each java file it finds as well as make little boxes on the right hand side next to the scroll bar, showing you exactly where in the source the words appear in the open java file.


Also, ctrl+F is the find type search it does the same but for the open java file. In an open java file you can click the mouse cursor over a single word, like a class name, field, or method it will highlight each instance of that word in the open .java file just like when you use the ctrl+H.


Also, know java intimately... or at least as well as a good friend. I'm not making any assumptions on anyone's skills but it's detrimental.


That said, use those techniques to look at the EntityPlayer.java file. It may help you get a method that works for you better as you'll have an good understanding.


This is a simplified break down of using datawatchers with the Entity NBT read/write methods. It's written with the intent to be a tutorial so don't take it personally if you already know it all. Otherwise, pay attention to the comments I made in it for usage and tips. Feel free to ask about anything but I want you to work hard on your own with this. Even if it takes you days to get something you'll learn so much more on your own getting in touch with the source on a personal level. Zen Programming.


package yourname.yourmod.client.renderer.entity;

import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.world.World;

public class EntityThingy extends Entity// Replace Entity with the parent class you are extending your Entity from.
// I did this to make sure you are paying attention to my commented lines! 

// This is not needed but allows you to access the data with this.persistantValue
    // though you can use the getValue method to the same ends. 
    public int aValue; // the data you wish to save. 

public EntityThingy(World par1World)
        // again this isn't really needed as the this.getValue() method will return the value
        // but I used it in my example.
        this.aValue = this.getValue();

    public void entityInit()
    	// note: you cannot do this super with Entity as the parent class
    	// as it's an abstract class with no constructor. However, if you
    	// use a non abstract entity to base your own on, make sure you use
    	// super to invoke the original entityInit.
    	// Again: just making sure you are reading these and not in hypergleen mode.
        // Create a data watcher for the value
        this.dataWatcher.addObject(20, Integer.valueOf(0));
        // the 20 is the id... it cannot use a value the parent class
        // you are extending from uses. 
        // In this example the Entity class already has a data watcher, access through this.datawatcher.
        // It uses 0 and 1... so don't use them...
        //the maximum id is 31... use
        // it wisely.
    // only call a get/set method for any data you need in read/writeEntityToNBT 
    // or maybe where isRemote is false and if you know where/when you need it!!!
    // This is where most confusion from datawatchers comes from in my experience.
    public void setValue(int value)
        this.dataWatcher.updateObject(20, Integer.valueOf(value));

    public int getValue()
        return this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(20);
        // Here are the parts that make it work. Note all the work is being done in the NBT reader/writer method.
    // This is important as they only work from the Server, they don't fire from the Client. That would cause
    // an exception to be thrown in the data watcher
// writes persistent values that is saved to the world server side
    // Again, due to the fact that Entity is abstract, it cannot be supered 
    // so make sure you use the class you need in your own EntityThingy... or whatever you call it.
    public void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)
    	nbt.setInteger("Value", this.getValue());  	    	
// reads a persistant value from the server's world
    public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)



I hope this serves as a solid, simple, and good example. You'll have to come up with the personal implementation of course.



I wasn't saying use a packet for EVERYTHING, I was saying that I use a packet to update the client from its "dumb" stage to a slightly knowledgable level so that the client displays correct data. I am not entirely sure about datawatchers and if they update the client or not...


I didn't think you did say that mate, sorry you thought I meant something by it. It's all good.


Yeah data watchers update in my example. It's kinda-sorta like a pointer... the trick is declaring it in the Init so that you kinda have that pointer to the client and having the NBT read/write do the work server side. you can either call the Entity.getValue() function or set the getValue() to a field in it if you'd rather not have to keep calling the getValue() method to retrieve persistent data. Also, this is exactly how vanilla does it.


Ahh. I see now :D I may use this more often now... Thanks for that mate :D

I am Mew. The Legendary Psychic. I behave oddly and am always playing practical jokes.


I have also found that I really love making extremely long and extremely but sometimes not so descriptive variables. Sort of like what I just did there xD



Have you looked at http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Packet_Handling? I still think datawatcher is a  superior means, you are just confused on how to use them like I was. Here's all I went through so far... maybe it'll be of assistance:


If you are using Eclipse and have a solid understanding of Java, the magical groking tool is Ctrl+H. you can search for already existing methods in the mods, minecraft, and minecraftforge packages. It will highlight the search term in each java file it finds as well as make little boxes on the right hand side next to the scroll bar, showing you exactly where in the source the words appear in the open java file.


Also, ctrl+F is the find type search it does the same but for the open java file. In an open java file you can click the mouse cursor over a single word, like a class name, field, or method it will highlight each instance of that word in the open .java file just like when you use the ctrl+H.


Also, know java intimately... or at least as well as a good friend. I'm not making any assumptions on anyone's skills but it's detrimental.


That said, use those techniques to look at the EntityPlayer.java file. It may help you get a method that works for you better as you'll have an good understanding.


This is a simplified break down of using datawatchers with the Entity NBT read/write methods. It's written with the intent to be a tutorial so don't take it personally if you already know it all. Otherwise, pay attention to the comments I made in it for usage and tips. Feel free to ask about anything but I want you to work hard on your own with this. Even if it takes you days to get something you'll learn so much more on your own getting in touch with the source on a personal level. Zen Programming.


package yourname.yourmod.client.renderer.entity;

import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.world.World;

public class EntityThingy extends Entity// Replace Entity with the parent class you are extending your Entity from.
// I did this to make sure you are paying attention to my commented lines! 

// This is not needed but allows you to access the data with this.persistantValue
    // though you can use the getValue method to the same ends. 
    public int aValue; // the data you wish to save. 

public EntityThingy(World par1World)
        // again this isn't really needed as the this.getValue() method will return the value
        // but I used it in my example.
        this.aValue = this.getValue();

    public void entityInit()
    	// note: you cannot do this super with Entity as the parent class
    	// as it's an abstract class with no constructor. However, if you
    	// use a non abstract entity to base your own on, make sure you use
    	// super to invoke the original entityInit.
    	// Again: just making sure you are reading these and not in hypergleen mode.
        // Create a data watcher for the value
        this.dataWatcher.addObject(20, Integer.valueOf(0));
        // the 20 is the id... it cannot use a value the parent class
        // you are extending from uses. 
        // In this example the Entity class already has a data watcher, access through this.datawatcher.
        // It uses 0 and 1... so don't use them...
        //the maximum id is 31... use
        // it wisely.
    // only call a get/set method for any data you need in read/writeEntityToNBT 
    // or maybe where isRemote is false and if you know where/when you need it!!!
    // This is where most confusion from datawatchers comes from in my experience.
    public void setValue(int value)
        this.dataWatcher.updateObject(20, Integer.valueOf(value));

    public int getValue()
        return this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(20);
        // Here are the parts that make it work. Note all the work is being done in the NBT reader/writer method.
    // This is important as they only work from the Server, they don't fire from the Client. That would cause
    // an exception to be thrown in the data watcher
// writes persistent values that is saved to the world server side
    // Again, due to the fact that Entity is abstract, it cannot be supered 
    // so make sure you use the class you need in your own EntityThingy... or whatever you call it.
    public void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)
    	nbt.setInteger("Value", this.getValue());  	    	
// reads a persistant value from the server's world
    public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)



I hope this serves as a solid, simple, and good example. You'll have to come up with the personal implementation of course.



I wasn't saying use a packet for EVERYTHING, I was saying that I use a packet to update the client from its "dumb" stage to a slightly knowledgable level so that the client displays correct data. I am not entirely sure about datawatchers and if they update the client or not...


I actually had no idea about the ctrl+h. That has become very nifty. Thank you. I have been experimenting all weekend with this to see if I can use the entityInit, and did not get any results. I tried with both an abstract class and a non abstract class for the heck of it, and I would get issues preventing the entities from spawning.


I'm going to put up my whole entity file this time in hopes that it may be more useful, because I am kind of getting desperate to figure out why this reset is occurring.


Note that this is BEFORE I began experimenting, so this is without the entityInit in it.

(Also pay no attention to the tileentity portions. They are severely out of date)




public abstract class EntityDigimon extends EntityDigimonEvolution //This is extension is just a bunch of variables,
																// but it goes on to extend EntityTameable

 protected EntityDigimonAISit digimonaiSit = new EntityDigimonAISit(this);
public EntityDigimon(World world)
      dataWatcher.addObject(2, level); // Level
      dataWatcher.addObject(3, ""); // Nickname
      dataWatcher.addObject(4, ""); //Name
      dataWatcher.addObject(7, (short) 0); //Tamed check
      this.tasks.addTask(1, new EntityDigimonAISwimming(this));
      this.tasks.addTask(2, this.digimonaiSit);
      this.tasks.addTask(3, new EntityDigimonAIFollowOwner(this, this.moveSpeed, 30.0F, 15.0F));
      this.tasks.addTask(4, new EntityDigimonAIAttackOnCollide(this, 0.25F, false));
      this.tasks.addTask(5, new EntityDigimonAITempt(this, 0.3F, digimobs.acorn.itemID, false));
      this.tasks.addTask(6, new EntityDigimonAIWander(this, 0.2F));
      this.tasks.addTask(7, new EntityDigimonAIWatchClosest(this, EntityPlayer.class, 6.0F));
      this.tasks.addTask(7, new EntityDigimonAILookIdle(this));
      this.targetTasks.addTask(1, new EntityDigimonAIOwnerHurtByTarget(this));
      this.targetTasks.addTask(2, new EntityDigimonAIOwnerHurtTarget(this));
      this.targetTasks.addTask(3, new EntityDigimonAIHurtByTarget(this, true));


    public void newDigimon()
    	  dataWatcher.updateObject(2, level);
    	//level = 0;
        name = EntityList.getEntityString(this);
        baseExp = 5;
        baseatk = 1;
        factor = 2;
        owner = "";
        nickname = getNickname();
        minimumRange = 4;
        maximumRange = 6;
       // setLevel((short)(rand.nextInt(4) + 1)); //this will make levels 1-4  rand.nextInt(M-m+1)+m; M= max level m= min level
        exp = 0;
        health = baseHealth = 6;
        health = getMaxHealth();
        attackCounter = 0;
        sitting = false;
        inXros = false;
        home = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        atHome = false;
        npc = false;
        range = 2.0F;
    public EntityDigimonAISit sittingAI()
        return this.digimonaiSit;

    public EntityDigimon isNpc()
        npc = true;
        return this;

    protected void fall(float f)
        if (!isTamed())

    public void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)
        nbt.setDouble("homeX", home.X);
        nbt.setDouble("homeY", home.Y);
        nbt.setDouble("homeZ", home.Z);
        nbt.setShort("level", getLevel());
        nbt.setString("name", dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectString(4));
        nbt.setString("nickname", dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectString(3));
        nbt.setShort("tamed", dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectShort(7));
        nbt.setInteger("exp", exp);
        nbt.setBoolean("sitting", sitting);
        nbt.setBoolean("inXros", inXros);
        nbt.setBoolean("atHome", atHome);
        nbt.setFloat("Hunger", hunger);


    public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt)
       dataWatcher.updateObject(4, nbt.getString("Name"));

	if (nbt.hasKey("nickname"))
		dataWatcher.updateObject(3, nbt.getString("nickname"));
        dataWatcher.updateObject(3, nbt.getString("nickname"));;
        dataWatcher.updateObject(7, nbt.getShort("tamed"));;
        exp = nbt.getInteger("exp");
        sitting = nbt.getBoolean("sitting");
        inXros = nbt.getBoolean("inXros");
        home = new Vector3(nbt.getDouble("homeX"), nbt.getDouble("homeY"),
        atHome = nbt.getBoolean("atHome");
        hunger = nbt.getFloat("hunger");
        if (health == 0)
            health = getMaxHealth();

    public Vector3 getHome()
        return home;

    public void attackEntity(Entity entity, float f)
        if (attackTime <= 0 && f < range && entity.boundingBox.maxY > boundingBox.minY && entity.boundingBox.minY < boundingBox.maxY)
            entity.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.causeMobDamage(this), getAttack());
            attackTime = 20;
    public boolean attackEntityAsMob(Entity entity)
        return  entity.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.causeMobDamage(this), getAttack());
    public boolean attackEntityFrom(DamageSource damagesource, int i)
      /*  if (damagesource == digimobs.ropeCapture)
            i = getMaxHealth() / 5;

            if (i >= health)
                i = health - 1;

        Entity entity = damagesource.getEntity();

        if (isTamed() && entity instanceof EntityPlayer)
            if (rand.nextInt(3) == 2)
                dropItem(digimobs.digitear.itemID, 1);

        i = calculateDefense(i);

       /* if  ( health == level/4)
        return super.attackEntityFrom(damagesource, i);

    public void prepareToTame()
        readyToTame = true;
        timeToTame = 200;

    public boolean isHome()
        return atHome;

    public void setAtHome(boolean b)
        atHome = b;
    public int calculateDefense(int i)
        int j = level / 10;
        return j >= i ? 0 : i - j;

    public int getMaxHealth()
        return level / 2 + baseHealth; // Baby 4, Intraining 7, Rookie 12, Champion 17, Ultimate 27, Mega 42

    public void lureMonsters()
        List list = worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityMob.class,
                boundingBox.expand(10D, 10D, 10D));

        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
            EntityMob mob = (EntityMob) list.get(i);

          /*\  if (mob instanceof EntitySpider)
                if (worldObj.isDaytime()
                        && mob.entityToAttack != ModLoader

            mob.entityToAttack = this;*/

    public void onLivingUpdate()
        if (worldObj.getBlockTileEntity((int) posX, (int) posY - 1, (int) posZ) instanceof TileEntityDigiCage
                && !isTamed())
            TileEntityDigiCage cage = (TileEntityDigiCage) worldObj
                    .getBlockTileEntity((int) posX, (int) posY - 1, (int) posZ);

            if (cage.hasAcorn())
                cage.hasAcorn = false;
                if(entityToAttack==null && isSitting())setPathToEntity(worldObj.getPathEntityToEntity (this,getOwner(),24F,true,false,false,true));


        if (getNeededExp() <= 0)
            exp = 0;
            dataWatcher.updateObject(2, level); 


    public void onUpdate()
        if (timeToTame > 0)

            if (timeToTame <= 0)
                readyToTame = false;

        if (!readyToTame)
            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                double d = rand.nextGaussian() * 0.02D;
                double d1 = rand.nextGaussian() * 0.02D;
                double d2 = rand.nextGaussian() * 0.02D;
                worldObj.spawnParticle("crit", (posX + (double)(rand.nextFloat() * width * 2.0F)) - (double)width, posY + 0.5D + (double)(rand.nextFloat() * height), (posZ + (double)(rand.nextFloat() * width * 2.0F)) - (double)width, d, d1, d2);

        if (isTamed() && entityToAttack instanceof EntityPlayer)
            entityToAttack = null;
       // if (tamed && hunger>0)hunger-=0.0001F;
       // if((int)hunger==(int)getMaxHunger())autoheal();
      /*  if (agetime >= 100)//24000)
            agetime = 0;
            System.out.println("Age up!");


    public void onDeath(DamageSource ds)

        if (isTamed() && canDropEgg() && worldObj.isRemote == false)
            EntityDigiEgg digiegg = new EntityDigiEgg(worldObj);
            digiegg.randomID = eggDrop();
            digiegg.setPosition(posX, posY, posZ);

    public void tame(EntityPlayer player)
    	 dataWatcher.updateObject(7, (short) 1);
         //sitting = true;
         motionX = 0;
         motionY = 0;
         motionZ = 0;
         dataWatcher.updateObject(2, level);
         exp = 0;
         atHome = false;
         hostile = false;
         rival = null;
         health = getMaxHealth();
         System.out.println("Digimon tamed!");
    protected boolean isAIEnabled()
          return true;
    public void evolve()
        if (evolution != null && level >= evolveForm && isTamed() && worldObj.isRemote == false)
        	String player = getOwnerName();
            EntityDigimon entitydigimon = evolution;
           entitydigimon.dataWatcher.updateObject(17, player);
            entitydigimon.dataWatcher.updateObject(7, (short) 1);
            entitydigimon.level = getLevel();
            entitydigimon.nickname = nickname;
            entitydigimon.exp = exp;
            entitydigimon.health = entitydigimon.getMaxHealth();
            entitydigimon.setPosition(posX, posY, posZ);
            funParticles(posX, posY, posZ);
            .addChatMessage((new StringBuilder())
                    .append(" digivolve to... ")
        else if (evolution == null && worldObj.isRemote == false)
            .addChatMessage((new StringBuilder()).append("Sorry, ")
                    .append(" doesn't have an evolution!").toString());
        else if (level < evolveForm && worldObj.isRemote == false)
            .addChatMessage((new StringBuilder()).append("Sorry, ")
                    .append(" needs more data to digivolve!")
                    .append(" Your digimon's current level is ").append(getLevel()).toString());
    public void devolve()
        if (devolution != null || level < evolveForm && isTamed() && worldObj.isRemote == false)
        	String player = getOwnerName();
            EntityDigimon entitydigimon = devolution;
           // evolveAnimation();
            entitydigimon.dataWatcher.updateObject(7, (short) 1);
            entitydigimon.dataWatcher.updateObject(17, player);
            entitydigimon.level = getLevel();
            entitydigimon.nickname = nickname;
            entitydigimon.owner = owner;
            entitydigimon.exp = exp;
            entitydigimon.health = entitydigimon.getMaxHealth();
            entitydigimon.setPosition(posX, posY, posZ);
            funParticles(posX, posY, posZ);
            .addChatMessage((new StringBuilder())
                    .append(" degenerate to... ")

    public void funParticles(double posX, double posY, double posZ)
        String s = "magicCrit";

        for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
            double d = rand.nextGaussian() * 0.52D - rand.nextGaussian();
            double d1 = rand.nextGaussian() * 0.52D - rand.nextGaussian();
            double d2 = rand.nextGaussian() * 0.52D - rand.nextGaussian();
            worldObj.spawnParticle(s, (posX + (double)(rand.nextFloat()
                    * width * 2.0F))
                    - (double) width, posY + 0.5D
                    + (double)(rand.nextFloat() * height),
                    (posZ + (double)(rand.nextFloat() * width * 2.0F))
                    - (double) width, d, d1, d2);

    public boolean interact(EntityPlayer player)
    	 if (!(player instanceof EntityPlayerMP)) 
    		 return false;

    	 ItemStack itemstack = player.inventory.getCurrentItem();

    	 if (player.username.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getOwnerName()) && !this.worldObj.isRemote)

        if (readyToTame && itemstack.itemID == digimobs.digivice.itemID)
            return true;

        if (itemstack == null && isTamed()  )
            sitting = !sitting;
            motionY = 0;
            motionX = 0;
            motionZ = 0;
            return true;
        if(itemstack!=null && itemstack.itemID == digimobs.digipedia.itemID)
            itemstack = null;
            return false;

     /*     if(itemstack!=null && itemstack.itemID == digimobs.xros.itemID)
            itemstack = null;
            return false;
       /* if (itemstack!=null && itemstack.itemID == digimobs.digirope.itemID)
            itemstack = null;
            return false;
        if (itemstack!=null && itemstack.itemID == digimobs.tamerdigivice.itemID)
        {	itemstack = null;
            return true;

        if (isTamed() && itemstack.itemID == digimobs.data.itemID)
        	case 4:exp-=20;
        	case 3:exp+=45;
        	case 2:exp+=35;
        	case 1:exp+=15;
        	case 0:exp+=10;
            return true;
        if (itemstack != null && itemstack.itemID == digimobs.acorn.itemID && digiLevel == 0)
            if (acornamount >= (rand.nextInt(6) + 5))	
        if (itemstack != null && itemstack.itemID == digimobs.acorn.itemID && digiLevel == 1)
            if (acornamount >= (rand.nextInt(6) + 20))	

        if (itemstack!=null && itemstack.getItem().itemID == digimobs.acorn.itemID
                ||itemstack!=null && itemstack.getItem().itemID == digimobs.acorn.itemID)
            //if((int)hunger!=(int)getMaxHunger() && itemstack!=null && itemstack.getItem() instanceof ItemFood)hunger+=2;
             * worldObj.playSoundAtEntity( this, "sound.secret", 0.6F,
             * ((rand.nextFloat() - rand.nextFloat()) * 0.2F + 1.0F) / 0.8F);
            worldObj.spawnParticle("heart", posX, posY + height, posZ, 0,
                    0, 0);
            return true;

        if (isEvolveItem(itemstack) && isTamed())
            return true;
        if (isDevolveItem(itemstack) && isTamed())
            return true;

        if (isTamed())
            sitting = !sitting;
            motionY = 0;
            motionX = 0;
            motionZ = 0;

    	return super.interact(player);      


    public int getAttack()
    	return level / 5 + baseatk;

    public String getNickname()
    	if (dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectString(3).equals(""))
    		return name;		
    	return dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectString(3);
  //Evolution Items go here
    public boolean isDevolveItem(ItemStack itemstack)
        if (itemstack == null)
            return false;

        if (degenLevel == 1)
            return itemstack.itemID == digimobs.digivice.itemID; 
	return false;
    public boolean isEvolveItem(ItemStack itemstack)
        if (itemstack == null)
            return false;

        if (digiLevel == 0)
            return itemstack.itemID == digimobs.digivice.itemID; 

        if (digiLevel == 1)
            return itemstack.itemID == digimobs.card.itemID
                    && isCorespondingType(itemstack.getItemDamage());

        if (digiLevel == 2)
            return itemstack.itemID == digimobs.crest.itemID
                    && isCorespondingType(itemstack.getItemDamage());

        if (digiLevel == 3)
            return itemstack.itemID == digimobs.mega.itemID
                    && isCorespondingType(itemstack.getItemDamage());

        //if (digiLevel == 4)
        //return itemstack.itemID == mod_digimon.mega.itemID
        //	&& isCorespondingType(itemstack.getItemDamage());
        return false;

    public boolean isCorespondingType(int i)
        return false;
    //End Evolution Items

    //Drops go here
    protected void dropFewItems(boolean par1, int par2)
    	if(digiLevel==0)entityDropItem(new ItemStack(digimobs.data,1,0),0.3F);
    	if(digiLevel==1)entityDropItem(new ItemStack(digimobs.data,1,1),0.3F);
    	if(digiLevel==2)entityDropItem(new ItemStack(digimobs.data,1,2),0.3F);
    	if(digiLevel==3)entityDropItem(new ItemStack(digimobs.data,1,3),0.3F);	 
    public boolean canDropEgg()
        return isTamed() && eggDrop() >= 0;
    public int eggDrop()
        return -1;
    //End Drops

    public void evolveAnimation()
        // TODO: Get a animation!
    //End Unfinished/Other
    protected boolean isMovementCeased()
        return isSitting() && entityToAttack == null;

    protected boolean canDespawn()
        return !isTamed();
    public String getName() {
	return dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectString(4);
    public void setName(String name) {
	dataWatcher.updateObject(4, name);

    public void setTamed(boolean tamed)
   if (tamed)
	   dataWatcher.updateObject(7, (short) 1);
	   dataWatcher.updateObject(7, (short) 0);          
    public boolean isTamed()
    	return dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectShort(7) == (short) 1;

    public void setLevel(short level)
    	this.dataWatcher.updateObject(2, level);

    public void setNickname(String nickname)
    	dataWatcher.updateObject(3, nickname);

    public short getLevel()
    	return this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectShort(2);
    public short getDigimonAge()
    	return age;

    /*public boolean isSitting()
        return sitting;

    public boolean inXros()
        return inXros;

    public void setinXros(boolean flag)
        inXros = flag;

   /* public void setSitting(boolean flag)
        sitting = flag;

    //Exp Stuff
    public int getExp()
        return exp;

    public int getNeededExp()
        int maxNeeded = baseExp + level * factor;
        return maxNeeded - exp;
    public int getExperiencePoints(EntityPlayer player)
        return level + (level / 4);
    //End Exp



Also, I have looked at the packet tutorial on the wiki, as well as from some other github src to try and make heads or tails of it. I'll put up what I have as well for any critique/suggestions on how to fix it.(note that I don't have the packets in the above entity file at all at the moment)



public class DigimobsPacketHandler implements IPacketHandler {

public void onPacketData(INetworkManager manager, Packet250CustomPayload packet, Player player) {
	DataInputStream dataStream = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(packet.data));

	try {
		int packetID = dataStream.readInt();
			LevelPacket d = new LevelPacket();

	} catch (IOException e) {




public abstract class DigimobsPacket extends Packet250CustomPayload
//	EnumPackets packetType;

public Packet getPacket()
        ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        DataOutputStream data = new DataOutputStream(bytes);
        catch (IOException e)
        Packet250CustomPayload pkt = new Packet250CustomPayload();
        pkt.channel = "Digimobs";
        pkt.data    = bytes.toByteArray();
        pkt.length  = pkt.data.length;
        return pkt;

public abstract void writePacketData(DataOutputStream par1DataOutputStream) throws IOException;
public abstract void readPacketData(DataInputStream par1DataInputStream) throws IOException;

    public String toString(boolean full)
        return toString();



Level Packet

public class LevelPacket extends DigimobsPacket {

public int level;

public LevelPacket() {


public LevelPacket(EntityDigimon d, int level) {

	this.level = level;


public LevelPacket (int level) {

	this.level = level;


public void writePacketData(DataOutputStream data) throws IOException {



public void readPacketData(DataInputStream data) throws IOException {

	level = data.readInt();




Forget anything I said about maybe setting data to a field, this is probably where you are stuck. (btw,y ou should only need a set/getEXP method and calc your level from that return, or at least don't save both ), Anytime you want to get/setEXP it HAS to use the methods, you cannot save them to a variable anywhere and expect to reference it later.


What I see is that you are still not implementing it correctly. I don't see the Init method in the Entity, this is probably the best place to create your datawatchers and put them right next to each other for easy reference... not scattered about.


Something like nbt.setDouble("homeX", home.X); will do you no good what so ever. It puts something in the NBT and will read it to a field but it won't write it to the client at all. I'll use only the EXP method but you'll do the same for any persistant data sent from the Server.


*Make a get and set methods to set the datawatchers value you initiated in the entityInit() method. It's a method in the Entity class, you don't need it but it's a good place to stick stuff after the constructor fires.


* the setEXP( int exp) method has one line: this.dataWatcher.updateObject(20, Integer.valueOf(exp));


*the getEXP() method has one line:  return this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(20);


- Notice how they don't reference any data but the watcher? This is important as we can't trust the client for anything... ever... it's a bad naughty client! It's fields are dirty and must be ignored and made to sit in the corner!


!!!Never call your setEXP method ( or rather a write or update on a watcher) outside of the writeToNBT!!! That usually causes wonkyness and a struggle by the Server and Client to see who gets to set the data.  !!!NBT is done only Server side!!!


*Use something like nbt.setInt("exp", this.getEXP()); in the writeToNBT


*Use something like this.setEXP(nbt.getInt("exp"); inside the readToNBT to make sure the system reads the NBT back into the watcher. You will not be using fields unless you come up with some safe way to update them client side (if you ABSOLUTELY had to THIS is what packets are good for), you'll just be using Entity.getEXP() the method to get the values.


I think I can safely say that if you wanted to use packets... they use up a lot more code. Also, you cannot use arrays in watchers(I sure as ssssss can't get them to see array Objects), but you can use strings, and strings are practically byte arrays or even data arrays if you use string indexing and offsets. Just a hint for advanced usage when you get there.


Use more // and descriptions too. It might be easier to find things in your code for people to help you out with. It's kinda hard to find stuff with no documented code.


I don't see the implementation class of your abstract class so I don't know if there would be anything causing problems there but the way the abstract class is written the implementation wouldn't work.


Just an update: When I say never call the setEXP method outside... I should clarify that you may call it to set the data inside the class, but it's probably not as safe to do so in something like the render or model of your entity. I think that's the best way to put it...


Also: should be *the getEXP() method has one line:  return this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(20);

This topic is now closed to further replies.


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