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Edited by GenElectrovise

How to ask a good coding question: https://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask

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My own mod, Magiks Most Evile: GitHub (https://github.com/GenElectrovise/MagiksMostEvile) Wiki (https://magiksmostevile.fandom.com/wiki/Magiks_Most_Evile_Wiki)

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I haven't tried this but given that there are no other responses, I would start in a few places:


ForgeRegistries.DIMENSIONS provides registration for dimensions through DeferredRegister.

Search for the classes World and DimensionType - how does vanilla do it?


Code to change dimension (i.e. through a portal) is:

   * Convenience method to change the dimension of the given entity.
   * @param entityIn
   * @param worldIn
  private void changeDimension(Entity entityIn, World worldIn, RegistryKey<World> registryKey) {

    // Get the world of that key
    ServerWorld serverworld = ((ServerWorld) worldIn).getServer().getWorld(registryKey);

    // Change
    if (serverworld == null) {

    entityIn.changeDimension(serverworld, new NoPortalTeleporter(serverworld));

... so World is evidently important.


I'd also look into that RegistryKey business.


Afraid I don't have a lot of other advice :(

How to ask a good coding question: https://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask

Give logs, code, desired effects, and actual effects. Be thorough or we can't help you. Don't post code without putting it in a code block (the <> button on the post - select "C-type Language"): syntax highlighting makes everything easier, and it keeps the post tidy.


My own mod, Magiks Most Evile: GitHub (https://github.com/GenElectrovise/MagiksMostEvile) Wiki (https://magiksmostevile.fandom.com/wiki/Magiks_Most_Evile_Wiki)

Edit your own signature at https://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/settings/signature/

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