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Posted (edited)

Hi, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to give me some code that generates ores, or could just point me in the right direction, please? I've tried looking, I really have, but I can't find much. Thanks!

Edited by Linky132
Posted (edited)

so as you see in this code i am making it spawn randomly across the map. just to tell u this is for 1.15 the code in 1.16 is something similar to this this code is just to demonstrate how you would write it. also make a separate java class in ModFolder.world.gen.OreGeneration.java and type in code something like this but dont copy, it wont work in 1.16 and replace RegistryHandler.NETHERITE_ORE with the path to the ore you want to generate thats in your registry handler also then in your main.java class where it has your mod id and stuff in the private void setup(final FMLCommonSetupEvent event) u will write OreGeneration.generate(); in the brackets


private static void setupOreGeneration() {
    for (Biome biome : ForgeRegistries.BIOMES) {
                        .withConfiguration(new OreFeatureConfig(OreFeatureConfig.FillerBlockType.NATURAL_STONE,
                                RegistryHandler.NETHERITE_ORE.get().getDefaultState(), 10))
                        .withPlacement(Placement.COUNT_RANGE.configure(new CountRangeConfig(20, 5, 0, 128))));

public static void generate() {

Edited by Somonestolemyusername
3 hours ago, Somonestolemyusername said:

so as you see in this code i am making it spawn randomly across the map. just to tell u this is for 1.15 the code in 1.16 is something similar to this this code is just to demonstrate how you would write it. also make a separate java class in ModFolder.world.gen.OreGeneration.java and type in code something like this but dont copy, it wont work in 1.16 and replace RegistryHandler.NETHERITE_ORE with the path to the ore you want to generate thats in your registry handler also then in your main.java class where it has your mod id and stuff in the private void setup(final FMLCommonSetupEvent event) u will write OreGeneration.generate(); in the brackets

This is not applicable for 1.16.2+ as the system was changed.


First, you will need to register your Configured Feature within the associated WorldGenRegistries. I would suggest looking at how the Features class does the registering and borrow the method. Note that this should be deferred until FMLCommonSetupEvent. For reference, the register event is not thread-safe, so it should be wrapped using the synchronous work queue provided in the event (e.g. enqueueWork). From there, you can attach the feature to the biome(s) of your choice using BiomeLoadingEvent. You can grab the generation settings builder there and add a feature during a specific point in the generation process, in your case most likely UNDERGROUND_ORES.

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