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Posted (edited)

Not sure exactly why, but in my config I have a list of strings. When I change the config, and reload the config, some settings work properly (things like booleans, and integers) but the list of strings get reverted back to default.
I feel like it has to deal with them being



I can provide more code relating to it, but would prefer to not upload it all.
Any help is appreciated and welcomed



public class FeatureConfig {
    public static ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue<String> tag;

    public static ForgeConfigSpec.BooleanValue color_chat_enable;
    public static ForgeConfigSpec.BooleanValue translation_enable;
    public static ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue<String> color_chat_perm;
    public static ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue<String> link_chat_perm;
    public static ForgeConfigSpec.BooleanValue rainbow_code_enable;
    public static ForgeConfigSpec.BooleanValue holiday_code_enable;
    public static ForgeConfigSpec.BooleanValue enable_global_perms;
    public static ForgeConfigSpec.BooleanValue enable_economy;
    public static ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue<List<String>> jan_colors;
    public static ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue<List<String>> feb_colors;
    public static ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue<List<String>> mar_colors;
    public static ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue<List<String>> apr_colors;
    public static ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue<List<String>> may_colors;
    public static ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue<List<String>> jun_colors;
    public static ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue<List<String>> jul_colors;
    public static ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue<List<String>> aug_colors;
    public static ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue<List<String>> sep_colors;
    public static ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue<List<String>> oct_colors;
    public static ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue<List<String>> nov_colors;
    public static ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue<List<String>> dec_colors;

    public static ForgeConfigSpec.IntValue clearlag_frequency;
    public static ForgeConfigSpec.BooleanValue clearlag_items;
    public static ForgeConfigSpec.BooleanValue clearlag_hostile;
    public static ForgeConfigSpec.BooleanValue clearlag_passive;
    public static ForgeConfigSpec.BooleanValue auto_clearlag_enabled;

    public static void init(ForgeConfigSpec.Builder server){
        server.comment("The tag used by the mod, leave empty for no tag.");
        tag = server.define("tag", "&8[&9S&aU&8]");
        server.comment("enabling global permissions will make all players op, then restrict command usage based on the permissions.json file (in the config directory) and the permissions the player has.");
        enable_global_perms = server.define("global perms", true);
        server.comment("disabling translations will force all messages to be in english.");
        translation_enable = server.define("translations", true);
        server.push("Auto Clearlag");
            auto_clearlag_enabled = server.define("enabled", false);
            clearlag_frequency = server.defineInRange("frequency", 5, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
                clearlag_items = server.define("item", true);
                clearlag_passive = server.define("passive", true);
                clearlag_hostile = server.define("hostile", true);
        server.push("Color Chat");
            color_chat_perm = server.define("perm", "serverutils.colorchat");
            link_chat_perm = server.define("link-perm", "serverutils.linkchat");
            color_chat_enable = server.define("enabled", true);

            server.push("Color Codes");
                server.comment("This will enable the &g color code, which will change text to rainbow.");
                rainbow_code_enable = server.define("rainbow enabled", true);

                server.comment("This will enable the &h color code, which will change text based on the month it is.");
                holiday_code_enable = server.define("holiday enabled", true);

                server.push("Holiday Colors");
                    jan_colors = server.define("January", Arrays.asList("8", "7", "6", "f"));
                    feb_colors = server.define("Febuary", Arrays.asList("f", "d", "5", "c"));
                    mar_colors = server.define("March", Arrays.asList("2", "a", "f", "6"));
                    apr_colors = server.define("April", Arrays.asList("b", "a", "9", "f"));
                    may_colors = server.define("May", Arrays.asList("a", "e", "b", "9"));
                    jun_colors = server.define("June", Arrays.asList("7", "f", "c"));
                    jul_colors = server.define("July", Arrays.asList("c", "f", "9"));
                    aug_colors = server.define("August", Arrays.asList("6", "c", "a"));
                    sep_colors = server.define("September", Arrays.asList("8", "c", "e"));
                    oct_colors = server.define("October", Arrays.asList("8", "6", "f"));
                    nov_colors = server.define("November", Arrays.asList("c", "6", "e"));
                    dec_colors = server.define("December", Arrays.asList("a", "f", "c"));
        Logger.log("Config has been initialized");



public class Configs {
    private static final ForgeConfigSpec.Builder featureBuilder = new ForgeConfigSpec.Builder();
    public static final ForgeConfigSpec featureConfig;

    private static final ForgeConfigSpec.Builder commandBuilder = new ForgeConfigSpec.Builder();
    public static final ForgeConfigSpec commandConfig;

    static {
        Main.getLogger().info("Loading configs");
        featureConfig = featureBuilder.build();

        commandConfig = commandBuilder.build();

    public static void reload(){
        loadConfig(featureConfig, FMLPaths.CONFIGDIR.get().resolve("ServerUtils_Features.toml").toString());
        loadConfig(commandConfig, FMLPaths.CONFIGDIR.get().resolve("ServerUtils_Commands.toml").toString());

    public static void loadConfig(ForgeConfigSpec config, String path){
        Main.getLogger().info("Loading config: " + path);
        final CommentedFileConfig file = CommentedFileConfig.builder(new File(path)).sync().autosave().writingMode(WritingMode.REPLACE).build();
        Main.getLogger().info("Built config: " + path);
        Main.getLogger().info("Loaded config: " + path);


Edited by Elrol_Arrowsend
Adding code

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