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I have a block that has four different tiers (SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE, CREATIVE), I had everything working but then I wanted to send the tier of block down the pipeline to the container where it can be used, so I'm sending the tile down.

The Tile accepts the Tier as a value to pass to its constructor, but for some reason I get an error in the console when I place any of this block that is not the CreativeTier. So if I place a Small/Medium/Large block then I get this error:


[14:50:14] [Render thread/WARN] [minecraft/TileEntity]: Block entity invalid: experienced:experience_block_creative @ BlockPos{x=-227, y=4, z=-218}
[14:50:14] [Server thread/WARN] [minecraft/TileEntity]: Block entity invalid: experienced:experience_block_creative @ BlockPos{x=-227, y=4, z=-218}


I've searched on here and I get not much to go on. And when I step through with the debugger, all the Tiles seem to be registered just like my Items and Blocks.


Code here:

My Registration Class:

public class Registration {

    public static final DeferredRegister<Block> BLOCKS = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.BLOCKS, Constants.MOD_ID);
    public static final DeferredRegister<Item> ITEMS = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.ITEMS, Constants.MOD_ID);
    public static final DeferredRegister<IRecipeSerializer<?>> RECIPES = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.RECIPE_SERIALIZERS, Constants.MOD_ID);
    public static final DeferredRegister<TileEntityType<?>> TILES = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.TILE_ENTITIES, Constants.MOD_ID);
    public static final DeferredRegister<ContainerType<?>> CONTAINERS = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.CONTAINERS, Constants.MOD_ID);

    public static void register(){

        IEventBus modEventBus = FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus();

        // The deferred registries

        // Registry objects are registered



My ModTiles code:

@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = Constants.MOD_ID, bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD)
public class ModTiles {

    public static final DeferredRegister<TileEntityType<?>> TILES = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.TILE_ENTITIES, Constants.MOD_ID);

    public static final RegistryObject<TileEntityType<ExperienceBlockTile>> EXPERIENCE_BLOCK_SMALL;
    public static final RegistryObject<TileEntityType<ExperienceBlockTile>> EXPERIENCE_BLOCK_MEDIUM;
    public static final RegistryObject<TileEntityType<ExperienceBlockTile>> EXPERIENCE_BLOCK_LARGE;
    public static final RegistryObject<TileEntityType<ExperienceBlockTile>> EXPERIENCE_BLOCK_CREATIVE;

    static {

        EXPERIENCE_BLOCK_SMALL = TILES.register("experience_block_small", ()-> TileEntityType.Builder.create(
                ()-> new ExperienceBlockTile(ExperienceBlock.Tier.SMALL), ModBlocks.EXPERIENCE_BLOCKS.get(ExperienceBlock.Tier.SMALL).get()
        EXPERIENCE_BLOCK_MEDIUM = TILES.register("experience_block_medium", ()-> TileEntityType.Builder.create(
                ()-> new ExperienceBlockTile(ExperienceBlock.Tier.MEDIUM), ModBlocks.EXPERIENCE_BLOCKS.get(ExperienceBlock.Tier.MEDIUM).get()
        EXPERIENCE_BLOCK_LARGE = TILES.register("experience_block_large", ()-> TileEntityType.Builder.create(
                ()-> new ExperienceBlockTile(ExperienceBlock.Tier.LARGE), ModBlocks.EXPERIENCE_BLOCKS.get(ExperienceBlock.Tier.LARGE).get()
        EXPERIENCE_BLOCK_CREATIVE = TILES.register("experience_block_creative", ()-> TileEntityType.Builder.create(
                ()-> new ExperienceBlockTile(ExperienceBlock.Tier.CREATIVE), ModBlocks.EXPERIENCE_BLOCKS.get(ExperienceBlock.Tier.CREATIVE).get()

    public static void register() {


My ExperienceBlock Class just in  case:

public class ExperienceBlock extends Block {

    // The tiers of the experience block, this makes it easy to register the blocks and all that sort of stuff
    public static Tier BLOCK_TIER;

    public enum Tier {

        final String name;

        Tier(String name){
            this.name = name;

        public String getName(){
            return name;

    public ExperienceBlock(Tier tier) {
        BLOCK_TIER = tier;

    //region Gui Functions

    //region Tile Entity

    public boolean hasTileEntity(BlockState state) {
        return true;

    public TileEntity createTileEntity(BlockState state, IBlockReader world) {
        return new ExperienceBlockTile(BLOCK_TIER);


    public INamedContainerProvider getContainer(BlockState state, World worldIn, BlockPos pos) {
        TileEntity tile = worldIn.getTileEntity(pos);
        return tile instanceof INamedContainerProvider ? (INamedContainerProvider) tile : null;


    public ActionResultType onBlockActivated(BlockState state, World worldIn, BlockPos pos, PlayerEntity player, Hand handIn, BlockRayTraceResult hit) {

            return ActionResultType.SUCCESS;

        // If the selected block has no container then one will be made for it
        INamedContainerProvider nmContainer = this.getContainer(state, worldIn, pos);
        if(nmContainer != null){

            TileEntity tile = worldIn.getTileEntity(pos);
            NetworkHooks.openGui((ServerPlayerEntity) player, nmContainer, (packetBuffer -> {}));
        return ActionResultType.SUCCESS;

    public void onReplaced(BlockState state, World worldIn, BlockPos pos, BlockState newState, boolean isMoving) {

        if(state.getBlock() != newState.getBlock()){
            TileEntity tile = worldIn.getTileEntity(pos);

            if(tile instanceof ExperienceBlockTile){
                ExperienceBlockTile tileEntity = (ExperienceBlockTile) tile;
                tileEntity.dropContents(worldIn, pos);
            super.onReplaced(state, worldIn, pos, newState, isMoving);

    //region Helper Methods for Block

    // Method used to initialize the max amount of exp a certain block can hold
    // For now; Small = 30, Medium = 60, Large = 100, Creative = MAX_VALUE, and default is 0 cause that might not happen
    public static int getMaxExpFromTier(Tier tier){
            case SMALL:
                return 1395;
            case MEDIUM:
                return 8670;
            case LARGE:
                return 30970;
            case CREATIVE:
                return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                return 0;




I also don't like how the registry objects are so verbose in my code tbh. I have the blocks in an EnumMap and just foreach through them all and that seems to work.

Please help me here cause I've been stuck on this for a while.

Edited by IntentScarab
7 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

First of all, do not put the DeferredRegister and its registry object in separate classes. You will break things.

So I should delete the DeferredRegisters in the Registration class and just keep them separate in their respective classes? So ModItems gets the DeferrefRegister and so on?

I did notice that when I changed in ModTiles from the DeferredRegister in Registration to the specific class DefReg it actually registered, so that explains something to me.


10 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Then, I'm guessing the issue is that you do not use the correct TileEntityType in your tile entity when calling the super constructor.

This is my ExperienceBlockTile constructor and the getTier method that returns the Tile:


public ExperienceBlockTile(ExperienceBlock.Tier tier) {

        inputContents = ExperienceBlockContents.createForTileEntity(INPUT_SLOTS,

        outputContents = ExperienceBlockContents.createForTileEntity(OUTPUT_SLOTS,

        expBarContents = ExperienceBlockContents.createForTileEntity(EXP_BAR_SLOT,

    public static TileEntityType<ExperienceBlockTile> getTier(ExperienceBlock.Tier tier){
        switch (tier){
            case SMALL:
                return ModTiles.EXPERIENCE_BLOCK_SMALL.get();
            case MEDIUM:
                return ModTiles.EXPERIENCE_BLOCK_MEDIUM.get();
            case LARGE:
                return ModTiles.EXPERIENCE_BLOCK_LARGE.get();
            case CREATIVE:
                return ModTiles.EXPERIENCE_BLOCK_CREATIVE.get();
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unkown tier: " + tier);


4 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Please learn what static means and why it is not appropriate here.

I've been coding for like four years and it seems like I still don't know what it means. I'm gonna research what it means now cause it's been too long 😅


I've took off the static property and commented out all the code that was complaining for the meantime.

That has cleared up the problem about the error showing.


Thank you for the help!!

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