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Hi Guys

Im pretty new to Minecraft Modding.

I got myself a preset from a youtube and i want to try adding a "Evolved Zombie". I added Classes for the Entity (Renderer, Model & entity itself).

I added all the Assets, and added a Spawn Egg Item. So far so good.

As i tried spawning the mob by Console or Spawn egg, nothing happens. I only get a large Exception on the console.

I tried reading through the log, but i have no idea what the problem is. I mean i know its a null pointer exception, but i dont know where soething is null.


Please send help.

Log is attached


Please also if you can speak german, answer me in german, because i can speak better them.



public class ModEntityType {

    public static final DeferredRegister<EntityType<?>> ENTITY_TYPES = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.ENTITIES, Tutorial.MOD_ID);

    // Entity Types
    public static final RegistryObject<EntityType<HogEntity>> HOG = ENTITY_TYPES.register("hog",
            () -> EntityType.Builder.create(HogEntity::new, EntityClassification.CREATURE)
                    .size(1.0f, 1.0f) // Hitbox Size
                    .build(new ResourceLocation(Tutorial.MOD_ID, "hog").toString()));

    public static final RegistryObject<EntityType<EvolvedZombieEntity>> EVOLVED_ZOMBIE = ENTITY_TYPES.register("evolved_zombie",
            () -> EntityType.Builder.<EvolvedZombieEntity>create(EvolvedZombieEntity::new, EntityClassification.MONSTER)
                    .size(1.0f, 1.0f)
                    .build(new ResourceLocation(Tutorial.MOD_ID, "evolved_zombie").toString()));

public class EvolvedZombieModel<T extends EvolvedZombieEntity> extends ZombieModel<T> {

    public EvolvedZombieModel(float modelSize, boolean p_i1168_2_) {
        super(modelSize, p_i1168_2_);

    protected EvolvedZombieModel(float p_i48914_1_, float p_i48914_2_, int p_i48914_3_, int p_i48914_4_) {
        super(p_i48914_1_, p_i48914_2_, p_i48914_3_, p_i48914_4_);

    public boolean isAggressive(T entityIn) {
        return entityIn.isAggressive();
public class EvolvedZombieRenderer extends ZombieRenderer {

    public EvolvedZombieRenderer(EntityRendererManager renderManagerIn) {
public class EvolvedZombieEntity extends ZombieEntity {

    public EvolvedZombieEntity(EntityType<? extends ZombieEntity> type, World worldIn) {
        super(type, worldIn);
        Tutorial.LOGGER.log(Level.INFO,toString() + " <-- THIS IS MY INFO");

    public EvolvedZombieEntity(World worldIn) {

    public static AttributeModifierMap.MutableAttribute setCustomAttributes() {
        return MobEntity.func_233666_p_()
                .createMutableAttribute(Attributes.MAX_HEALTH, 10.0D)
                .createMutableAttribute(Attributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED, 0.25D);

    public String toString() {
        return "EvolvedZombieEntity{" +
                "livingSoundTime=" + livingSoundTime +
                ",\n experienceValue=" + experienceValue +
                ",\n lookController=" + lookController +
                ",\n moveController=" + moveController +
                ",\n jumpController=" + jumpController +
                ",\n navigator=" + navigator +
                ",\n goalSelector=" + goalSelector +
                ",\n targetSelector=" + targetSelector +
                ",\n inventoryHandsDropChances=" + Arrays.toString(inventoryHandsDropChances) +
                ",\n inventoryArmorDropChances=" + Arrays.toString(inventoryArmorDropChances) +
                ",\n isSwingInProgress=" + isSwingInProgress +
                ",\n swingingHand=" + swingingHand +
                ",\n swingProgressInt=" + swingProgressInt +
                ",\n arrowHitTimer=" + arrowHitTimer +
                ",\n beeStingRemovalCooldown=" + beeStingRemovalCooldown +
                ",\n hurtTime=" + hurtTime +
                ",\n maxHurtTime=" + maxHurtTime +
                ",\n attackedAtYaw=" + attackedAtYaw +
                ",\n deathTime=" + deathTime +
                ",\n prevSwingProgress=" + prevSwingProgress +
                ",\n swingProgress=" + swingProgress +
                ",\n ticksSinceLastSwing=" + ticksSinceLastSwing +
                ",\n prevLimbSwingAmount=" + prevLimbSwingAmount +
                ",\n limbSwingAmount=" + limbSwingAmount +
                ",\n limbSwing=" + limbSwing +
                ",\n maxHurtResistantTime=" + maxHurtResistantTime +
                ",\n randomUnused2=" + randomUnused2 +
                ",\n randomUnused1=" + randomUnused1 +
                ",\n renderYawOffset=" + renderYawOffset +
                ",\n prevRenderYawOffset=" + prevRenderYawOffset +
                ",\n rotationYawHead=" + rotationYawHead +
                ",\n prevRotationYawHead=" + prevRotationYawHead +
                ",\n jumpMovementFactor=" + jumpMovementFactor +
                ",\n attackingPlayer=" + attackingPlayer +
                ",\n recentlyHit=" + recentlyHit +
                ",\n dead=" + dead +
                ",\n idleTime=" + idleTime +
                ",\n prevOnGroundSpeedFactor=" + prevOnGroundSpeedFactor +
                ",\n onGroundSpeedFactor=" + onGroundSpeedFactor +
                ",\n movedDistance=" + movedDistance +
                ",\n prevMovedDistance=" + prevMovedDistance +
                ",\n unused180=" + unused180 +
                ",\n scoreValue=" + scoreValue +
                ",\n lastDamage=" + lastDamage +
                ",\n isJumping=" + isJumping +
                ",\n moveStrafing=" + moveStrafing +
                ",\n moveVertical=" + moveVertical +
                ",\n moveForward=" + moveForward +
                ",\n newPosRotationIncrements=" + newPosRotationIncrements +
                ",\n interpTargetX=" + interpTargetX +
                ",\n interpTargetY=" + interpTargetY +
                ",\n interpTargetZ=" + interpTargetZ +
                ",\n interpTargetYaw=" + interpTargetYaw +
                ",\n interpTargetPitch=" + interpTargetPitch +
                ",\n interpTargetHeadYaw=" + interpTargetHeadYaw +
                ",\n interpTicksHead=" + interpTicksHead +
                ",\n activeItemStack=" + activeItemStack +
                ",\n activeItemStackUseCount=" + activeItemStackUseCount +
                ",\n ticksElytraFlying=" + ticksElytraFlying +
                ",\n spinAttackDuration=" + spinAttackDuration +
                ",\n brain=" + brain +
                ",\n preventEntitySpawning=" + preventEntitySpawning +
                ",\n rideCooldown=" + rideCooldown +
                ",\n forceSpawn=" + forceSpawn +
                ",\n world=" + world +
                ",\n prevPosX=" + prevPosX +
                ",\n prevPosY=" + prevPosY +
                ",\n prevPosZ=" + prevPosZ +
                ",\n rotationYaw=" + rotationYaw +
                ",\n rotationPitch=" + rotationPitch +
                ",\n prevRotationYaw=" + prevRotationYaw +
                ",\n prevRotationPitch=" + prevRotationPitch +
                ",\n onGround=" + onGround +
                ",\n collidedHorizontally=" + collidedHorizontally +
                ",\n collidedVertically=" + collidedVertically +
                ",\n velocityChanged=" + velocityChanged +
                ",\n motionMultiplier=" + motionMultiplier +
                ",\n removed=" + removed +
                ",\n prevDistanceWalkedModified=" + prevDistanceWalkedModified +
                ",\n distanceWalkedModified=" + distanceWalkedModified +
                ",\n distanceWalkedOnStepModified=" + distanceWalkedOnStepModified +
                ",\n fallDistance=" + fallDistance +
                ",\n lastTickPosX=" + lastTickPosX +
                ",\n lastTickPosY=" + lastTickPosY +
                ",\n lastTickPosZ=" + lastTickPosZ +
                ",\n stepHeight=" + stepHeight +
                ",\n noClip=" + noClip +
                ",\n entityCollisionReduction=" + entityCollisionReduction +
                ",\n rand=" + rand +
                ",\n ticksExisted=" + ticksExisted +
                ",\n inWater=" + inWater +
                ",\n eyesFluidLevel=" + eyesFluidLevel +
                ",\n eyesInWater=" + eyesInWater +
                ",\n field_241335_O_=" + field_241335_O_ +
                ",\n inLava=" + inLava +
                ",\n hurtResistantTime=" + hurtResistantTime +
                ",\n firstUpdate=" + firstUpdate +
                ",\n dataManager=" + dataManager +
                ",\n addedToChunk=" + addedToChunk +
                ",\n chunkCoordX=" + chunkCoordX +
                ",\n chunkCoordY=" + chunkCoordY +
                ",\n chunkCoordZ=" + chunkCoordZ +
                ",\n serverPosX=" + serverPosX +
                ",\n serverPosY=" + serverPosY +
                ",\n serverPosZ=" + serverPosZ +
                ",\n ignoreFrustumCheck=" + ignoreFrustumCheck +
                ",\n isAirBorne=" + isAirBorne +
                ",\n timeUntilPortal=" + timeUntilPortal +
                ",\n inPortal=" + inPortal +
                ",\n portalCounter=" + portalCounter +
                ",\n lastPortalPos=" + lastPortalPos +
                ",\n lastPortalVec=" + lastPortalVec +
                ",\n teleportDirection=" + teleportDirection +
                ",\n entityUniqueID=" + entityUniqueID +
                ",\n cachedUniqueIdString='" + cachedUniqueIdString + '\'' +
                ",\n glowing=" + glowing +



So i updated all to version 1.16.5.

I also added 

    public IPacket<?> createSpawnPacket() {
        return NetworkHooks.getEntitySpawningPacket(this);

in EvolvedZombieEntity.java.

but it is still not working....


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