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Hello everyone, I have recently come across the need for a function that gets fed in a LivingEntity and will create another entity of the same type, almost like cloning. I am coding in forge 1.15.2 31.2.36.. The main issue I have is getting the Entity to be the same type without a large if-else statement. I only starting coding with forge about 3 months ago, so this may be something obvious I haven't learned yet.


Thank you!

Posted (edited)

Thank you for the quick response. I tried to interpret what you said and came out with this:

        clone = entityIn.getLowestRidingEntity();
        EntityType.loadEntityAndExecute(entityIn.serializeNBT(), world, Function.identity());

However, something feels off about it. First of all, EntityType.func_220335_a wasn't there, so I presumed it was loadEntityAndExecute because it required nbt. That is the first possible mistake on my part. Secondly, I feel like I may have misinterpreted your psuedocode, because I feel as if entityIn.getLowestRidingEntity() is redundant. Could you please elaborate on how these functions are meant to click together? Most of my Minecraft coding so far has been motion and math, so thank you for the help and dealing with me. 


Edit: clone is defined as a LivingEntity

Edited by Half530

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