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  1. Past hour
  2. That’s probably not it because as I stated I’ve done it before. I did it like deadass 10 - 20 times when trying to learn to make this mod pack because I kept wanting to reset my profiles and such. So it definitely works, it looks like maybe the creephosting files were the things that couldn’t be reached I tried reading the crash log
  3. Today
  4. I don't know if this is the right place or not, but I have put together a custom modpack and I am in need of others to help me. It's a questing modpack with a lore book i'm currently writing out through Patchouli, and i am in need of somebody who will assist me in making the quests for the pack. It's a Zombie apocalypse modpack inspired by Deceasedcraft with a tinge of magic and RPG mechanics via Mine and slash. Is there anybody willing to assist me as i'm one person building a modpack I could also use help with optimizations since that's not really my strong suite.
  5. File a report to SPYRECOVERY36 @ gmail com he can legitimately assist in proper review and recovery of all your assets that was stolen. Endeavor to submit your request for a refund to his mail . He also spy and hack any device remotely without any trace. Contact via spyrecovery36 @ gm ail com
  6. Hello, is it possible to upgrade from server 1.16.5 forge to 1.20.1 forge without losing a thing? and how do I do it? You need to change "forge-1.16.5-36.2.35.jar, minecraft_server.1.16.5.jar" and other modes.
  7. Yesterday
  8. https://pastebin.com/EFmZgZey Tried removing: - Apotheosis - Enigmatic legacy - Pehkui - Guardvillagers but no dice :
  9. Help, i just updated my modpack on forge and now it show the error: The game crashed whilst rendering overlay Error: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError paste.ee/d/DbmiC
  10. Actualy, it works now again
  11. When i go specifically to Forge 1.13.2, there is no sound and when i go to the language changing place, there is no language avalible
  12. Make a test with a pre-configured modpack like https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/create-everything-the-kitchen-sink or https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/growth-survival
  13. i want to check player in specific world by using worldName.
  14. Same issue with other EpicFight builds? If yes, use a pre-configured modpack which is using EpicFight
  15. I deleted all the mods and left only Epic Fight and it gives the same error
  16. There are also issues with these mods: epicfight WeaponsOfMiracles BotanyPotsTiers TerraBlender
  17. Also, Optifine only works with specific versions of Forge. The optifine downloads page shows which version of forge it is compatible with. In your case, you are using OptiFine_1.20.1_HD_U_I6 which is for Forge 47.2.18, but you are using forge-1.20.1-47.3.1, and I imagine this could potentially be an issue as well.
  18. The mod resourcefulconfig is not working Try other builds or remove it and the mods requiring it
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