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  1. Past hour
  2. Thank you very much i removed the mod and now everything is working
  3. Today
  4. Thanks, I will try it and if I still face any issue. I will share my log by starting a new thread.
  5. That didnt work, heres the new crash report: pastebin.com/x1dddPR3
  6. I am trying to set up a server for All the Mods 9 No Frills, but when I try to boot it up, it crashes immediately. Crash Report: pastebin.com/y0EMcx6g
  7. So I asked my friend if I remove Epic Fight and he said yes, so I removed it and the issue is fixed. Thank you so much and I'm so sorry for wasting your time
  8. So Ive downloaded some mods for lucky block modpack which the creator of that modpack suggested and when I join to a singleplayer world, nothing happens except that some "Missing block" error pop up in the chat, but when I try to join my Multiplayer server it doesnt even let me join because of that "Fatally Missing Blocks or Items" error... I tried in every way to find the solution or to fix it but I just wasted my time, so I came here to ask you for any help if someone had something like this in the past. Thank you! Here is my report Log: https://mclo.gs/q5s2gDC
  9. I am out of ideas - remove mods one by one or in groups until you find the mod causing this issue Or use a pre-configured modpack as working base and add some mods
  10. Still the same issue. https://hastebin.com/share/atiganojam.scss
  11. Iceberg is twice available Maybe make a test with adding a font texture pack and enable it https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/search?class=texture-packs&page=1&pageSize=20&search=font&sortType=1
  12. https://ibb.co/hgNNPNC https://ibb.co/nQLtVdB https://ibb.co/FbCYr9x https://ibb.co/Bcx8ZVT https://ibb.co/qx1B8Nc https://ibb.co/pb7mnRd
  13. No, the rectangle text is still present. Do I send the latest log?
  14. I have embeddium but it's not active so it isn't it and I have the latest drivers so yeah I don't think these are the issues. I tried to make a world with the rectangle text and it crashed after the world is done
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