I want to add the citadel library but my build fail , idk how to add it i never tried before to add a external library and i cant find any documentation
Hello !
After running the .bat document, the terminal displays this error:
Exception in “main” thread java.lang.IllegalStateException: current Java is 8 but we need at least 21
at net.minecraftforge.bootstrap.shim.Main.main(Main.java:32)
What do I need to do?
I have created an EntityData that I want to save when the world closes and load that save when the world opens.
private static final EntityDataAccessor<Float> ENGINE_POWER = SynchedEntityData.defineId(AircraftVehicle.class, EntityDataSerializers.FLOAT);
protected void defineSynchedData(SynchedEntityData.Builder builder) {
builder.define(ENGINE_POWER, 0f);
protected void addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag compoundTag) {
compoundTag.putFloat("EnginePower", entityData.get(ENGINE_POWER));
protected void readAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag compoundTag) {
if (compoundTag.contains("EnginePower")) {
entityData.set(ENGINE_POWER, compoundTag.getFloat("EnginePower"));
The problem is that entityData.get(ENGINE_POWER) in addAdditionalSaveData method always return the default value