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I'd like to get the length of a music file.  This is how I currently get the resource for my item:


ResourceLocation resourceLocation = currentRecord.getRecordResource("records." + currentRecord.recordName);


However that doesn't work in the following:


try {
                    AudioInputStream audioInputStream = (AudioInputStream)Minecraft.getMinecraft().getResourceManager().getResource(resourceLocation).getInputStream();
                    AudioFormat format = audioInputStream.getFormat();
                    long frames = audioInputStream.getFrameLength();
                    double durationInSeconds = (frames+0.0) / format.getFrameRate();
                    moreMusic.logger.info("Length in seconds: "+durationInSeconds);
                } catch (Exception ignored) {
                    moreMusic.logger.info("couldn't get the resource for song length: "+ignored);


I get the error:  java.io.FileNotFoundException: minecraft:records.record2


Does anyone know the correct way to do this?  I do not know the name of the song file because in this mod users add them with resource packs.


It appears I need to get the file name to put in resourceLocation.  The music items for my mod are added via a config and linked to a resourcepack .json file.


Anyone know how to get the file name so I can path to it?


I tried a direct file just to see if the rest of the code would work:


try {
            File file = new File("C:/Users/Mctittles/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/resourcepacks/moreMusic/assets/minecraft/sounds/01 - Intro-.ogg");
            AudioInputStream audioInputStream= AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(file);
            AudioFormat format = audioInputStream.getFormat();
            long frames = audioInputStream.getFrameLength();
            double durationInSeconds = (frames+0.0) / format.getFrameRate();
            moreMusic.logger.info("Length in seconds: "+durationInSeconds);
        } catch (Exception ignored) {
            moreMusic.logger.info("couldn't get the resource for song length: "+ignored);


Unfortunately I get this error:


javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException: could not get audio input stream from input file


So I guess I need two things now.  Getting the file from a resource AND getting the length of an ogg file.  Bummer...


Thanks!  I'm looking into ogg libraries now.  Would be good if I could just use the minecraft soundsystem to get the song length but I don't see any way to do that.



a) A resource is not always (most likely not in fact) an actual File. Most of the time it is an entry in a Jar file somewhere. As such you have to work with InputStreams.


The files I'm working with will always be in a resource pack (mod is designed to allow you to add music), but either way I don't see how to convert an InputStream into an audio input stream.  Any suggestions?


I may have found a way digging deep in the minecraft sound files to get the length from an input stream.


But as per my original post I can't seem to get an input stream returned from a resource.


So I figured it out.  Here is how to get an input stream from an audio resource:


resourceLocation = currentRecord.getRecordResource("records." + myNewRecord.recordName);
SoundEventAccessorComposite sound = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getSoundHandler().getSound(resourceLocation);
resourceLocationFile = sound.func_148720_g().getSoundPoolEntryLocation();
InputStream inputStream = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getResourceManager().getResource(resourceLocationFile).getInputStream();



Using JAudioTagger I was able to get the song length of an .ogg file.  This isn't ideal for most projects because it requires a file location instead of an inputStream.  Right now it works for me because all my files are in a resourcePack that everyone has a copy of but in the future I'd like to find a way using only the inputStream:


resourceLocation = currentRecord.getRecordResource("records." + myNewRecord.recordName);
                    try {
                        SoundEventAccessorComposite sound = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getSoundHandler().getSound(resourceLocation);
                        resourceLocationFile = sound.func_148720_g().getSoundPoolEntryLocation();
                        File soundFile = new File("resourcepacks/moreMusic/assets/minecraft/" + resourceLocationFile.getResourcePath());
                        AudioFile f = AudioFileIO.read(soundFile);
                        AudioHeader audioHeader = f.getAudioHeader();
                        PacketHandler.INSTANCE.sendToServer(new ClientSendsServerGetsSongTimes(slotSent, counter, currentLength, this));
                    } catch (Exception ignored) {

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