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Paint_Ninja last won the day on March 5

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  1. Do not use Aikar's Flags. They're known to cause severe performance issues on Forge servers
  2. Please open a new thread with your spark report @Epik Berm
  3. Fixed in 49.1.41 https://files.minecraftforge.net/net/minecraftforge/forge/index_1.20.4.html
  4. Thank you for notifying us of this issue. We've identified the cause and should have a new fixed build out shortly
  5. Instructions on how to install newer Java can be found in the FAQ
  6. Please share a link to your crash report on https://paste.ee, as explained in the FAQ
  7. Online forums in general seem to be declining in popularity imo. There’s still value here for certain types of content, such as written tutorials and blog posts which would otherwise get lost in the chat history fairly quickly on Discord. Also for those that prefer the forums format ofc. But for faster support related topics, I agree that the Discord is probably your best bet at the moment. The speed of responses is also down to the ratio of volunteers - the player support forum still seems pretty active, but the coding ones much less so. Once you’re feeling more confident in your modding skills, be the change you want to see
  8. 1) Update to the latest build of Forge for your MC version. The recommended build actually means minimum recommended. I can’t remember if it was backported to 1.20.1 or not, but we did clean up the early loading screen a bit in newer builds to look less cluttered. 2) Change the accessibility setting in game to black background. The early loading screen will then be black instead of red.
  9. public ExampleMod(FMLJavaModLoadingContext context) { var modEventBus = context.getModEventBus(); } Refer to the javadocs and MDK for more pointers and examples.
  10. The security check is a captcha which shows below the question. If it doesn’t show for you, make sure your ad blocker is disabled as it may be hiding it.
  11. Force Minecraft, Java and all things related to them to prefer high performance graphics, in both the nvidia control panel and Windows settings. Make sure to include the bundled java exe inside the launcher files
  12. Use DDU to fully remove the broken nvidia drivers, then do a clean install of the latest nvidia drivers again. An update usually doesn't suffice
  13. Please share a link to your crash report on https://paste.ee, as explained in the FAQ
  14. Please share a link to your crash report, as explained in the FAQ
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