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  1. diesieben07 can't you make a video to explain how to make?
  2. Hello Robin4002 You can spoken in your vidéo so that its is easier for me
  3. I do not understand if In the new window type java -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -jar [name of the installer], replacing [name of the installer] with the complete file name of the installer, including the .jar file extension. Then hit enter.
  4. can you explain me more precisely with images if possible because I still do not understand how to open the window of order
  5. Open the file containing the download file in the Windows Explorer.
  6. I have to download the version .jar program ofinstallation but his continuation which I did not understand
  7. I do not manage to make the first thing(trick) make of the first sentence
  8. Is what you can explain step by step how to do what you told him from the first sentence to the last more precisely
  9. I do not arrive has to open the Window control
  10. I do not arrive has to open the window of order
  11. Hello i wanted to do that you put on a subject of a person who have the same problem as me but i can not manage to do what you told him. Here is so below you that you said to him: Téléchargez la version .jar du programme d'installation (pas la variante Installer-Win). Ouvrez le dossier contenant le fichier téléchargé dans l'Explorateur Windows. Maintenez la touche enfoncée et cliquez avec le bouton droit de la souris sur un espace vide, puis sélectionnez "Ouvrir la fenêtre de commande ici". Dans la nouvelle fenêtre, tapez java -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack = true -jar [nom du programme d'installation] , en remplaçant [nom du programme d'installation] par le nom de fichier complet du programme d'installation, y compris l'extension de fichier .jar. Ensuite, appuyez sur Entrée.
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