Hey I'm going through my options, to hook into BlockFalling. To describe my need, it would be solved, for example, if forge had an event for BlockFalling descendants like:
public void onStartedFalling(BlockFallingEvent.FallStartedEvent event)
(And the EndFalling of course.)
This would allow me to write code as if I'm in BlockSand.onStartFalling(EntityFallingBlock fallingEntity), but there are other ways.
My three options:
1. Write that new BlockFallingEvent class and PR into Forge itself, seems possible, but I've no idea.
2. Instead unregister vanilla BlockSand and register my own. Like in this post.
3. Go down the ASM route, which seems like both overkill and a bad idea in general.
Are there other options before I go for #2 ? I don't think #1 is realistic for me for the moment.