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FROSTY's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. [17:08:03] [Client thread/WARN] [Cyclops Core]: The config file of Cyclops Core is out of date and might cause problems, please remove it so it can be regenerated. [17:08:03] [Client thread/WARN] [ColossalChests]: The config file of ColossalChests is out of date and might cause problems, please remove it so it can be regenerated. [17:08:03] [Client thread/WARN] [CommonCapabilities]: The config file of CommonCapabilities is out of date and might cause problems, please remove it so it can be regenerated. [17:08:03] [Client thread/INFO] [BetterFps]: Patching net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiOptions... (bfn) [17:08:39] [Client thread/ERROR] [bitdrawers]: Skipping event FMLPreInitializationEvent and marking errored mod bitdrawers since required dependency StorageDrawers has errored [17:08:43] [Client thread/WARN] [LaunchWrapper]: Problem loading class java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded [17:08:45] [Client thread/ERROR] [EnderIO]: Skipping event FMLPreInitializationEvent and marking errored mod EnderIO since required dependency endercore has errored [17:08:49] [Client thread/ERROR] [environmentaltech]: Skipping event FMLPreInitializationEvent and marking errored mod environmentaltech since required dependency valkyrielib has errored [17:08:53] [Client thread/WARN] [OpenComputers]: Something went wrong! java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded [17:09:01] [Client thread/ERROR] [bigreactors]: Skipping event FMLPreInitializationEvent and marking errored mod bigreactors since required dependency zerocore has errored [17:09:05] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: An exception occurred while loading config file flatcoloredblocks.cfg. This file will be renamed to flatcoloredblocks.cfg_20170604_170905.errored and a new config file will be generated. [17:09:05] [Client thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration:runConfiguration:141]: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded [17:09:09] [Client thread/INFO] [sonarcore]: Initilising API [17:09:11] [Client thread/ERROR] [fluxnetworks]: Skipping event FMLPreInitializationEvent and marking errored mod fluxnetworks since required dependency sonarcore has errored [17:09:15] [Client thread/ERROR] [ftbu]: Skipping event FMLPreInitializationEvent and marking errored mod ftbu since required dependency ftbl has errored [17:09:24] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: An exception occurred while loading config file gravestone.cfg. This file will be renamed to gravestone.cfg_20170604_170924.errored and a new config file will be generated. [17:09:24] [Client thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration:runConfiguration:141]: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded [17:09:35] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [net.minecraft.crash.CrashReport:func_85057_a:299]: Negative index in crash report handler (0/8) Exception in thread "Client thread" [17:09:38] [Client thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.ThreadGroup:uncaughtException:-1]: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
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