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Everything posted by GooberGunter

  1. Then should there be something specific that I set the registry name to? Actually, in each of their block classes, the registry name is a new ResourceLocation(String, String). Is this right? Apparently that doesn't matter because forge is still looking for the textures in minecraft: I'm going to check my json files EDIT: Yup, that was the problem. In the json files, the texture location didn't specify my mod id
  2. Forge isn't reading the domain for the resource location of my blocks ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(Item.getItemFromBlock(block), 0, new ModelResourceLocation(new ResourceLocation("neem: " + block.getRegistryName()), "inventory")); I never really learned this part right
  3. But I set the registry name when I initialized the block: Dblock = new BlockDiamondiliumBlock("Dblock", "Dblock");
  4. If you don't mind me asking, I know the code is necessary, but why is it necessary? I don't fully understand what the line does. Also where would I put this line?
  5. registry name? OH, right. Now it rings a bell. But how do I do that?
  6. Fun, when I tried the item block registry, I got: I can't see what the problem is since the first block I added is not null, unless you can't cast, but it's not telling me that I can't cast a block to ItemBlock ModBlocks:
  7. I just found an example in Choonster's TestMod3. He did exactly that
  8. Not at all, I'm happy to receive any information on how to improve my code and java practices. Thanks for the tip
  9. I What method do I call?
  10. Alright, all the textures for the tools and items work. On another note, the blocks are still not being registered in the game even though i have the handler set up:
  11. Thanks, Is this somewhere in the forge doc?
  12. I recently updated my mod from 1.11.2 to 1.12 only to find that, after redoing all registry, all my items except for one (which is baffling) don't have textures. Plus my blocks aren't registering in the game even though the FML log isn't giving me any errors except for one, which is for some reason registered under the minecraft domain DESPITE me distinctly stating the mod id as the domain
  13. Right, right, right. I keep thinking about it as registry still and not an actual event.
  14. But wait, when I register the event on the event bus, what do I do about the RegistryEvent argument I have in the actual method?
  15. Hm, I should have known better. Thanks
  16. Hey, I just updated my mod and I'm not to up-to-date with the registry system yet. I updated all of my registry methods in my ModItems, ModBlocks, and ModEntities. The only problem is (and it's very much my fault for not knowing this) I have no clue where to call these methods and what to put in the method for the RegistryEvent. Here's one of my register methods
  17. But are there any advantages to generating structures the older way?
  18. Alright, that worked; man, I need to practice my java. Thanks! I can finally check that off the list.
  19. Here's the entity class
  20. The problem still remains
  21. Also. Side-note: how to I isolate every change to the model class per entity?
  22. Yeah here: I should also note that right now, in the render class, it is still marked as new ModelBeelzebook();
  23. Alright it works! Kinda. When I trigger the event, it updates all the entities of the same type Here is the updated packet
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