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Everything posted by DaemonUmbra

  1. JavaScript is not Java Please provide your code in a GitHub repo
  2. Please read the Logs section of my signature below and provide the appropriate log in the appropriate manner.
  3. Please read the Logs section of my signature below and provide the appropriate log in the appropriate manner.
  4. Please read the Logs section of my signature below and provide the appropriate log in the appropriate manner.
  5. Please don't hijack other people's threads, if you have an issue make your own thread.
  6. If it worked for you it means you are one of the rare few who managed to find files that the installer would accept. Not everyone is so lucky and usually people trying to do it manually will make no progress or end up making things worse. It's also ill advised because often the fix for installer issues is updating Java or simply deleting a corrupt file and trying again.
  7. When you say the log file do you mean console or do you mean in the debug.log file?
  8. The most important line in that log seems cut off, did you copy/paste or did you directly upload the file?
  9. You appear to be running the server with 32-Bit Java (this will limit how much ram you can allocate). You appear to be running the server with Optifine installed (It's a client-only mod, why would you put it on the server?). I don't see a crash here.
  10. Well done on the broken image, @jgfarrell, and it sounds like you're talking about the MDK which is not what Junior needs.
  11. Is that 8GB physically in the server? Not much you can do other than upgrading hardware or trying to make the pack smaller
  12. What version of Minecraft are you running? Nevermind, I looked closer. And tell your friend to buy the game. 1.7.10 is no longer supported on this forum due to its age. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  13. That error and the log you posted don't seem to overlap at all. The error looks like you might not be using Gradle correctly. The log looks like you're listening to mouse events too early in the launch process.
  14. Don't dynamically register things
  15. The files to play with 1.7.10 are available, it's just that if you have a problem we're not going to spend time helping you (i.e. Use at own risk).
  16. Please provide debug.log from both the server and client using one of the sites listed in my signature
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