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Everything posted by DaemonUmbra

  1. Please provide your debug.log for the actual issue
  2. Then you probably aren't starting Forge
  3. https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Commands/clear https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Commands#Target_selectors
  4. Please provide a screenshot of the files in your logs folder
  5. There is no "other idea" this is how you run Forge. If it didn't work (crashed) please provide your debug.log If you don't see Forge as an option please provide a screenshot of your launcher
  6. Where are you getting your mods from?
  7. Yes that one, you have it set to use vanilla 1.12.2
  8. I meant show in your launcher what options you are selecting to launch Forge
  9. Please read the Logs section of my signature below and provide the appropriate log in the appropriate manner.
  10. Oh apparently that's handled by the eclipse task in that version
  11. It's a config file in the config folder
  12. Sounds like you don't have Java installed or it was installed incorrectly
  13. Well one of those mods is a right fatty The heck is cocricot?
  14. Your ToughAsNails config may be invalid, try deleting it and having it regen the default
  15. Check what version of Forge RLCraft uses and use the Forge server jar for that version
  16. Please provide your installer log, it will have the same name as the installer but with .log on the end: Installer: forge-{version}-installer.jar Log: forge-{version}-installer.jar.log Note: If you have Windows Explorer set to hide file extensions(as is the default setting), they will look like this: Installer: forge-{version}-installer Log: forge-{version}-installer.jar
  17. I mean it's used by the installer, you shouldn't have to do anything with it yourself As for the Mods button not showing up, please provide a screenshot of your Forge Profile/Installation
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