Crash report with using bukkit4vanilla-1.4.5-2. the Server Loads up great, but the minute you break or place a block this is the crash report. I tried using the blockbreak in with the coremods, and the second crash report happens immediately. and FYI your work is appreciated by most and understand that this is something that you like to do, running servers is something that i like to do.. i know there's no get rich with it, and i know there's no one throwing money at you saying come on do this do that,,, even then.. its on your time and things like Life and education are important and should always be first. Keep up the good work and hopefully soon this would be resolved, but what you have is great so far. By the way do you have a donate yet? honestly don't remember if there was one in the beginning of the post or not.
The following is with the blockbreak blockbreak-1.4.5-0