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Everything posted by jredfox

  1. create my own class or use the object. Ok so I send this packet I create then how do I make the client do stuff to spawn the particles in just client world.spawnParticles and get the mincecraft world from Minecraft.getMinecraft()?
  2. the particle that I am messing with have xyz speeds as well as xyz what does this mean how to translate the two seem like different methods to me? World.spawnParticle(EnumParticleTypes particleType, double xCoord, double yCoord, double zCoord, double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double zSpeed, int... parameters) WorldServer.spawnParticle(particleType, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, numberOfParticles, xOffset, yOffset, zOffset, particleSpeed, particleArguments); Is there a way I could simply make my own packet to spawn them on client side or do you have a better way maybe the xyz offsets are xyz speed?
  3. setdead to what? I am applying particle effects to the player and this event occurs only on server side please explain. I can't just use setDead this is on hurt for the player. I might decide to change these to hearts later on
  4. hi living death event is server side only so how am I suppose to add particles to living hurt event for a vanilla mob? I don't want the same algorithm as the /particle command I want the same type of algorithm as though a mob had died but, with another particle yes it is vanilla particle. writing this code on server side does nothing how to update clients? I am testing with default death particle algorithm might change it public static void spawnParticles(EntityPlayerMP e) { for (int k = 0; k < 20; ++k) { Random rand = getRND(e); double d2 = rand.nextGaussian() * 0.02D; double d0 = rand.nextGaussian() * 0.02D; double d1 = rand.nextGaussian() * 0.02D; e.world.spawnParticle(EnumParticleTypes.EXPLOSION_NORMAL, e.posX + (double)(rand.nextFloat() * e.width * 2.0F) - (double)e.width,e.posY + (double)(rand.nextFloat() * e.height), e.posZ + (double)(rand.nextFloat() * e.width * 2.0F) - (double)e.width, d2, d0, d1); } }
  5. so I noticed this was occurring on client side vanilla to is there any way to get to put the fire out I called extinguish several times.
  6. My code manually respawns the player on death for insta respawn. What should I do to fix this Steps to reproduce: go in lava die respawn notice your still on fire wait about 2 seconds and observe your now taking damage." Code: https://github.com/jredfox/norespawnscreen/blob/master/src/main/java/com/evilnotch/respawnscreen/MainJava.java
  7. nevermind fixed the issue it turns out if your players dimension is "wrong" because you didn't teleport across dimensions properly it doesn't matter your pos is it and other data is going to be somewhat ignored. So my fix is fully teleport player to dim again then disconnect player
  8. Don't have to show proof it occurs often enough that there are hundreds of posts on it look it up. And yes it occurs in compiled I am not worried about dev don't know why dev changes the uuid on purpose. Most of them are called inventory wipe but, I have verified it's the entire playerdata. If you looked at my source I don't change the uuid of the player I simply patch the data for when it does so it shouldn't break anything except forge capabilities syncing so player has to relog but, that is acceptable since it should never change to begin with.
  9. you asked. so what's the deal with it not saving the pos does it need to happen next tick or how many ticks what isn't syncing? Does it have something to do with multi threading how do I know when it's written to memory?
  10. So you really don't need to know why since you don't believe it ever occurs. If it never occurs then my event will never do anything. just every 6 seconds check if uuid has been changed per player Back to the main point why is the player post with both readFromNBT() on server and connection set location not working when player get's disconnected does the server have to send itself a packet? I don't understand why it doesn't insta sync unless the client is controlling writing to the disk for integrated server and client wasn't aware of changes? no clue
  11. look at my code I don't change anything just readfromnbt and then force close client for syncing purposes https://github.com/jredfox/evilnotchlib/blob/master/src/main/java/com/EvilNotch/lib/main/events/TickHandler.java 1.7.10 backport: https://github.com/jredfox/tst
  12. I did just that but, didn't work for AOA a mod I was testing it with. Yes I backported 1.12.2 code So I was agreeing with your original conclusion of to not break expecting mods force player relog> The thread is still valid he said inventory wipe but, in reality it's the entire playerdata from my analysis. I have had it happen in 1.12 before as well with just forge. There are alot more two more second search more recent and more valid:
  13. https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/support/java-edition-support/2225159-1-7-10-custom-modpack-player-data-randomly 2 seconds later
  14. you said forge capabilities refuse to update without relog I am forcing user to relog because I agreed with you. The issue is positions don't write to nbt if I disconnect the player on the same tick
  15. zdoctor, choonster,micah_laster,all my freinds, hundreds of people on the mc forum know what I am talking about all they know is how to manually fix it when it occurs. They don't call it uuid bug but, they do know to mess with those tags like I said before and change the file name to the new file
  16. no I check if the uuid has changed if it has I attempt to patch it. I am unable to reproduce this bug easily all I know is it does occur very rarely probably issues with website/launcher but, it does occur. What am I talking about: go into a world previously full inventory and say in a different dimension eventually through time keep going back into the world and your uuid changes your player data is new and your progress all lost even though you are the same player, the level.dat backup failed for integrated server, and you have the same username. You can manually patch this by going to your old playerdata renaming the uuid most and least and rename the file to your new uuid but, my event is to automate this Anyways how can I properly sync coords before disconnecting the player how many ticks do I have to wait one two? what's not syncing? Should I be dependent upon vanilla saving it's stuff for the player or use an event handler to fix this issue by overriding everything when it occurs(not optimized)? My mod doesn't change player's uuid at all. I am attempting to fix a vanilla issue that can be observed in both vanilla and forge without my mod installed or any other mods installed. It has nothing to do with me. uuidfixer is to simply fix the bug by patching data over when the player decieds to change it on it's own. Again it can be observed without any mods besides forge for sure
  17. for my uuidfixer/checker if detected uuid is different readEntityFromNBT(proper) then teleport and discconect so forge capabilities are properly synced. the uuid bug occurs when either the launcher sends the wrong information, mojang sends the wrong information, either one updated, or many other things I can't think of but, when that occurs playerdata wipes. My event is to prevent this regardless of launcher,mojang website response, or mc version. I have verified this 1.7.2-1.12.2 I cannot easily reproduce the bug but, I can simulate when the data is wrong does my patching work. So the only thing that's not working is the coords even though I set them right before I disconnected the player it doesn't appear in the disk but, the dimension id and everything else did appear. I printed the pos of the player right before disconnection and it was the new pos I sent it but, not on the disk weird. If I don't disconnect the player the coords will properly sync so how long before I should be able to disconnect the player without stuff not syning even though all those calls are on serve
  18. ok so I set the player connection location forceably disconnect the player and the position doesn't get saved. How many ticks before I can disconnect the player after the players location changes? Note this is all done on server side and the set is a new set nothing added. Also note this is done on server side only and is integrated when testing. p.connection.setPlayerLocation(x, y, z, e.rotationYaw, e.rotationPitch, set); p.connection.disconnect(new TextComponentString("UUID Change Relog For Syninc Forge Capabilities")); As for the spell thing I will just tell people it doesn't always sync with capabilities relog manually if you want it to update.
  19. Ok I have confirmed what you said there is no such update method without re logging. I physically made the player a new object and the capabilities still didn't update and sync with everything else. I think there should be in the future an updateCapability() and updateAllCapabilities() method in forge based where you give it the nbt to re-serialize it. Since resource location is already required you should be able to send in the resource location and nbt to update the capability or give it everything and update all
  20. two things a test item to swap playerdata between two players and a uuidfixer(if change is dedicated force update everything). Trying to get it working without player re logging. right now just trying to get it working from a hard coded playerdata without player re logging Could be used as a magic spell for the test item if someone wanted to use it
  21. It would help if I knew what class it's in The client code just leads to a packet being sent it could be anywhere that the server does something with it: public void respawnPlayer() { this.connection.sendPacket(new CPacketClientStatus(CPacketClientStatus.State.PERFORM_RESPAWN)); } Edit: It appears I found it in the network connection from entity player mp. It has alot of code not going to want to use it all like reset positions and dimensions I handled that before I would call the manual respawn.
  22. must have been on the wrong bus in older versions last time I tried it. It does occur during respawn sometime. this might be enough data to do what I need. will write back if it's not Ok it appears I have found more questions then answers: the player clone event doesn't fire on player death the player clone event only fires when the client hits the respawn button are you sure this is the code I should be looking at?
  23. Well I could simply look at the logic and not fire the forge events so the messages don't appear and manually handle the capabilities the player event clone exists but, I have no clue when it's fired? I believe I tried dying before and it didn't fire let me check
  24. Well the re spawn process doesn't even give out a new player I am pretty sure but, I will check it out. What about when the client logs onto the server and the entity is created there can that be hacked into giving out a new player from the old one? Where is that code located at?
  25. you said create a new one. How do I clone the player then with a different nbt then it's own and set it to be the new player for the client? Assuming I already set the uuid most and least from the current player?
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