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Everything posted by smorce

  1. Ah. Thanks. Is there a way to have this be automatically updated in some way?
  2. Could you point me to somewhere specific? EDIT: I looked in build.gradle and found where i processes resources. Where is project.version?
  3. I'm new to modding. I'm more familiar with multiplayer bukkit server plugin coding, so please bear with me. I am messing around with the example mod that I started out with to get familiar with how it works and I'm wondering how I can change the "version" in the mcmod.info file to be replaced with something else. For example, I have "${mod_version}" as the version in the file, which is how it was by default. I figured it would be replaced with something else, perhaps the VERSION in the main class, but it wasn't. Is there a way to change this behavior? The main reason I would like to be able to change this is so that I only have 1 version variable to change. I would imagine other people would feel the same way. Thanks in advance
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