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JouriRoosjen last won the day on April 17 2018

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Tree Puncher

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  1. If you are still looking for tutorials look for the chanelHarry's Tech Reviews on youtube he has some helpful tutorials to.
  2. Hi guys, I'm still a beginner in modding for Minecraft an I made a little mod but my friend wants to test it but I don't know how to compile it. can someone help me with that? I'm working in Minecraft version 1.12.2. Thanks!
  3. Thanks guys I Will try it
  4. Hi everyone, i'm creating a mod but I live in the Netherlands and want to make a lang file with the Dutch names for everything but how do I need to call that lang file?? can someone help me with that?
  5. hi guys, does anyone know some good sites to look for advanced modding tutorials like making your own mob or something (minecraft version 1.12)? bye, JouriRoosjen
  6. guys thanks for helping I already did it I just made a stupid mistake in my code.
  7. oh yeah, sorry this is the github to my code(and the crash-report again):https://github.com/JouriRoosjen/Random-Things-Mod-1.12/tree/JouriRoosjen-RandomThingsMod
  8. no it already happens when minecraft is in the loading stage of the game itself but the files are the logs I could find of the times when it happend. fml-client-latest.log fml-junk-earlystartup.log latest.log 2017-08-17-7.log.gz fml-client-3.log
  9. Hi everyone, I'm wanted to test my mod because I added a bunch of tools and weapons but if I try to run the client my minecraft keeps on crashing. Can somebody help me? The crash report is as a .txt file attached to this Topic. crash-2017-08-17_20.21.22-client.txt
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