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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Hi all, I'm working on an item at the moment. This item is going to be a universal block breaking tool (e.g. stone, dirt and wood types, etc). This item is not extending a pickaxe or other vanilla tool as I would like to use a right click channel (using magical energy or cost per block broken) to harvest the block. Be it ore or basic block. Under the item I am running onRightClick, where I raycast (for scalable mining distance) and return the block the player is looking at within a certain distance as well as location. Logic process: -onRightClick -Find first block in range -If non air block found return block and location -if harvestLevel <= toolHarvestLevel break block code and drop regular block drops - when breaking block reference hardness and speed upgrades -on block break event decrease energy in item Will this method allow for scalable time taken to mine/ break block similar to pickaxe mining a block? (e.g. Stone is quicker than obsidian)
  2. OMG this is it. It works. I cannot thank you enough. Thanks, Syn
  3. Hi, This is an output of the console logs when it loads. https://gist.github.com/Synliss/afdbaf3f8458fc8fe4badadc487b6740 There are no errors that I can see. I have previously used a display and third person in the json file but as Dracos said there is no need. The stick item when held in hand on the hotbar appears to look like a block not the conventional thick 2D rendered item from minecraft. I am just about to run off to work and I will upload the code to github when I get home tonight. Thanks, Syn
  4. It is my understanding that this line registers the Block as a new ItemBlock and also sets the registry name: event.getRegistry().register(new ItemBlock(ModBlocks.imbuedWood).setRegistryName(ModBlocks.imbuedWood.getRegistryName())); This makes the ItemBlock with the name item.imbuedwood.name
  5. Hi all, I have been working on this problem for the last 3 days scouring the internet for people with similar problems and what I have found is that there are a lot of different problems but I cannot find one that I can use to help solve my issue. I have begun to create a mod. My problem is this I cannot see textures for items or blocks in the inventory. When blocks are placed in the world they have a texture. If they are dropped on the ground as an entity they have the pink black texture same with the items. I have added in 2 blocks, a wood and a plank variant. Also an item which will resemble a stick. I have followed the tutorial of McJty and to the best of my abilities ensured that syntax is correct. Below if the code I have compiled: Main class CommonProxy class ClientProxy class ModItems class ImbuedStick class imbuedstick json ModBlocks class ImbuedWood class ImbuedPlank class A peek at the heirarchy I appreciate any help you could give me. Thanks, Syn
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