Those two statements supplement the idea. You are doing this for PvP...
And I got Gold Division last season, almost Diamond, so I know how people play the game. All they do is clean and play like scumbags and hack, and finally brag when they get their rewards. And you call them skilled??? I mean c'mon............. I just hope you're not one of those...
It IS helpful if you actually looked at the amount of threads this person created in a row......... ("help with packages," "How to display FPS," "Text," and "cps")...
I said that so that you wouldn't come here every second to post 1,000 posts asking questions about Java. Look at @Draco18s's signature. I explicitly says "Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked."
I'm trying to help you, not harm you. Sitting on the computer for 24 hours trying to execute a simple thing in Java such as implementing a method or creating packages is not healthy.
The concept of "CPS" sounds so unoriginal. Why can't people play Minecraft the way it was meant to be played? Let me make myself a bit more clear. Why do people need to know their CPS when their aim matters way more? All this topic brings up is stupid scenarios like this one:
Person 1 beats Person 2 in a duel, although Person 1 had twice the CPS Person 2 did.
Person 1: "Hacks."
Person 2: "Lol I have better aim, that's all."
Please understand.
You're implying to us that you are using either 1.7 or 1.8, which are not supported on this forum*.
Otherwise, 1.9 PvP is 1 CPS, always, if you want your hits to actually deal damage.
*1.8 is very close to being gone on this Forum as well, since major changes occurred in the Combat Update (1.9).
Thank you. Apparently... some people really want to be lazy and not have the time to press F3, but instead post 1,000 threads with useless questions that WILL NOT BE DIRECTLY ANSWERED.
When did I ever say to throw out your computer? I'm just saying that sometimes modding is a waste of time when there are tons of CPS mods out there, that's all. I mean, unless you're implementing it with other unique features in the mod, then I would understand.
You're posting so many threads that are PvP mod related. Please stop. There are many mods out there that already do these functions.
If you don't know how to do this then don't ask... use other mods.
So when I code I find that certain given parameters and method parameters have the suffix "In" at the end. For instance, "worldIn," "playerIn," "xIn," "yIn..."
This might be a silly question, but does anyone know why they have these "Ins" at the end? And why do some parameters have that while others do not?
double d = target.posX - attacker.posX;
double d1;
for (d1 = t.posZ - a.posZ; d * d + d1 * d1 < 0.0001D; d1 = (Math.random() - Math.random()) * 0.01D)
d = (Math.random() - Math.random()) * 0.01D;
float f = MathHelper.sqrt_double(d * d + d1 * d1);
float f1 = 0.4F;
target.isAirBorne = true;
target.motionX /= 2D;
target.motionY /= 2D;
target.motionZ /= 2D;
target.motionX += (d / (double)f) * (double)f1 * 2;
target.motionY += 0.40000000596046448D;
target.motionZ += (d1 / (double)f) * (double)f1 * 2;
if (target.motionY > 0.40000000596046448D)
target.motionY = 0.40000000596046448D;
You insert this in the attack event, if this is what you are looking for.
However, you have to modify to your liking.