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Everything posted by Aang23

  1. I wanted to upgrade this to 1.11.2 but I couldn't find the complete source code. Does anyone have it?
  2. Yes ! Working in 1.11.2 ! I waited too long, so I am doing it ! Look at the only fork of the original repo, some pre - releases are here. The Entity#turn(float, float) works. Thanks !
  3. I am going to try the Entity#turn(float, float), the Entity#setRotation(float, float) has been tried and not working... Thanks !
  4. I am actually upgrading the MC-TouchControls mod to 1.11.2, a 1.8 which was able to add touchcontrols to the java minecaft. Anything works, the only parts which is causing trouble is this one : float dx = evt.getDX(); float dy = evt.getDY(); float f1 = (TouchControlsMod.config_sensitivity / 100.0F) * 0.6F + 0.5F; float sensitivity = f1 * f1 * f1 * 8.0F; dx = (float) dx * sensitivity; dy = (float) dy * sensitivity; if (TouchControlsMod.config_invertX) { dx = -dx; } if (!TouchControlsMod.config_invertY) { dy = -dy; } mc.player.setAngles(dx,dy); It basically use the setAngles function which works in 1.8. Bug in 1.11.2 it do not exist, so I checked in EntityRenderer.java in a decompiled 1.11.2 client, and I found this : if(this.mc.gameSettings.smoothCamera) { this.smoothCamYaw += f2; this.smoothCamPitch += f3; float f4 = partialTicks - this.smoothCamPartialTicks; this.smoothCamPartialTicks = partialTicks; f2 = this.smoothCamFilterX * f4; f3 = this.smoothCamFilterY * f4; this.mc.player.setAngles(f2, f3 * (float)i); } else { this.smoothCamYaw = 0.0F; this.smoothCamPitch = 0.0F; this.mc.player.setAngles(f2, f3 * (float)i); } As I found it here, I searched in Minecraft.java to find the EntityPlayerSP.java. BUT, no setAngles method ! So I tried things lke this : //Try 1 mc.player.rotationYaw = dx; mc.player.rotationPitch = dy; //Try 2 mc.player.rotationYaw += dx; mc.player.rotationPitch += dy; It did not work as the setAngles has done before. So, how can I access or replace the setAngles method ? Is that a naming error like "func_xxxxx()" ?
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