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Everything posted by Noxxous

  1. I have a workaround you first go into mods.toml and set ORDERING for the mod to = "BEFORE" just use Java to go into the compressed file using opensource code and you want to replace the texture there and then when minecraft loads or reloads it should be different
  2. Thanks, sorry I didn't click follow
  3. Hi, I wanted to find the entity the player is looking at. Thanks
  4. It started working when I deleted the hacked images
  5. I tried hacking it by creating two animated textures, and then I cut in half and put one under the other, and that broke Forge
  6. I finally got it to work by changing everything to example mod which seems to work. I think I need to delete something in the background, and I think that this is a bug, because I was trying to hack Minecraft to let me to have a bigger file, and that's why you haven't dealt with this before. It has taken a lot of work, and I am just wondering what I could delete
  7. It doesn't work even when I deleted the files
  8. The thing is that I reset it back to before and it's still not working
  9. This has come since I tried using a animated Texture that had too many pixels (512*512), and Minecraft didn't like it. I was wondering if you guys could help?
  10. I also have a personal theory that even the names of the variables have to be exact. I don't care anymore because I am done
  11. I just copied and pasted from a tutorial and it worked. It was probably because of the rule test variable, the spawn rate being too high and the height difference. I think that the spawn rate's maximum is 50 but I'm not going to do anything else so that I don't become burnt out
  12. I got the json file location right and I've tested it so it does work
  13. It sounds like the names used to distinguish two world generation code is the same, which confuses the system and causes it to crash because that's not how it's supposed to happen. What you could try doing is experimenting with alternative mods by deleting different ones until you find the culprit
  14. It won't even crash
  15. Hello, I am currently trying to get custom ore generation to work and I have tried to imitate every last bit of code from the tutorials, I've edited and I have even tried using an older version of Forge but it still isn't working. I have spent hours working on this for nothing public Lightsaber_Main() { IEventBus bus = FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus(); itemInit.Items.register(bus); BlockInit.Blocks.register(bus); ModSounds.register(bus); configuredFeatureInit.CONFIGURED_FEATURES.register(bus); PlacedFeaturesInit.Placed_Feature.register(bus); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(this); } public class configuredFeatureInit { private static final RuleTest END_STONE = new BlockMatchTest(Blocks.STONE); public static final DeferredRegister<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> CONFIGURED_FEATURES = DeferredRegister.create(Registry.CONFIGURED_FEATURE_REGISTRY, Lightsaber_Main.MOD_ID); public static final Supplier<List<OreConfiguration.TargetBlockState>> END_KYBER_CRYSTAL_ORE = Suppliers.memoize(() -> List.of( OreConfiguration.target(OreFeatures.STONE_ORE_REPLACEABLES, BlockInit.kyber_crystal_ore.get().defaultBlockState()), OreConfiguration.target(OreFeatures.DEEPSLATE_ORE_REPLACEABLES, BlockInit.kyber_crystal_ore.get().defaultBlockState()) )); public static final RegistryObject<ConfiguredFeature<?, ?>> END_ORE_GENERATION = CONFIGURED_FEATURES.register("kyber_crystal_ore", () -> new ConfiguredFeature<>(Feature.ORE, new OreConfiguration(END_KYBER_CRYSTAL_ORE.get(), 14))); } public class PlacedFeaturesInit { public static final DeferredRegister<PlacedFeature> Placed_Feature = DeferredRegister.create(Registry.PLACED_FEATURE_REGISTRY, Lightsaber_Main.MOD_ID); public static final RegistryObject<PlacedFeature> END_ORE = Placed_Feature.register("kyber_crystal_ore_placed", () -> new PlacedFeature(configuredFeatureInit.END_ORE_GENERATION.getHolder().get(), commonOrePlacement(50, HeightRangePlacement.uniform( VerticalAnchor.aboveBottom(-64), VerticalAnchor.belowTop(319) ) ) ) ); public static List<PlacementModifier> commonOrePlacement(int countPerChunk, PlacementModifier height) { return orePlacement(CountPlacement.of(countPerChunk), height); } public static List<PlacementModifier> orePlacement(PlacementModifier count, PlacementModifier height) { return List.of(count, InSquarePlacement.spread(), BiomeFilter.biome()); } public static List<PlacementModifier> rareOrePlacement(int count, PlacementModifier height) { return orePlacement(RarityFilter.onAverageOnceEvery(count), height); } } add_kyber_crystal_ore.json: { "type": "forge:add_features", "biomes": "#minecraft:is_overworld", "features": "lightsabermod:kyber_crystal_ore_placed", "step": "underground_ores" }
  16. Yeah it definitely is an abuse
  17. The thing is I want to hit the ground and some fire spawns there
  18. I figured it out, so I decided to help Minecraft.getInstance().player.sendSystemMessage(Component.literal("Blup, bah-bah, blup, blah; blah"));
  19. Hello, I have set it to Setblock Fire and I have tried copying from Flint and Steel and I have changed it to no. 3 flag, but it still burns forever and unloads when you go somewhere else @SubscribeEvent public static void Mine (LeftClickBlock event) { BlockPos bPos = event.getPos(); BlockPos DebugPos = bPos; if ((event.getEntity().getMainHandItem().getItem() == itemInit.lightsaber_on.get() || event.getEntity().getMainHandItem().getItem() == itemInit.lightsaber_off.get())/* && !event.getLevel().isClientSide*/){ if (event.getFace() == Direction.UP || event.getFace() == Direction.DOWN) { for (int i = 1; i > -2; i--) { for (int j = 1; j > -2; j--) { bPos = new BlockPos(DebugPos.getX() + i, DebugPos.getY(), DebugPos.getZ() + j); Minecraft.getInstance().level.setBlock(bPos, BaseFireBlock.getState(Minecraft.getInstance().level, bPos), 3); event.getLevel().gameEvent(event.getEntity(), GameEvent.BLOCK_PLACE, bPos); Minecraft.getInstance().level.setBlock(DebugPos, BaseFireBlock.getState(Minecraft.getInstance().level, DebugPos), 3); event.getLevel().gameEvent(event.getEntity(), GameEvent.BLOCK_PLACE, DebugPos); } } } if (event.getFace() == Direction.NORTH || event.getFace() == Direction.SOUTH) { for (int i = 1; i > -2; i--) { for (int j = 1; j > -2; j--) { bPos = new BlockPos(DebugPos.getX() + i, DebugPos.getY() + j, DebugPos.getZ()); Minecraft.getInstance().level.setBlock(bPos, BaseFireBlock.getState(Minecraft.getInstance().level, bPos), 3); event.getLevel().gameEvent(event.getEntity(), GameEvent.BLOCK_PLACE, bPos); Minecraft.getInstance().level.setBlock(DebugPos, BaseFireBlock.getState(Minecraft.getInstance().level, DebugPos), 3); event.getLevel().gameEvent(event.getEntity(), GameEvent.BLOCK_PLACE, DebugPos); } } } if (event.getFace() == Direction.EAST || event.getFace() == Direction.WEST) { for (int i = 1; i > -2; i--) { for (int j = 1; j > -2; j--) { bPos = new BlockPos(DebugPos.getX(), DebugPos.getY() + i, DebugPos.getZ() + j); Minecraft.getInstance().level.setBlock(bPos, BaseFireBlock.getState(Minecraft.getInstance().level, bPos), 3); event.getLevel().gameEvent(event.getEntity(), GameEvent.BLOCK_PLACE, bPos); Minecraft.getInstance().level.setBlock(DebugPos, BaseFireBlock.getState(Minecraft.getInstance().level, DebugPos), 3); event.getLevel().gameEvent(event.getEntity(), GameEvent.BLOCK_PLACE, DebugPos); } } } Minecraft.getInstance().player.playSound(SoundEvents.GENERIC_DRINK, 1.0f, 1.0f); event.setCanceled(true); } }
  20. Sorry for my ignorance but I don't get the autocomplete and I'm not entirely sure how to do it
  21. Ok so you run the client and then you look at the console and look at the stack trace report but it would be easier for you to just copy paste the whole console report
  22. Hello, I was just wondering how I could get the block the player is looking at
  23. Ok, but how do you find the ServerWorld of the target dimension? I'm having the same problem with Change Dimension except I can't find any class that is associated with any Dimension, and I want to use a custom dimension (using datapack) so I would probably need to the codec but then that's just a RegistryKey so a completely different instance and probably a method from what I remember and I can't think of any terms to find the Dimension class
  24. Thanks my guy. I can see straight away it's permanent storage I want because I want to charge my item (using Redstone, got that sorted). I am very ADHD and can't take medication currently but I read through it a little bit. Just waiting on to be able to get coffee. Anyway thanks
  25. I'm thinking of downgrading to 1.15 since there was more information. Should I do this?
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