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Everything posted by Zeplar

  1. All the tutorials are pre-registry change-- VillagerRegistry.instance().registerVillageTradeHandler() doesn't exist anymore, and copying the vanilla code caused Forge to punch my computer.
  2. aha should've waited another 2 minutes before posting it's the Nether and End ticking, isn't it (not sure how to check that)
  3. I have a WorldTickEvent that iterates over players. I was seeing some bugs so I have it printing the size of the player list.... it (consistently) gives me the sequence 000011000011000011. Really 001 since the world ticks twice per "tick". Why is my player list empty 2/3 of the time? @SubscribeEvent public static void onTick(TickEvent.WorldTickEvent event) { System.out.println("World: " + event.side.name() + " || Players: " + event.world.playerEntities.size()); }
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