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Everything posted by FallingFist

  1. Thanks, I'll try it out. I'm considering buying a Java book.
  2. Hey there! So I've recently been creating a new mod consisting all of those things I've always wanted in vanilla minecraft. I'm now trying to make an item, which doesn't vanish when you craft with it (Similar to the Minium Stone/ Philosopher's Stone in EE3). Where would I insert it, and how. I've tried the following code in the item class: public boolean doesContainerItemLeaveCraftingGrid(ItemStack itemStack) { return false; which I got from browsing the Open Source of EE3. I'm sorry if this is a noob mistake Thanks!
  3. I've tried to put it to peaceful already, didn't work, I'll reinstall ars then...
  4. What do you mean make a new one? I've literally played on this very Age since 1.3. I don't wish to delete it, I would like to delete all entities in that specific age. Don't even mention MCEdit, it removes all non-vanilla blocks.
  5. That's not possible. I've tried re-making the overworld, but it's got something to do with a mystcraft age... I don't know which one, and I don't wanna delete our worlds. Are there no other workarounds?
  6. You put an additional line of code in your statics. public static final Item CLASSNAME = new ITEMNAME(ID).setAlwaysEdible().setItemName("ITEMNAME"); See what I did there? I added the .setAlwaysEdible() line. This'll make your food always consumable. Hope this helps!
  7. Hey everyone! I love forge, and I love minecraft and have been doing it for 2 years now. So basically, I was trying out new mods for me and my friend's server, and I suggested ars magica. It took up waaaay too much CPU, and I had to remove it. Now when I start the server, I end up with the following error. Happy for every reply! Thanks! EDIT: Found some more logs: End of edit
  8. Thanks, but I'm really new to modding, and I don't know java fluently, I've picked some up from a book and from Lua and Lua+. Could you further explain the tick handler thingy, and where to tell the mod what to display?
  9. Where you add your recipes, add this line of code: GameRegistry.addSmelting(Item.egg.shiftedIndex, new ItemStack(Item.YOURMODITEMNAME), 20); Where you replace YOURMODITEMNAME with the name of the item which you used in the public static final. The 20 is for how much exp you'll get from it, you can customize it yourself. I just started coding last month, it's going great! I hope you'll get much success! /Falling
  10. Hey there! Some of the mods out there (i.e More Creeps And Weirdos & Singleplayer Commands) adds a sort of a startup message upon entering a world/server saying: "More creeps and weirdos loaded, version x.xx.xx" Or something. I want this for my mod aswell, and I was wondering, How would I add it? If this wouldn't work, I'd like to code a mod/find a mod which is sort of like a MOTD mod with bukkit - Upon login you're presented with the MOTD, what the time is, and who's online. I'd be very thankful if you were to find a way for me to do this. Thanks! /Falling
  11. Hey there! I've just gotten started with forge, I've published my mod, and I currently love it. Though, right now, I'm extending my mod, and adding some food. The pars, the float and the boolean are already added, and I want the food to have a tooltip saying: (The item's name is Falling's Mystery Meat) "It smells weird". In a green color underneath the item's name, like it does in Stevescarts for example. Here's the food class, but I'm assuming it's either in the public statics, or in the Language Registry. Or I'm entirely wrong, and I just now sounded like a big noob. I appreciate your help. Special thanks to the Forgeteam for their awesome api!
  12. This is not where to ask these questions, but yes. As previously stated, update your forge.
  13. Sorry to do this, but I really need help :[
  14. Yeah, Hi! I'm sorta new to modding, and decided to make a basic mod, which just adds decorative bricks. Now, the mod works fine all in all when I run it in eclipse. I backed the MCP folder up, and then I tried recompiling and reobfuscating the classfiles. Instinctively, I went into the reobf folder. This is what was in it: ReObf/minecraft/net/gemstone/src/CLASSFILES (Don't ask about the mod title ) I try to put the files in a zipfile, and put them in the mods folder. (Please note that I've tried putting the classfiles in the jar aswell, but I got the same error. Here's my error log: (Using MultiMC) And here is my code: CORE BLOCK 1/2/3 The blocks are all alike, but with different names. The package all the classes are in is called net.gemstone.src Thanks for all help, If there's anything more I need to provide, please feel free to ask. PS. I'm probably just a huge noob, so please, don't be too hard on me, it's my first mod! /Falling
  15. I'm sorry Lex, I never meant to be bitchy. I beg for forgiveness, and I have by the time writing this removed EternalFrost. But yeah, I don't know Java. Just Lua.
  16. I went to the nether, got kicked out. Same reason. My overworld also got completely deleted. Unsure what's happening...
  17. I'm using one of the latest versions. I previously was on 407, but when this error occurred, I tried upgrading it. Now I'm using the 426th build. I've heard of the bed bug, but as you said, it was removed in 300 something.
  18. They do, but if you wish, I could control check. [[EDIT]] I found this within the console: [ForgeModLoader] The mod DivineRPG has attempted to register an entity ID 0 which is already reserved. This could cause severe problems Could that be the problem, and what do I do to solve it? [[EDIT 2]] Found a temporary fix for it, I edited my dat file to instead of heaving -3 health to having 7. This spawned me alive, but I still wish to solve this problem if possible.
  19. Yeah, Hi! My name's Jacob, but you can refer to me as Falling. I've been playing on this server of mine for a while, and I had not yet died until recently. Upon dying, I do what we always do, pressed the RESPAWN button. I then get kicked out from the server (this happens to all players who die) and leaves me with the following in the server console: If the spoiler doesn't work, here's a pastebin: http://pastebin.com/tqwwHSHk I'm using the MultiMC Launcher, it's been working fine until now, and I can't find anyone with the same problem. The only Jar mods I've got are (in this order) Forge --> GuiAPI --> OptiFine --> Eternal Frost In other notice, Lexmanos and the Forge team, Forge is by far, the best API there is! I'm open to all suggestions! Thank you for reading, happy for all replies. Yours truly - Falling
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