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izzy //

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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. if i need to take this to the minecraft forums instead, let me know. when i try to start up minecraft with forge (this applies to versions under 1.12.2) it's saying i'm using an unsupported modified version of the game heres the error: The game crashed whilst initializing game Error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Initializing game it seems to have to do with all the mods, but they were working fine before. i've tried to reinstall minecraft multiple times, and i can't get forge to work.
  2. when i install the forge installer and run it (for mac, so the universal one) it seems to install fine and says it was downloaded to my launcher, but when i open my launcher, there's no profile for it. 1.12.1 downloaded fine, but i can't seem to get 1.12.2 to download. is it because i have a mac or something? edit: also, i'm not using the universal installer, i'm just using the basic .jar installer that isn't windows.
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