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Everything posted by LilLizardHD

  1. Because with Normal minecraft Installing you need a "1.8.9.jar and a 1.8.9.json" file to be able to launch the game and 2 weeks ago I Has a 1.8.9 forge Jar File
  2. Because you still need to go through the same install process to get the outcome but what I'm asking is that why don't I get a jar file from installing from the forge web installer
  3. https://prnt.sc/h5i27s this is the error i get with installing 1.12.2 forge
  4. But this doesnt just happen with 1.8.9 it happens to all Forge versions to me... i just tried 1.12
  5. So what version do I use in 1.8 because I don't play 1.12 due to the Combat changes
  6. Because if its in the bottom of my .minecraft then there isnt one because my Forge isnt actually loading
  7. Why shall I stop using 1.8.9? and where is the Fml-client-latest.log ?
  8. But when i try Launch Forge it goes through its loading process then just automatically closes the window
  9. Hey guys, I am wondering why I can install Forge perfectly well but when looking into the forge folder i dont have any jar file in only the Json file... Any Help?
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