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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. That's what we were thinking too, but we tried removing them and it didn't change anything. We then went to each of the sources and they each stated they had server support. Like, I could put it into the modlist no problem
  2. So I've followed all the steps. Confirmed the mods work on their own using single player. but every time I try to run it on a server. I get crash report after crash report. It starts loading up. then the server client crashes after maybe 5 seconds. the crash log is here: https://pastebin.com/uHuRw6rn and a list of my mods are here: https://gyazo.com/08f72312c328ff4e65e781a30efffbea Been troubleshooting for almost 3 hours and no luck. Every mod is compatible and using the proper things. The Minecraft server.jar and forge server things are both 1.7.10 and it's just getting frustrating. Help would be wonderful, the reason we're using 1.7.10 instead of the most current is because we find this release to be comfortably stable, and has everything we need without crazy client issues.
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