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Everything posted by KittenKoder
Thanks Dies for your assistance, though I am often abrasive it was appreciated. Here is the final method that works how I want it to work, allowing items to be swapped out and inventory synchronized. I may tidy it up a bit more to reduce some of the excess. I still need to check for null from vanilla inventories, it may seem redundant to many but for some reason I still get nulls from it sometimes. It would explain why some mods break for me regularly. @Override public boolean onBlockActivated(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, EntityPlayer playerIn, EnumHand hand, EnumFacing facing, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ) { if (worldIn.isRemote) return true; TileEntity tile = worldIn.getTileEntity(pos); if(tile instanceof IMagitechTileInventory) { IMagitechTileInventory ped = (IMagitechTileInventory)tile; if(EnumHand.MAIN_HAND == hand) { ItemStack item = playerIn.getHeldItemMainhand(); ItemStack inped = ped.getStackInSlot(0); if((item == null || item.isEmpty()) && !inped.isEmpty()) { inped = inped.copy(); if(playerIn.addItemStackToInventory(inped)) ped.removeStackFromSlot(0); worldIn.playSound((EntityPlayer)null, pos, SoundEvents.BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE_USE, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 0.3F, 0.6F); tile.markDirty(); } else if(item != null && !item.isEmpty()) { ItemStack pitem = item.copy(); pitem.setCount(1); item = item.copy(); item.shrink(1); inped = inped.copy(); if(inped.isEmpty() || playerIn.addItemStackToInventory(inped)) { ped.setInventorySlotContents(0, pitem); playerIn.setHeldItem(EnumHand.MAIN_HAND, item); } tile.markDirty(); worldIn.playSound((EntityPlayer)null, pos, SoundEvents.BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE_USE, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 0.3F, 0.6F); } } } return true; }
[1.11.2] Let mobs walk through leaves - weird pathing issue
KittenKoder replied to Daeruin's topic in Modder Support
I think you need to override the AI for it to work. -
[1.12.2] Check for free slot in player inventory
KittenKoder replied to xorinzor's topic in Modder Support
One question that is related to this, should I make copies of ItemStack.EMPTY when using it to set an empty stack in methods that could potentially change it? -
I think I know what you're trying to do, but I may be mistaken. Items can have metadata and states like blocks, using variants in the blockstate json for the item, does that help?
That is actually cleaner and easier for many of us old coders to read. More brackets makes it harder to line up what is part of what with the eye, while the lack of brackets make it all look like single statements. Not accusing you of anything here, but those who don't like this style probably don't recall the 80s for software development when monitors had little space.
[1.12] Where do I put my JSON crafting recipes?
KittenKoder replied to curiouslorax's topic in Modder Support
A folder called recipes in your assets. -
Yes, but you also have to ensure you provide example code for such things, where as with interfaces you can just provide the source code for the interface itself as the methods are pretty intuitive and every IDE picks up on what's missing. Also capabilities has an unchecked type casting, and that presents high risk of breaking if the modder using them doesn't test well enough (which happens too often in game development as a whole). Why break the Java convention of interfaces just because core engines find something useful if it does the same thing?
Do you have the correct resource location for it's background? Just a random thought on the subject that might help.
Minecraft is actually just one example of such. I hate dealing with amateur conventions and have avoiding modding anything because of it. However in this instance my ultimate goal is to find all the problems with Minecraft, logic and OpenGL wise, as the PC version is a mess. The Android/Win10 version, sadly, isn't much better. But with memory limitations of the Android version modding is pretty much never going to be a thing on it. I also find many flaws in Forge's conventions, like the whole "capability" thing that is being used to replace the interfaces. Interfaces have stuck around so long for a reason.
In most cases it "leaves behind" a copy of it. In this one instance it doesn't. They changes the convention in this one instance. This is why I gave up on Java coding, the conventions are no longer conventions as a whole. But having to deal with something that changes it's own conventions on a whim is .... annoying.
Biomes O Plenty uses 3 gb during the loading process, and sticks around 2 gb on the server side after loading. Combining Biomes O Plenty with Twilight Forest in 1.12 is a nightmare of epic proportions. I tried it on a server, they both crashed the 6 gb server just by lagging out and consuming too much memory with only two people playing. Anyhow, "look at what this does" did lead me to understanding you, but is why I don't like you. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, I didn't realize that the devs broke their own contracts.
Are you saying that the addItemStackToInventory method eventually changes the ItemStack it's given? This is because you responded to what you thought I said and not what I said about using a larger container versus a bunch of smaller containers when they are all going to have the same lifespan. RAM has limits, and mods that take 4 gb cause problems on most PCs. I would prefer to avoid making a mod that does that.
Anyhow, we have gone completely off track. The problem is here, no other actions have caused problems yet: if(item == ItemStack.EMPTY || item == null) { if(inped != null && inped != ItemStack.EMPTY) { worldIn.playSound((EntityPlayer)null, pos, SoundEvents.BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE_USE, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 0.3F, 0.6F); // if(playerIn.addItemStackToInventory(inped)) playerIn.setHeldItem(EnumHand.MAIN_HAND, inped); ped.setInventorySlotContents(0, ItemStack.EMPTY); tile.markDirty(); } } else if(inped == ItemStack.EMPTY) { So while I will probably go back to recreating the item stack instead of the shrinking, that is a completely different event.
"Long lived objects that will eventually die" describes everything. But regardless, what you stated has nothing to do with what I stated. If an object is going to live long, reducing it's cost to the memory by consolidating them into vectors/containers/arrays is the best method, as an object uses up more memory than an element in an array or vector. A list like inventory should be consolidated if it persists, to have a different inventory container for every single stack that is going to be stored there is wasteful. As for modifying it's return value, you mean the shrinking? If so then I tried making a new stack and that didn't help. I switched to the shrink method because I thought making a new stack was causing the problem. This portion of the code has been through almost every iteration I can think of (that's why a lot of these two classes looks so sloppy) just to get it functional.
Setting the inventory slot is necessary in many times, to prevent excessive RAM waste when you have different slots for different things. It works well, and will prevent memory waste (something that's REALLY important in Java). There is no reason to waste memory with a new object for every point in an object. In this matter the item is often completely replaced (destroying the current contents), as needed.
Here: package com.kittenkoder.magitech.tile; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import net.minecraftforge.items.ItemStackHandler; import com.kittenkoder.magitech.Magitech; import; import; public class MagitechTileEntityPedestal extends MagitechPartialTileEntity implements IMagitechTileInventory { public static final AxisAlignedBB BOUNDINGBOX = new AxisAlignedBB(0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 1.0D, 0.25D, 1.0D); protected ItemStackHandler handler; public class MagitechPedestalStackHandler extends ItemStackHandler { protected MagitechTileEntityPedestal tile; public MagitechPedestalStackHandler(MagitechTileEntityPedestal ntile) { super(1); this.tile = ntile; } @Override protected void onContentsChanged(int slot) { if (!world.isRemote) { MagitechUpdatePedestalPacket(this.tile), new NetworkRegistry.TargetPoint(world.provider.getDimension(), pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ(), 64)); } } } public MagitechTileEntityPedestal() { this.handler = new MagitechPedestalStackHandler(this); } @Override public void onLoad() { if (world.isRemote) { MagitechPedestalRequestUpdate(this)); } } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB getRenderBoundingBox() { net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB bb = TileEntity.INFINITE_EXTENT_AABB; BlockPos pos = this.getPos(); net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB cbb = null; try { cbb = MagitechTileEntityPedestal.BOUNDINGBOX.offset(pos); } catch (Exception e) { cbb = new net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB(getPos().add(-1, 0, -1), getPos().add(1, 1, 1)); } if (cbb != null) bb = cbb; return bb; } @Override public NBTTagCompound writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) { super.writeToNBT(compound); compound.setTag("Item", this.handler.serializeNBT()); return compound; } @Override public boolean shouldRefresh(World world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState oldState, IBlockState newSate) { return (oldState.getBlock() != newSate.getBlock()) || oldState != newSate; } @Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) { super.readFromNBT(compound); if(compound.hasKey("Item")) this.handler.deserializeNBT(compound.getCompoundTag("Item")); } public ItemStack getStackInSlot(int index) { ItemStack t = this.handler.getStackInSlot(index); return t; } public ItemStack removeStackFromSlot(int index) { ItemStack t = this.handler.getStackInSlot(index); this.handler.setStackInSlot(index, ItemStack.EMPTY); return t; } public void setInventorySlotContents(int index, ItemStack stack) { this.handler.setStackInSlot(index, stack); } @Override public void writeInventoryToNBT(NBTTagCompound tag) { tag.setTag("Item", this.handler.serializeNBT()); } @Override public void readInventoryFromNBT(NBTTagCompound tag) { if(tag.hasKey("Item")) this.handler.deserializeNBT(tag.getCompoundTag("Item")); } } package com.kittenkoder.magitech.blocks; import java.util.Random; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import net.minecraft.block.SoundType; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.init.SoundEvents; import net.minecraft.inventory.InventoryHelper; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.EnumHand; import net.minecraft.util.SoundCategory; import net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import com.kittenkoder.magitech.tile.IMagitechTileInventory; import com.kittenkoder.magitech.tile.MagitechTileEntityPedestal; public class MagitechBlockPedestal extends MagitechBlockPartial { public MagitechBlockPedestal(String unlocalizedName, String name, Material material, float hardness, float resistance, SoundType sound, int opacity, float lightlevel, String harvest, int harvestlevel) { super(unlocalizedName, name, material, hardness, resistance, sound, opacity, lightlevel, harvest, harvestlevel); } @Override @Nullable public AxisAlignedBB getCollisionBoundingBox(IBlockState blockState, IBlockAccess worldIn, BlockPos pos) { return MagitechTileEntityPedestal.BOUNDINGBOX; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public AxisAlignedBB getSelectedBoundingBox(IBlockState state, World worldIn, BlockPos pos) { return MagitechTileEntityPedestal.BOUNDINGBOX.offset(pos); } @Override @Nullable public TileEntity createTileEntity(World worldIn, IBlockState state) { return new MagitechTileEntityPedestal(); } @Override public void breakBlock(World world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState blockstate) { TileEntity tile = world.getTileEntity(pos); if(tile instanceof IMagitechTileInventory) { IMagitechTileInventory te = (IMagitechTileInventory) tile; InventoryHelper.spawnItemStack(world, pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ(), te.getStackInSlot(0)); } super.breakBlock(world, pos, blockstate); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void randomDisplayTick(IBlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos, Random rand) { } @Override public boolean onBlockActivated(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, EntityPlayer playerIn, EnumHand hand, EnumFacing facing, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ) { if (worldIn.isRemote) return false; TileEntity tile = worldIn.getTileEntity(pos); if(tile instanceof IMagitechTileInventory) { IMagitechTileInventory ped = (IMagitechTileInventory)tile; if(EnumHand.MAIN_HAND == hand) { ItemStack item = playerIn.getHeldItemMainhand(); ItemStack inped = ped.getStackInSlot(0); if(item == ItemStack.EMPTY || item == null) { if(inped != null && inped != ItemStack.EMPTY) { worldIn.playSound((EntityPlayer)null, pos, SoundEvents.BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE_USE, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 0.3F, 0.6F); // if(playerIn.inventory.addItemStackToInventory(inped)) playerIn.setHeldItem(EnumHand.MAIN_HAND, inped); ped.setInventorySlotContents(0, ItemStack.EMPTY); tile.markDirty(); } } else if(inped == ItemStack.EMPTY) { if(item.getCount() > 1) { worldIn.playSound((EntityPlayer)null, pos, SoundEvents.BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE_USE, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 0.3F, 0.6F); item.shrink(1); ItemStack t = new ItemStack(item.getItem(), 1); ped.setInventorySlotContents(0, t); tile.markDirty(); } else { worldIn.playSound((EntityPlayer)null, pos, SoundEvents.BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE_USE, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 0.3F, 0.6F); playerIn.setHeldItem(EnumHand.MAIN_HAND, ItemStack.EMPTY); ped.setInventorySlotContents(0, item); tile.markDirty(); } } } } return true; } } Please notice what is commented out before responding.
I get null pointer exceptions when I don't check what vanilla code returns, that's why there are checks there. The player inventory method for add item is what is causing the problem! Do you not follow that? It's only when I call addItemStackToInventory on the PLAYER inventory that everything messes up. I stated that from the beginning, look at what is commented out, that's the method that causes the problems, not the ones I added or customized.
I showed you the code, and there is nothing in the stack traces, and I mean nothing. The player inventory is set by whatever sets it, I don't change those classes at all. It's the player inventory add method that causes problems, not mine. If I cannot use the vanilla classes with the Forge classes then I will choose the vanilla classes so I don't have to override everything.
Wrong. If I don't check for null I get nullpointer errors from vanilla all the time, even in this instance when checking player inventory I get null pointer sometimes. The rest of what you said is meaningless, I didn't do most of what you said, and in other cases it only works the way I did it. As I said, the problem is in addItemStackToInventory. I found that it is somehow preventing the ItemHandler from the pedestal from synching. Since this is handled by the net.minecraftforge.items.ItemStackHandler I didn't realize that was what was happening. The problem is that without changing vanilla code, it won't synchronize. If I have to write another ItemHandler to make it work that way, then I will just keep it this way. Writing a new class to do something that everyone uses increases the bloat of the game and would explain why so many mods are not being updated or getting too cumbersome for multiplayer.
For adding an item to the players inventory, if I setItemHeld it works fine, but I would prefer addItemStackToInventory to it will stack. But it seems to prematurely exit the method that uses it for some reason. Here's the method: @Override public boolean onBlockActivated(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, EntityPlayer playerIn, EnumHand hand, EnumFacing facing, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ) { if (worldIn.isRemote) return false; TileEntity tile = worldIn.getTileEntity(pos); if(tile instanceof IMagitechTileInventory) { IMagitechTileInventory ped = (IMagitechTileInventory)tile; if(EnumHand.MAIN_HAND == hand) { ItemStack item = playerIn.getHeldItemMainhand(); ItemStack inped = ped.getStackInSlot(0); if(item == ItemStack.EMPTY || item == null) { if(inped != null && inped != ItemStack.EMPTY) { worldIn.playSound((EntityPlayer)null, pos, SoundEvents.BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE_USE, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 0.3F, 0.6F); // if(playerIn.inventory.addItemStackToInventory(inped)) playerIn.setHeldItem(EnumHand.MAIN_HAND, inped); ped.setInventorySlotContents(0, ItemStack.EMPTY); tile.markDirty(); } } else if(inped == ItemStack.EMPTY) { if(item.getCount() > 1) { worldIn.playSound((EntityPlayer)null, pos, SoundEvents.BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE_USE, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 0.3F, 0.6F); item.shrink(1); ItemStack t = new ItemStack(item.getItem(), 1); ped.setInventorySlotContents(0, t); tile.markDirty(); } else { worldIn.playSound((EntityPlayer)null, pos, SoundEvents.BLOCK_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE_USE, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 0.3F, 0.6F); playerIn.setHeldItem(EnumHand.MAIN_HAND, ItemStack.EMPTY); ped.setInventorySlotContents(0, item); tile.markDirty(); } } } } return true; } Is there a convention that should be used which I am unaware of, or is this the only way to do what I am trying to accomplish?