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Everything posted by dex3r

  1. Ok so looking through the code I have already figured out this: Item.itemsList[wire.blockID] = new ItemBlockWire(wire.blockID - 256); and inside ItemBlockWire I just used public String getItemDisplayName(ItemStack par1ItemStack) But you method is more correct - but I will still use getItemDisplayName since I have to create separate item class for colored blocks anyway. And about third parameter - what is correct way for mod-uniqe blocks name? "dex3r.tile.wire" or "dex3r.wire"?
  2. Hi! I am trying to make subblock with same ID but different metadata. Wiki tutorial http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Metadata_Based_Subblocks and all tutorials I have found on the Internet are using LanguageRegistry.addName(ItemStack, String). Declaration of .addName looks like it doesnt care about metadata, but anyway... I have something like this for testing: for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { ItemStack wireStack = new ItemStack(wire, 1, i); LanguageRegistry.addName(wireStack, i + " wire"); } In game I got "15 wire" for every metadata. So how to do it, becouse I have no clue? If there only was someting like public String getBlockDisplayName(ItemStack par1ItemStack) insinde Block class just like it is in the Item class... //I'm using .722 build
  3. No, without MFFS I have no memory leaks. Tested many times. [quote author=Zero link=topic=4530.msg26340#msg26340 date=1356929998] There is a forum dedicated specifically to FTB. If you're certain that it's not Forge, then why did you post it here of all places? Next time, I'd suggest asking at the Feed-The-Beast Forums. You're much more likely to get help with problems regarding FTB there. Its about mods, not specified FTB pack, thats why I aksed here, since IMHO here I can find more proffesional people.
  4. Ok, using Quicksort technique I am now 100% sure, that this is Modular Force Field System issue Haha fortunately I was not planning to use that mod at all. BTW. I have newest version of IC2, MFFS and Forge and already reported the issue in MFFS bugtracker.
  5. Hi! I dont know if this is appropriate section, so pls move, not delete, if its not. I am playing Direwolf20's ModPack from FTB. There is, inter alia, MystCraft. With that mod i used to travel inter some dimensions a lot. But, unfortunely, there is memory leak, which makes my client to laggy much after many that travels. After deep testing, I am sure, that its not MystCraft, MinecraftForge, Optifine nor any of my CoreMods issue. That gave me a list of only... 35 mods... Now I have no idea where even start my testing, to find guilty mod: Additional Pipes Buildcraft ChickenChunks Compact Solars Computer Craft EE3 EdnerStorage ExtraBiomesXL Factorization Forestry GravityGun IC2 Nuclear Controll IC2 Inv tweaks Ironchest Misc Peripherals Modular Force Field System Gravity Suite NEIPlugins NEI RedPower Plugin Obsidian Plates Omni Tools Portal Gun Railcraft RedPower Compat RedPower Core RedPower Digital RedPower Mechanical Soul Shards Thaumcraft Thermal Expanstion Therman Expansin NEI WR-CBE Core WR-CBE RedPower Xycraft So maybe any of you have any idea which of these mods it is, or at least could be (then I could test with that mod, and check if the problem still occurs). Please help, I cant play with that at all
  6. You can simply make item Trampoline and Block trampoline like its done with Sugar Cane. Or custom rendering.
  7. Ok I can handle with 256x256 textures. But now I need to load them dynamically. FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().renderEngine.re.refreshTextures(); is working strange. After reloading of textures I have to wait few seconds to new textures appears on the blocks. I have also pulled out out of refreshTextures() this: GL11.glGenTextures(); RenderEngine re = FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().renderEngine; BufferedImage bi = null; ITexturePack tp = re.texturePack.getSelectedTexturePack(); InputStream is = tp.getResourceAsStream(CommonProxy.CUSTOM_BLOCK_TXT); try { bi = ImageIO.read(is); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } int temp = re.getTexture(CommonProxy.CUSTOM_BLOCK_TXT); re.deleteTexture(temp);; re.setupTexture(bi, temp); MinecraftForgeClient.preloadTexture(CommonProxy.CUSTOM_BLOCK_TXT); Of course with the problem. There is any way to force reload this texture on blocks? F3+F doesnt work. Sry for bad English, it's not my first language.
  8. Does it really need to be like this? There is no other way to use 16x16 PNG files as I used to do it with ModLoader? I really need this! I also need to have these textures loading dynamically - change texture file while playing -> change texture in game.
  9. After updating from 445 to 466 nothing changed.
  10. Hi! I have problem with custom textures on my blocks. I was following http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Tutorials/Basic_Modding and http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Tutorials/Icons_and_Textures Instead of full texture of .png file i can see only one color. For example if my texture is mostly green, the whole block is only green. When I used default stone texture from terrain.png there was only one gray color. Block: public class BlockCustomTexture extends Block { public BlockCustomTexture(int par1) { super(par1, 0, Material.rock); } @Override public String getTextureFile() { return CommonProxy.CUSTOM_BLOCK_TXT; } } CommonProxy: public class CommonProxy { public static String CUSTOM_BLOCK_TXT = "/dex/cb/client/images/customBlock.png"; // Client stuff public void registerRenderers() { // Nothing here as the server doesn't render graphics! } } and ClientProxy: public class ClientProxy extends CommonProxy { @Override public void registerRenderers() { MinecraftForgeClient.preloadTexture(CUSTOM_BLOCK_TXT); } }
  11. Downloading Latest version instead of recommended is the solution. Don't kill me now.
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