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    Dev for Township [WIP]

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  1. I completely forgot about jabelar's site I've been out of the scene since 1.7.10, so I'm trying to get back in, haha.
  2. Hey all, I'm getting lost in vanilla code trying to figure out some info on a concept I have. I want to try to add an NPC to the game that I can send to automate some task like a player would. Let's say, go cut trees in a set area, or build a house (based off a schematic). They could basically do basic tasks of player, have an inventory, and I'll use a GUI system to assign tasks with a "home" block or some reference block that will be placed by player to designate their zones. I currently have so many classes opened from Villagers, to Villager registry, all the supers for those, the interfaces, etc. I'm getting so lost in the vanilla code. Is there any reference code I can take a look at that people know of or a good tutorial on entities in general? I don't think extending villager is really a good idea since that's going to add in so many things I really don't need. Maybe just extending off the base EntityLiving and making the rest myself? Any tips on where to start here?
  3. You can't open a json with Notepad++, or your IDE? What are you using to make your mod?
  4. Thank you! This helps so much....I've been making all 4 additions each time for simple cubes, holy crap. I know you guys get crap for being blunt, but I appreciate it!
  5. For a simple "normal cube" block you only need the blockstate json: http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/blockstates/forgeBlockstates/ I thought you had to do: assets.modid.blockstates -json assets.modid.models.block -json assets.modid.models.item -json Then still the lang of course because you are naming it in game. Am I missing something here? I mean, you can use a base json file and copy/paste it over and over, but you still need to name the texture for it on a basic cube no? block/cube_all can be used, but you still need to say what the texture is, then link the model and the item to it I thought?
  6. Hah, right. I guess I worked in 1.7.10 last, now having to make 4 files for a block just bothers me, though I love how flexible it can be overall. I just don't like to hard code and then creating 4 hard coded references to the same string is cringing at times, completely understand the difference in a Java class, a JSON, and the lang but it would be nice if someone knew of a solution, hence the post 4 files - Lang, model, blockstate, block item.
  7. Thanks Lex! I figured as much, and may do the script for fun. I'm being stubborn and don't like having to go to three places for a block to paste the same string in, but I understand.
  8. I shouldn't change a registry name, as in you've never refactored before? Outside of refactoring, which I think is completely viable, the point still stands that I'm hard coding the value I have stored in a final String into the json and lang that I'd rather not hard code in case of typos (which is why we avoid hard coding to begin with, right programmers who can't type?).
  9. EDIT: Added screenshot to better explain, see bottom link. I think I know the answer to this is that it's not possible...however I figured I'd ask to make sure. I have a library/reference class with final String values of my items/blocks/etc for use with gameRegistry, unlocalized name, etc. I can use this class in all of my java classes of course, but when it comes to the json files and en_lang, I'm hard coding/typing the string value myself which I hate because if I change the name of a block in my reference library, I have to then find the 3 .json's, manually edit them, and then go into my lang and edit that. If I ever add more languages that's just going to continue the work. Anyone know of a solution by chance? EDIT: http://i.imgur.com/WueyFSt.png - Here is what I'm talking about for example.
  10. For IExtendedEntityProperties, check out coolAlias' tutorial: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/mapping-and-modding-tutorials/1571567-forge-1-6-4-1-8-eventhandler-and I would recommend that as well for storing the information for the reasons already stated (surprised you didn't link this yourself coolAlias, haha).
  11. That'll work thanks. I prefer the IDE, and I can get on mine from work, but the input lag from crap internet at work makes me miss click and sometimes things like ctrl + click to get into a class doesn't work so I figured I'd use that instead. Thanks!
  12. Hey all, This may be a dumb question, but I was curious if anyone knew a resource/repo that had all the vanilla code so I can reference vanilla when I'm away from my IDE (i.e. at work, haha). I can remote into my PC at home from work and all, but it would be a little easier if it was just on a repo somewhere to reference. I imagine it's not, but if it is it would be nice if someone could point me there. Googling failed me so I'm thinking it's not anywhere easily found and probably for good reason. If its a legal reason on why not to do this, what if I uploaded it to a private repo so I can reference it myself?
  13. So the concept is a "bench" where I can "socket" an item like you would in Diablo or many other RPGs/games. This is basically adding a modifier in Tinker's Construct. iron pick + empty socket = iron pick with NBT data that it has an empty socket iron pick with empty socket NBT + FierySocket = iron pick with NBT data that says it has a fiery socket, which in turn allows for auto-smelt on ores. I can make the ironPickWithEmptySocketNBT tool and use "onCrafted" to set NBT to say it has an empty socket every time its pulled out of a crafting table, as long as onCrafted allows me to use my socket bench and doesn't need to be in a workbench. But then on the input, how do I ask for item with only said NBT data? Would I have to do something like.... ItemStack toolInput = ironPickWithEmptySocketNBT(); toolInput.stackTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound(); itemStack.stackTagCompound.setString("socket", ModItems.emptySocket.getUnlocalizedName()); if (itemStack.stackTagCompound != null) { addRecipe(new ItemStack (ModItems.ironPickWithFierySocket), " ", "IF", " ", 'I', toolInput, 'F', ModItems.FierySocket }
  14. @ DimensionsInTime - Thanks! It's actually REALLY similar to what I'm looking to do. @ coolAlias - I have a topic that is asking about this, but wasn't originally intended to look into NBT in input/output items used in a recipe. Additionally, proper forum etiquette should be "search before you post" and I found this topic that was asking what I'm asking. It's not a thread hijack to say "if you figure this out let me know as I'm doing something similar." Finally, I like your tutorials, thank you!
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