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Everything posted by coolsim

  1. The Mod, Divine Objects, is causing this crash, removing it should fix the issue. It’s also an MCCreator mod, which doesn’t have a good reputation. Also, your SurvivalPlus and MoreThanPickaxe mods are out of date... (I’d know since I made them )😝
  2. Lil Screeny, to open the installer jar, open System Preferences and go to the Security & Privacy settings and under the General tab down the bottom of the window, after having just tried to open the jar, it will say something like "forge-1.15.1-30.0.51-installer.jar" was blocked from opening because it is not from an identified developer. All you need to do is click the button next to it called Open Anyway and then you may be required to enter your administrator name and password. From there it will open as normal.
  3. Updated to 1.14.4-28.1.20 and still not working... just using a seperate resource pack I made for now.
  4. Yeah I did look though the built jar and the textures were in there. Planning to update to 1.14 anyway but just wondering if I’d done anything incorrect.
  5. Using Forge 1.13.2-25.0.219. So my mod adds textures for vanilla Minecraft, for example, an iron_ingot texture located in resources/assets/minecraft/textures/item/iron_ingot.png. In the eclipse IDE my custom texture works as seen here, whereas when I've built my mod and am using it in both another workspace and through the Minecraft launcher it doesn't use my textures, seen here. Not sure what's going on as it works in the IDE, but not anywhere else. My mod code can be found on GitHub here. Any help with this would be appreciated.
  6. You have reached the limit of item/block ids which is 4096. Try adding NotEnoughIds.
  7. You're trying to use 1.12.2 mods using forge for 1.12.1. Update forge to 1.12.2.
  8. I haven't tested this myself, but this is what I found. Use b.setTemperature(0.0F).setRainfall(0.5F).setSnowEnabled(); instead.
  9. I'm still trying to get this to work with no success. I've looked at Forestry, Tough as Nails and other build.gradle files but each one does this in different ways. Does someone know what I'm missing? My build.gradle now looks like this:
  10. Firstly, if there are no crash reports can you upload the log file? Also 1.7.10 is no longer supported on this forum.
  11. The mod TConstruct is crashing your world. Try creating a new world and if it doesn’t work report this to the developers of TContrust.
  12. I cannot find anything wrong here in terms of a particular mod crashing this. However, from what I can see (if I am reading the right JMV arguments) you haven"t allocated enough ram to the server. You are running lots of mods on this server and there may not be enough allocated ram to keep up with loading the world, thus crashing it.
  13. I’m not sure what specifically is causing this (maybe a resource pack) but it is effecting the model json file for crops.
  14. The server crashes when it tries to load the Armory mod. Try removing it.
  15. So I've added this above task packApi. However, I still don't get an API jar when I build. jar { // Add necessary files, remove unnecessary ones. includes.addAll(project.ext.coreFiles) includes.addAll(project.ext.apiFiles) includes.addAll('mcmod.info') //includes.addAll('LICENSE.txt') }
  16. Greetings all! I have been creating an API for my mod so that I can use it to create add-ons. I have been looking at code from Galacticraft and others in order to get Gradle to build the API into a separate jar. I have added a new task to Gradle called packApi but when I go to build I only get the main and sources jar, no API jar. Is there something I am missing? Here's my build.gradle file: buildscript { repositories { jcenter() maven { name = "forge" url = "http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven" } } dependencies { classpath 'net.minecraftforge.gradle:ForgeGradle:2.2-SNAPSHOT' } } apply plugin: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle.forge' //Only edit below this line, the above code adds and enables the necessary things for Forge to be setup. sourceSets.main { java { srcDirs = ['src/main/java'] } resources { srcDirs = ['src/main/resources'] } } def mcVersion = "1.11.2" def spVersion = "0.1.0" version = "${mcVersion}-${spVersion}" group = "net.coolsimulations.SurvivalPlus" // http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-naming-conventions.html archivesBaseName = "SurvivalPlus" sourceCompatibility = targetCompatibility = "1.8" // Need this here so eclipse task generates correctly. compileJava { sourceCompatibility = targetCompatibility = "1.8" } minecraft { version = "1.11.2-" runDir = "run" // the mappings can be changed at any time, and must be in the following format. // snapshot_YYYYMMDD snapshot are built nightly. // stable_# stables are built at the discretion of the MCP team. // Use non-default mappings at your own risk. they may not always work. // simply re-run your setup task after changing the mappings to update your workspace. mappings = "snapshot_20161220" // makeObfSourceJar = false // an Srg named sources jar is made by default. uncomment this to disable. } // Keep a list of main mod files/directories for easy jar packing ext.coreFiles = ['net/coolsimulations/SurvivalPlus/core/**', 'assets/sp/**'] // Keep a list of core files/directories for easy jar packing ext.apiFiles = ['net/coolsimulations/SurvivalPlus/api/**'] dependencies { // you may put jars on which you depend on in ./libs // or you may define them like so.. //compile "some.group:artifact:version:classifier" //compile "some.group:artifact:version" // real examples //compile 'com.mod-buildcraft:buildcraft:6.0.8:dev' // adds buildcraft to the dev env //compile 'com.googlecode.efficient-java-matrix-library:ejml:0.24' // adds ejml to the dev env // the 'provided' configuration is for optional dependencies that exist at compile-time but might not at runtime. //provided 'com.mod-buildcraft:buildcraft:6.0.8:dev' // the deobf configurations: 'deobfCompile' and 'deobfProvided' are the same as the normal compile and provided, // except that these dependencies get remapped to your current MCP mappings //deobfCompile 'com.mod-buildcraft:buildcraft:6.0.8:dev' //deobfProvided 'com.mod-buildcraft:buildcraft:6.0.8:dev' // for more info... // http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/artifact_dependencies_tutorial.html // http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/dependency_management.html } processResources { // this will ensure that this task is redone when the versions change. inputs.property "version", project.version inputs.property "mcversion", project.minecraft.version // replace stuff in mcmod.info, nothing else from(sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs) { include 'mcmod.info' // replace version and mcversion expand 'version':project.version, 'mcversion':project.minecraft.version } // copy everything else except the mcmod.info from(sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs) { exclude 'mcmod.info' } } task packApi(type: Jar, dependsOn: "classes") { // Jar will always be updated outputs.upToDateWhen {false} // Set the jar's base name baseName = "SurvivalPlus-API" from (sourceSets.main.output) { // Add necessary files, remove unnecessary ones. includes.addAll(project.ext.apiFiles) //includes.addAll('LICENSE.txt') excludes.addAll(project.ext.coreFiles) excludes.addAll('**/*.info') excludes.addAll('assets') } } Any help here would be appreciated.
  17. After writing my code a couple more times, I decided to make my campfire use sticks as fuel. I have labeled this as resolved as I no longer need assistance.
  18. I will look at changing isBurning in my main TileEntity class so that it doesn't use IInventory. Here are the other classes. Container: public class ContainerCampfire extends Container{ private final TileEntityCampfire tileentity; private int furnaceBurnTime; private int cookTime; private int totalCookTime; public ContainerCampfire(InventoryPlayer player, TileEntityCampfire tileentity) { this.tileentity = tileentity; this.addSlotToContainer(new Slot(tileentity, 0, 56, 35)); this.addSlotToContainer(new SlotFurnaceOutput(player.player, tileentity, 1, 116, 35)); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 9; ++j) { this.addSlotToContainer(new Slot(player, j + i * 9 + 9, 8 + j * 18, 84 + i * 18)); } } for (int k = 0; k < 9; ++k) { this.addSlotToContainer(new Slot(player, k, 8 + k * 18, 142)); } } @Override public void addListener(IContainerListener listener) { super.addListener(listener); listener.sendAllWindowProperties(this, this.tileentity); } @Override public void detectAndSendChanges() { super.detectAndSendChanges(); for (int i = 0; i < this.listeners.size(); ++i) { IContainerListener icontainerlistener = (IContainerListener)this.listeners.get(i); if (this.cookTime != this.tileentity.getField(1)) { icontainerlistener.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 1, this.tileentity.getField(1)); } if (this.furnaceBurnTime != this.tileentity.getField(0)) { icontainerlistener.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 0, this.tileentity.getField(0)); } if (this.totalCookTime != this.tileentity.getField(2)) { icontainerlistener.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 2, this.tileentity.getField(2)); } } this.cookTime = this.tileentity.getField(1); this.furnaceBurnTime = this.tileentity.getField(0); this.totalCookTime = this.tileentity.getField(2); } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void updateProgressBar(int id, int data) { this.tileentity.setField(id, data); } @Override public boolean canInteractWith(EntityPlayer playerIn) { return this.tileentity.isUsableByPlayer(playerIn); } @Override public ItemStack transferStackInSlot(EntityPlayer playerIn, int index) { ItemStack itemstack = ItemStack.EMPTY; Slot slot = (Slot)this.inventorySlots.get(index); if (slot != null && slot.getHasStack()) { ItemStack itemstack1 = slot.getStack(); itemstack = itemstack1.copy(); if (index == 1) { if (!this.mergeItemStack(itemstack1, 2, 39, true)) { return ItemStack.EMPTY; } slot.onSlotChange(itemstack1, itemstack); } else if (index != 0) { if (!CampfireRecipes.instance().getCampfireSmeltingResult(itemstack1).isEmpty()) { if (!this.mergeItemStack(itemstack1, 0, 1, false)) { return ItemStack.EMPTY; } } else if (TileEntityFurnace.isItemFuel(itemstack1)) { if (!this.mergeItemStack(itemstack1, 1, 2, false)) { return ItemStack.EMPTY; } } else if (index >= 3 && index < 30) { if (!this.mergeItemStack(itemstack1, 30, 39, false)) { return ItemStack.EMPTY; } } else if (index >= 30 && index < 39 && !this.mergeItemStack(itemstack1, 3, 30, false)) { return ItemStack.EMPTY; } } else if (!this.mergeItemStack(itemstack1, 3, 39, false)) { return ItemStack.EMPTY; } if (itemstack1.isEmpty()) { slot.putStack(ItemStack.EMPTY); } else { slot.onSlotChanged(); } if (itemstack1.getCount() == itemstack.getCount()) { return ItemStack.EMPTY; } slot.onTake(playerIn, itemstack1); } return itemstack; } @Override public void onContainerClosed(EntityPlayer player) { super.onContainerClosed(player); this.tileentity.closeInventory(player); } } GuiContainer: public class GuiCampfire extends GuiContainer{ private static final ResourceLocation CAMPFIRE_GUI_TEXTURE = new ResourceLocation(Reference.MOD_ID + ":" + "textures/gui/container/campfire.png"); private final InventoryPlayer player; private final TileEntityCampfire tileentity; public GuiCampfire(InventoryPlayer player, TileEntityCampfire tileentity) { super(new ContainerCampfire(player, tileentity)); this.player = player; this.tileentity = tileentity; } /** * Draw the foreground layer for the GuiContainer (everything in front of the items) */ protected void drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(int mouseX, int mouseY) { String s = this.tileentity.hasCustomName() ? this.tileentity.getName() : I18n.format(this.tileentity.getName(), new Object[0]); this.fontRendererObj.drawString(s, this.xSize / 2 - this.fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(s) / 2, 6, 0xFFFFFF); this.fontRendererObj.drawString(this.player.getDisplayName().getUnformattedText(), 8, this.ySize - 96 + 2, 0xFFFFFF); } /** * Draws the background layer of this container (behind the items). */ protected void drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(float partialTicks, int mouseX, int mouseY) { GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F); this.mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(CAMPFIRE_GUI_TEXTURE); int i = (this.width - this.xSize) / 2; int j = (this.height - this.ySize) / 2; this.drawTexturedModalRect(i, j, 0, 0, this.xSize, this.ySize); int l = this.getCookProgressScaled(24); this.drawTexturedModalRect(i + 79, j + 34, 176, 14, l + 1, 16); } private int getCookProgressScaled(int pixels) { int i = this.tileentity.getField(1); int j = this.tileentity.getField(0); return j != 0 && i != 0 ? i * pixels / j : 0; } }
  19. Although there are ways of generating structures from NBT files Minecraft uses min and max x, y, and z coordinates to decide which blocks go where. The StructureVillagePieces class is an example of this. In order to create a new village component (building) create a class that extends StructureVillagePieces.Village which will be your code for the building itself. An example of this can be found here. You will also need to create a handler the implements IVillageCreationHandler in which you will refer to your new village component class. In your main class preInit you will then need to use VillagerRegistry.instance().registerVillageCreationHandler(); to register your handler and MapGenStructureIO.registerStructureComponent(); to register the component itself. If you want to create an entirely new village instead of single buildings I recommend looking at Galacticraft's code for Moon Villages. Although I haven't look into them much I imagine End Cities and Woodlands are similar to this.
  20. Greetings all! I am creating my first TileEntity which is basically a furnace that only cooks food and requires no fuel. It's like the oven in MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod, only with one input. When I place the item into the input it doubles and once clicked on vanishes. I have tried several times to rewrite the code from scratch but end up with similar results. Link to a short clip of the issue Main TileEntity Class: public class TileEntityCampfire extends TileEntity implements ITickable, ISidedInventory { private static final int[] SLOTS_TOP = new int[] {0}; private static final int[] SLOTS_BOTTOM = new int[] {2}; private static NonNullList<ItemStack> inventory = NonNullList.<ItemStack>withSize(2, ItemStack.EMPTY); private String customName; private int furnaceBurnTime; private int cookTime; private int totalCookTime; @Override public int getSizeInventory() { return this.inventory.size(); } public String getGuiID() { return Reference.MOD_ID + ":campfire"; } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { for(ItemStack stack : this.inventory) if(!stack.isEmpty()) return false; return true; } @Override public ItemStack getStackInSlot(int index) { return this.inventory.get(index); } @Override public ItemStack decrStackSize(int index, int count) { return ItemStackHelper.getAndSplit(this.inventory, index, count); } @Override public ItemStack removeStackFromSlot(int index) { return ItemStackHelper.getAndRemove(this.inventory, index); } @Override public void setInventorySlotContents(int index, ItemStack stack) { ItemStack itemstack = (ItemStack)this.inventory.get(index); boolean flag = !stack.isEmpty() && stack.isItemEqual(itemstack) && ItemStack.areItemStackTagsEqual(stack, itemstack); this.inventory.set(index, stack); if (stack.getCount() > this.getInventoryStackLimit()) { stack.setCount(this.getInventoryStackLimit()); } if(index == 0 && !flag) { this.totalCookTime = this.getCookTime(stack); this.cookTime = 0; this.markDirty(); } } @Override public int getInventoryStackLimit() { return 64; } @Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) { super.readFromNBT(compound); this.inventory = NonNullList.<ItemStack>withSize(this.getSizeInventory(), ItemStack.EMPTY); ItemStackHelper.loadAllItems(compound, this.inventory); this.furnaceBurnTime = compound.getInteger("BurnTime"); this.cookTime = compound.getInteger("CookTime"); this.totalCookTime = compound.getInteger("CookTimeTotal"); if (compound.hasKey("CustomName", 8)) { this.customName = compound.getString("CustomName"); } } @Override public NBTTagCompound writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) { super.writeToNBT(compound); compound.setInteger("BurnTime", (short)this.furnaceBurnTime); compound.setInteger("CookTime", (short)this.cookTime); compound.setInteger("CookTimeTotal", (short)this.totalCookTime); ItemStackHelper.saveAllItems(compound, this.inventory); if (this.hasCustomName()) { compound.setString("CustomName", this.customName); } return compound; } public int getCookTime(ItemStack stack) { return 100; } @Override public boolean isUsableByPlayer(EntityPlayer player) { return this.world.getTileEntity(this.pos) != this ? false : player.getDistanceSq((double)this.pos.getX() + 0.5D, (double)this.pos.getY() + 0.5D, (double)this.pos.getZ() + 0.5D) <= 64.0D; } @Override public void openInventory(EntityPlayer player) { } @Override public void closeInventory(EntityPlayer player) { } @Override public boolean isItemValidForSlot(int index, ItemStack stack) { if (index == 1) { return false; } else// if (index != 1) { return true; } } @Override public int getField(int id) { switch(id) { case 0: return this.furnaceBurnTime; case 1: return this.cookTime; case 2: return this.totalCookTime; default: return 0; } } @Override public void setField(int id, int value) { switch (id) { case 0: this.furnaceBurnTime = value; break; case 1: this.cookTime = value; break; case 2: this.totalCookTime = value; break; } } @Override public int getFieldCount() { return 2; } @Override public void clear() { this.inventory.clear(); } @Override public String getName() { return this.hasCustomName() ? this.customName : "container.campfire"; } @Override public boolean hasCustomName() { return this.customName != null && !this.customName.isEmpty(); } @Override public int[] getSlotsForFace(EnumFacing side) { return side == EnumFacing.DOWN ? SLOTS_BOTTOM : (side == EnumFacing.UP ? SLOTS_TOP : SLOTS_BOTTOM); } @Override public boolean canInsertItem(int index, ItemStack itemStackIn, EnumFacing direction) { return this.isItemValidForSlot(index, itemStackIn); } @Override public boolean canExtractItem(int index, ItemStack stack, EnumFacing direction) { return true; } public boolean isBurning() { return this.furnaceBurnTime > 0; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static boolean isBurning(IInventory inventory) { return inventory.getField(0) > 0; } @Override public void update() { boolean flag = this.isBurning(); boolean flag1 = false; if (this.isBurning()) { --this.furnaceBurnTime; } if (!this.world.isRemote) { if (this.isBurning() && this.canSmelt()) { ++this.cookTime; if (this.cookTime == this.totalCookTime) { this.cookTime = 0; this.totalCookTime = this.getCookTime((ItemStack)this.inventory.get(0)); this.smeltItem(); flag1 = true; } } else { this.cookTime = 0; } } else if (!this.isBurning() && this.cookTime > 0) { this.cookTime = MathHelper.clamp(this.cookTime - 2, 0, this.totalCookTime); } if (flag != this.isBurning()) { flag1 = true; BlockFurnace.setState(this.isBurning(), this.world, this.pos); } if (flag1) { this.markDirty(); } } private boolean canSmelt() { if (((ItemStack)this.inventory.get(0)).isEmpty()) { return false; } else { ItemStack itemstack = CampfireRecipes.instance().getCampfireSmeltingResult((ItemStack)this.inventory.get(0)); if (itemstack.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { ItemStack itemstack1 = (ItemStack)this.inventory.get(1); if (itemstack1.isEmpty()) return true; if (!itemstack1.isItemEqual(itemstack)) return false; int result = itemstack1.getCount() + itemstack.getCount(); return result <= getInventoryStackLimit() && result <= itemstack1.getMaxStackSize(); // Forge fix: make furnace respect stack sizes in furnace recipes } } } public void smeltItem() { if (this.canSmelt()) { ItemStack itemstack = (ItemStack)this.inventory.get(0); ItemStack itemstack1 = CampfireRecipes.instance().getCampfireSmeltingResult(itemstack); ItemStack itemstack2 = (ItemStack)this.inventory.get(1); if (itemstack2.isEmpty()) { this.inventory.set(1, itemstack1.copy()); } else if (itemstack2.getItem() == itemstack1.getItem()) { itemstack2.grow(itemstack1.getCount()); } itemstack.shrink(1); } } } TileEntity Recipe Class: public class CampfireRecipes { private static final CampfireRecipes SMELTING_BASE = new CampfireRecipes(); private final Map<ItemStack, ItemStack> smeltingList = Maps.<ItemStack, ItemStack>newHashMap(); private final Map<ItemStack, Float> experienceList = Maps.<ItemStack, Float>newHashMap(); /** * Returns an instance of CampfireRecipes. */ public static CampfireRecipes instance() { return SMELTING_BASE; } private CampfireRecipes() { this.addCampfireSmelting(Items.PORKCHOP, new ItemStack(Items.COOKED_PORKCHOP), 0.35F); this.addCampfireSmelting(Items.BEEF, new ItemStack(Items.COOKED_BEEF), 0.35F); this.addCampfireSmelting(Items.CHICKEN, new ItemStack(Items.COOKED_CHICKEN), 0.35F); this.addCampfireSmelting(Items.RABBIT, new ItemStack(Items.COOKED_RABBIT), 0.35F); this.addCampfireSmelting(Items.MUTTON, new ItemStack(Items.COOKED_MUTTON), 0.35F); this.addCampfireSmelting(Items.CLAY_BALL, new ItemStack(Items.BRICK), 0.3F); this.addCampfireSmeltingRecipeForBlock(Blocks.LOG, new ItemStack(Items.COAL, 1, 1), 0.15F); this.addCampfireSmeltingRecipeForBlock(Blocks.LOG2, new ItemStack(Items.COAL, 1, 1), 0.15F); this.addCampfireSmelting(Items.POTATO, new ItemStack(Items.BAKED_POTATO), 0.35F); this.addCampfireSmeltingRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.SPONGE, 1, 1), new ItemStack(Blocks.SPONGE, 1, 0), 0.15F); this.addCampfireSmelting(Items.CHORUS_FRUIT, new ItemStack(Items.CHORUS_FRUIT_POPPED), 0.1F); for (ItemFishFood.FishType itemfishfood$fishtype : ItemFishFood.FishType.values()) { if (itemfishfood$fishtype.canCook()) { this.addCampfireSmeltingRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.FISH, 1, itemfishfood$fishtype.getMetadata()), new ItemStack(Items.COOKED_FISH, 1, itemfishfood$fishtype.getMetadata()), 0.35F); } } } /** * Adds a smelting recipe, where the input item is an instance of Block. */ public void addCampfireSmeltingRecipeForBlock(Block input, ItemStack stack, float experience) { this.addCampfireSmelting(Item.getItemFromBlock(input), stack, experience); } /** * Adds a roasting recipe using an Item as the input item. */ public void addCampfireSmelting(Item input, ItemStack stack, float experience) { this.addCampfireSmeltingRecipe(new ItemStack(input, 1, 32767), stack, experience); } /** * Adds a smelting recipe using an ItemStack as the input for the recipe. */ public void addCampfireSmeltingRecipe(ItemStack input, ItemStack stack, float experience) { if (getCampfireSmeltingResult(input) != null) { net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLLog.info("Ignored campfire recipe with conflicting input: " + input + " = " + stack); return; } this.smeltingList.put(input, stack); this.experienceList.put(stack, Float.valueOf(experience)); } /** * Returns the smelting result of an item. */ @Nullable public ItemStack getCampfireSmeltingResult(ItemStack stack) { for (Entry<ItemStack, ItemStack> entry : this.smeltingList.entrySet()) { if (this.compareItemStacks(stack, (ItemStack)entry.getKey())) { return (ItemStack)entry.getValue(); } } return null; } /** * Compares two itemstacks to ensure that they are the same. This checks both the item and the metadata of the item. */ private boolean compareItemStacks(ItemStack stack1, ItemStack stack2) { return stack2.getItem() == stack1.getItem() && (stack2.getMetadata() == 32767 || stack2.getMetadata() == stack1.getMetadata()); } public Map<ItemStack, ItemStack> getSmeltingList() { return this.smeltingList; } public float getCampfireSmeltingExperience(ItemStack stack) { float ret = stack.getItem().getSmeltingExperience(stack); if (ret != -1) return ret; for (Entry<ItemStack, Float> entry : this.experienceList.entrySet()) { if (this.compareItemStacks(stack, (ItemStack)entry.getKey())) { return ((Float)entry.getValue()).floatValue(); } } return 0.0F; } } Any help would be appreciated as this issue is holding up the development of my mod.
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