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Everything posted by ZenixFire

  1. I'm done. The server is working completely now and all mods are running. The issue with "Fatally missing blocks and items" turns out to be a bug in the latest version of enderIO but reverting to the latest release version (not the latest which is a beta) seems to solve it. Again I do not know how I solved the forge ignoring mods issue I just installed the server again in a new folder and it worked. The server still did it's mirroring thing into another directory but seems to be functioning fully now.
  2. I have made progress! I now have a modded server with all the mods I want to use and a modded client. I installed a fresh copy of the forge server in a new folder and did everything else the same as I tried last time but it now works. Forge server is able to load the mods. There is now a new problem, the client is being kicked by the server for having "Fatally missing blocks and items". I have made sure the mods installed are identical on both client and server and tried deleting the world files and generating a new world; neither of which worked. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. The client is not an issue it runs fine and I can use all the mods I have on it fine. As for how I am running the jar file; do you mean the forge server.jar? If so I am using a batch file to run it with 1Gb base ram and 4Gb allowed. I have also set the PATH manually in the batch file as java is not installed in it's default directory. This batch file has worked to run forge servers in the past and works on this version too except for the issue of forge ignoring the mods in the folder.
  4. Here is the latest log: That is the FULL log from latest.log Now I would like to say once again that I do not care that the installer installed to a place other than where I told it to, it does not matter. I can use it fine where it is. My problem is that it is ignoring the mod jar files I put in the mods folder. Also; I wanted it to go to the D: drive but it mirrored into the C: drive. Once again I do not care that it is in the C: drive or the D: drive.
  5. I believe you; that it is SUPPOSED to put things only where I tell it to, but that is not what it did. That is beside the point though, it runs fine even though it installed in two places. The problem I have is that it ignores the jar files for every mod I try to get it to load.
  6. I just thought of something else, the directory in the C: drive where the installer put it is inside a hidden folder. I guess that constitutes as weird and possibly worth mentioning?
  7. Both the C: and the D: are actual, physical hard drives. The C: is a 120GB with the OS and not much else on it and the D: is a 1TB where I install most things. They are not virtual hard drives or anything weird.
  8. Ok so as for installation directory I know something weird happened there. I installed to a folder on my D: drive but the installer actually duplicated the directory in the C: drive and installed to both. I have been testing and the copy in the D: drive where I wanted it to go is like a ghost copy, it is not used. When i boot up the server it reads from the files in the C: drive copy but I can use the forge.jar in the D: drive to boot it. I don't know why this happened but it seems to run fine so I just ignored it.
  9. I think there is something wrong with the logs because they don't show a full print out of what I see in the boot up print out. The error says (I'm copying this out myself): [Server thread/WARN] [FML]:Zip file zerocore-1.10.2- failed to read properly, it will be ignored java.oi.FileNotFoundExeption: D:\Minecraft Sever Stuff\1.10.2 mod\mods\zerocore-1.10.2- <The device object parameter is either not a valid device object or is not attached to the volume specified by the file name> ... I cannot update to 1.12.2 because some mods I'm using don't have versions for that. I don't know why the log file omits most of this so I have copied it out by hand. The same message appears for every mod just different .jar files in each message I could screenshot what I see...
  10. I have been trying to set up a modded server (1.10.2) with the latest version of forge ( and forge runs fine. The server boots up, I can connect to it (even with a fully modded client) but the server refuses to load mods in the mods folder. It says that it can't read the jar file for every mod then proceeds to ignore them all and load nothing but its default 3 mods which are forge itself. I have looked everywhere for a solution and given up so this is basically a last resort. Any help would be appreciated.
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