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Everything posted by Tarista

  1. You might find the issue has been resolved. The server might have just been offline or something. I can now get to that website from the browser. Also the latest version is 1.7.9-1.12.2
  2. Thats perfect, Thank you I completely missed the tagCount function. I should have spotted that when reading the NBTTagList Class
  3. It's a mess of prototyping code that was half finished at the point of asking for help with a component that I've not had experience with nor have I had to do before. I'm a C++, C# Developer primarily. I've been learning Java for a little while. Your comment is wholesomely unneed and completely stupid to have put on a literal help topic. I wasn't asking for help with my Java skills, I was asking for help with a component I've not used before in any of my mods. I've been looking through other peoples mods with little avail so I though I'd ask the community. Forge isn't normal Java, Nor is Minecraft, the moment you hit Game Design you'll find a lot of things that don't function the way you would have originally thought they they'd work. For me, this is one of them.
  4. Sorry to sound like an idiot but I've got no clue how I'd do that. The NBTBase nbt part of the readNBT is throwing me. Could you possibly show me what you mean? Thanks for the help so far
  5. I'm glad I was right about the NBT data. I thought it might be wrong. I'll check the tick Phase Thanks ClientTick, because I was being lazy, the class used to do something else and I'm yet to have refactored the name. Yeah, I've got plans on changing the way the Capabilies are set up but I wanted to be able to write to it before I sorted out everything else. Right, I think I've sorted out the writing of the data but I don't know how I'd then read it.
  6. Hi, So I'm relatively new to Game Design as a whole so this concept is something I understand but I can't work out how to do it in Forge specifically. I'm sure there is a relatively simple way of doing it. I want to be able to allow players to add items ( ItemStack or Item ) to a player specific Blacklist and from there have my Server sided code Read that from the event.player ( EntityPlayer ) on the TickEvent.PlayerTickEvent. I've thought about using NBT but I feel like that would start to get out of hand so I've been looking into Capability's but I'm not 100% sure on how I would go about storing ItemStacks or just Items. I feel like there is a simple way to do this but I'm missing it. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance TickEvent Capability's Attempt, unfinished due to not knowing how to handle item stacks Hope some of that helps understand my issue. Virtually every tutorial or topic I've seen about this has had the parms of ReadNBT and WriteNBT have been NBTCompound nbt instead of what I've got from mine.
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